Winner! Winner!

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                                                                      Fanmade Best Ending

Vanessa's outstretched hand twitched as she slowly stirred from her slumber. Her head hurt; it was painful to breathe. An unforgiving beeping assaulted her ears; very faintly, she could hear glitchy and distorted screaming. Glowing red eyes. Vanessa forced a breath into her lungs, clearing her throbbing head. She slowly shifted, lifting her hands to her face, and feeling something blocking her. A mask. With a grunt and ignoring her wailing muscles, Vanessa lifted the mass from her face and threw it aside, gasping in the glorious fresh air. She looked around, squinting at the bright lights. She was laying on the catwalk above Fazer Blast. Confused robots whirred around, trying to find their way out of the maze or waiting for instructions.

"What the hell happened here?"

She looked at the mask beside her and gasped. She looked down at herself and grimaced at the bunny suit she was wearing; Vanessa's skin crawled whenever the fabric rubbed against her flesh. The uneven stitching and coloring, the unnerving mask.... Nononono...

Vanessa grabbed onto the railing and shakily stood up. She yanked off the paw-like gloves, trying to remove as much godforsaken suit as possible. How could she have been so weak?! So stupid?! She should have never gathered those tapes. Hell, she should have never agreed to be a beta tester for that cursed VR game. So many people have died because of her-

Vanessa slipped, cutting off her train of thought. The blaring beeping noise she heard earlier came from the fire alarms. Smoke was snaking its way into the laser attraction; that's why it hurt to breathe. Vanessa coughed into her arm. She needed to make things right again. And she could start by saving that kid. Vanessa stumbled her way across the catwalk. As she does so, she forced herself to remember where she saw him last. If her memory was correct, Gregory was last spotted near the front doors before he and Roxy took off; why, she could not remember. Her eyes watered.

Everything hurt.

Vanessa slowly walked down the spiral stair, holding tightly onto the railing and her side. She felt like she got plowed by a truck, but she pressed on. Vanessa wished she still had access to the camera feed, that way she could look for Gregory and Roxy easier. The disoriented woman walked down the stairs and quickly entered the main area of Fazer Blast. She forced her way out and stumbled into the arcade. The ground around her shook and the usual neon lights were off; the breakers must have malfunctioned. Vanessa looked up and screamed, coming face to face with DJ Music Man. The spider animatronic grabbed her and lifted her to his face. Vanessa whimpered. "Music Man," she murmured. The animatronic scratched his head, then pointed to her suit.

Vanessa sighed, "I know what happened... I know what he made me do..." she said.

DJ Music Ma's eyebrows furrowed, a growl escaped him, and his grip on her tightened. Vanessa groaned, "Listen to me! I did everything in my power to fight him off, but it wasn't enough! But Gregory beat him. Now... I just want to make things right, so please. Help me get everyone out of here," he said.

Music Man tapped his gloved finger on the floor, then sighed and nodded his head. He loosened her grip, allowing her to breathe easier. Vanessa thanked him. The DJ placed her on his shoulder, and they were off. The east section of the mall was in flames, the inferno slowly crawling toward the ceiling. Vanessa cried out, pulling Music Man's attention to a nearby shop. Roxanne ran out of the crumbling store, holding Gregory's limp body against her; oil dripped down her face, and wires poked out of where her eyes were meant to be. She howled in distress, trying to get her bearings. Roxy narrowly avoided a surge of flames and collapsed on the floor, then crawled away from the fire.

Music Man forced his way through the small exit and grabbed her. With another arm, he blew out the main doors and pointed urgently at them; Vanessa slid down his shoulder and (ignoring the pain in her head and sides) grabbed Roxanne's hand. Without another word, they ran outside and into the cool air; they kept going until they reach the grass of the property. Roxy dropped to the ground, "Who are you?!" she asked.

"... It's me."

Roxy pulled Gregory closer, "Vanessa... You're free," she said, not sounding pleased.

Vanessa pursed her lips, "I am. I woke up in Fazer Blast and bumped into Music Man. He's rescuing the others."

From the burning building came a deafening crack and then a massive portion collapsed into itself. However, the horror that surrounded them was quickly replaced by relief as Music Man forced his way out of the entrance. In his hands, he carried their friends. At least... the ones that were alive.


