reader x freddy

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(Butler au hope you guys like it also the arts not mine credit to whoever's the artist my bad TwT)

Third persons pov
there was an awkward silence as y/n stared at the guy her parents hired .they hired her a butler y/n just kept on staring at her parents like are you guys serious look she wasn't mad or anything but they already had maids and others to take care of the house and a butler wasn't really needed so she was werry confused .y/n's dad looked at her and started speaking "as you can see we hired a butler to keep you our of trouble for the future 2 months me and your mother are gone"he said normally while y/n just kept on staring in confusion "2 months!?what do you mean I can take care of myself plus we already have maids we didn't need a butler and plus a butler to just watch over me!"y/n said in somewhat of an angered tone but quietly since the butler was just on the other side of the door, "oh come on dear last time we left you alone at home you nearly got yourself killed by getting stuck inside of the bathroom" y/n's mother said calmly "mom!you promised to never talk about that it was an accident plus the maids saved me"y/n said triggered "after 2 days..." her father commented .y/n just glared and looked down at the ground in defeat "let's just get this over with the hell are you guys going for 2 m o n t h s.." she said "we're going somewhere we where invited you shouldn't worry about it.."her mother said quietly .

Freddys pov
I just stood there in front of the door waiting for them to open the door 'if it wasn't all thanks to golden yeeting my hat into this house I wouldn't be here in my human form atleast the pizzariaz shut down and I can do this in ease how did golden even get here from the beggining..i rather not know',just as I was talking to myself in my head the door slowly creeked open and I saw the man I assume is the house keeper I greeted them or whatever butlers do I just hope this 2 months go by fast .

Time skip cuas I'm sadly lazy☆

Y/n's pov
Its been a week since this guy was hired as the butler I assume he's name is freddy I never bothered to know I didn't really litsen when he was somewhat introducing himself to atleast he cooks good but I can't ignore the fact he's kind of handsome and cute and no I don't have a crush on him...fine maybe a tiny one even my friend who's one of the maids think we would look good together he kind of emmbarassing .I slowly got up and exited my room walking to the kitchen to get something to eat as I was getting there I bumped into a tall figure "oof..."I slowly looked up to see freddy aka my butler standing there he looked at me "I'm werry sorry did I hurt you?."he said in a worried tone wait is he worried t7gw7tga oh god I need to calm myself down I do not like him plus he's my butler and I do n o t like himmm
I wish I realised I was blushing cuas he slightly bent down "are you sick or seem a bit red" he said staring at me with he's ocean eyes I could feel my face getting even hoter "yes I'm fine don't worry about it bye!!"I fastly said and ran to the kitchen awkwardly .

Ok I'm going to stop right here I'm werry sorry but I have an exam tommorow and life's just a mess I hope you guys are having a great day goodbye ♡

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