(Spring) Trapped

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I didn't...want this...

No...I didn't...

I didn't ask for this...

To be brought back...

To be...given life...

Every day...

Again and again...

I want revenge

On the one inside...too...

But why is it...I must suffer...

For his mistakes?

He hurt so many people...

Using me to do it...

I did my part...

I killed him...

And the other survives

There were 2

One for each suit

Both golden...

Everyone thinks

There was only one...

And that one is inside of me...

But 2 are shown

Both responsible...

They forget the other

The other who controlled
From outside...

Hiding in a corner...

The other one...

Who used the bear instead...
Who knew how to operate it...

Who locked the locks...

And listened when told to stop...

Where's the 2nd one?

I'll find him

I'll make him suffer

Like I suffer!

They can see now

Can't they?

My suit is torn...

He's visible now

Does nobody care?!

Does nobody care that I'm not just robotic?!

Oh...I see now...

They want me like this...

I will find my way to you

The other one

The number 2...

The one everyone overlooks...

They only see the one

The one with a badge...

The one inside me...

But the one who

Got away, everyone misses...

Just a strange man...

Only appearing once...

Standing in the corner

While Foxy runs out

To find dead children

And no one connects the dots...

There's 2, I swear...

There's 2...

And until I find the other

I will be here...

He will hurt as I do

I'll find an old suit

Somewhere in here

And stuff you inside

Other purple man...

The one everyone forgets

But I...I haven't forgotten...

I never will...

I will be reminded every day...

I live this nightmare...

Or maybe....

A living nightmare?

I don't want...

To disappear...

I'm afraid to be shutdown...

It's true...

But I don't want to continue...

Not like this...

I used to entertain...

I used to bring joy!

Now all I see...

All I cause...

Is fear...

Because of these men here...

Don't be afraid kiddies

I just want to play...

I want you to join my nightmare...

No...that's not it...

Wait, no!

This man inside me...

Makes me say things...

I don't mean...

Think things I don't think!

Get him out!


I don't....I don't want to suffer anymore...

I never wanted to scare...anyone...

It wasn't ME who killed them!

It was HIM!

Make HIM suffer, not me!

Oh...I see...

I'm the only one left...

I have to survive...

I have to...suffer...

Suffer everyday...

Until I find the other one...

Some other people...

They found me locked up

Behind these damned doors...

I couldn't break down...

They took me to a new place...

To a giant maze...

I can finally move...

Who's this?

Hiding in the back room?

He may have aged but...

I know it's him...

Looks like we're both a bit...


Worse for wear...

But for me it's...

Just a bit more literal...

Damned traitor...

Setting fire to the place...

Thinking he'd get away...

But why's the idiot back here?

Shut up!

We can only agree on one thing...

We're killing him...

Both for different reasons

But he's as good as dead...

The hunt is on!

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