The air was cold. It pierced his lungs like knives, causing Gregory to groan. His ears were ringing, and his whole body hurt. He touched the ground and felt it was soft with an earthy smell. The ground shook as something massive approached him, but the little boy did not stir. He simply allowed for a large, gloved hand to gently flip him onto his back.

"Hey, little man. Come on now, wake up."

"He's breathing, right? Right?!"

"Calm down, Chica. He is breathing."

The pain ebbed away, just enough for him to open his eyes. His throat felt as dry as a desert. He could barely make out a green blob, a pink outline, and a woman in white. Gregory's hand twitched, "... w-... water..." he croaked. Rapid footsteps echoed around him. Cold, metallic hands picked him up, placing him in a semi-sitting position; he could vaguely hear the sound of gears clinking. The person's chest was not exactly comfortable, but it felt strangely reassuring. Safe. The pink outline returned, "Here! I found some water for you," they said. Their voice was high-pitched. Whoever was holding him, gently shook him. "Come on, Greg. Drink up," he said. He could identify some sort of southern accent. A bottle was put near his mouth and Gregory happily drank, soothing his parched throat. He coughed a bit, his head clearing. He realized the soft floor was grass; Monty was holding him. The pink outline was Chica, who was helping him drink; Vanessa, dressed in a rabbit costume, watched the scene with eyes full of worry.

Gregory let out a gurgled scream and tried to get up, frightened by her presence. Monty hung onto him, "Whoa, whoa. Ah' know you scared of 'er but she's cool. She's come to her senses," he said.

Vanesa put her hands together, "I don't know what you did Gregory, but you saved me," she said.

"You tried to kill me..." whispered Gregory.

Vanessa flinched at the words, "I promise you I never wanted to willingly hurt you. I couldn't... I couldn't fight him off," she said, her voice breaking.

Gregory relaxed in Monty's grip. Vanessa's eyes welled up with tears. Her hands were shaking, and her hair was a mess. Just like him, she has been through a hellish night. He did not want to imagine what she endured, or the things Afton forced her to do. God, what if he also forced her to partake in the killings? Gregory touched his head; everything was so confusing. The boy sat up, "What happened to you?" he asked. Then his blood ran cold. "Where's Roxy?!"

"I'm over here."

Monty moved to the side. Chica was cradling Roxy, her eyes covered by bandages. A giant, spider-like animatronic loomed over them, their pupilless eyes staring down at them; one hand loomed over his large set of headphones while the other patted Chica's back, perhaps trying to console her. Roxanne's clothes were singed, and the tips of her fur were dark with soot. Other than missing her eyes again, she was functional; however, it didn't make her condition any better. Gregory sighed in relief, glad to see she was alive at least. Vanessa crossed her arms, "Thank God I found DJ Music Man in the arcade. I would have never gotten you out of there on my own," she said.

Gregory quirked an eyebrow, "You got us out? Why?"

"I wasn't going to let you die."

Vanessa put her hands on her hips and looked away, trying to contain the tears. Her demeanor showed she was barely holding it together. The blonde woman kept stammering and shaking. Gregory felt bad for her, but some part of him was still weary of her. After all the failed attempts to defeat Afton, Gregory was dubious of their "success." Still, he should give her the benefit of the doubt and hope that the Blob finished him off, therefore, freeing Vanessa. Gregory reached his hand out to her with a small smile. Vanessa looked up, gasping softly before taking the little boy's hand. The two exchanged a look of understanding. They both suffered a lot tonight... But they could also heal together.

The DJ animatronic above them lifted Roxy and gently set her down beside him. The wolf animatronic moved her hand around, looking for him until Monty grabbed her hand and put it on Gregory's head. She gently ruffled his hair, "That's my pup. Good job, Gregory!" she said.

Gregory chuckled then looked at Vanessa. "I-is it over? Like, really over?" he asked.

Vanessa took a deep breath, "Yes. Afton's out of my head, so that could only mean he's dead for good. The fire must've finally gotten to him," she replied.

Monty adjusted his glasses. "Ah' can't find anything wrong with ma programming, so she ain't lying."

"Everything is in order for me too!" chimed Chica.

A sense of calm washed over the group. Finally, they were at peace after six hours of pure chaos and disarray. Gregory looked at the rising sun over the grassy hills. His eyes welcome the sunrise, that iris of fire so pretty in its mascara of pure light; it was a sign that he prevailed. For the first time in a long time, Gregory had hope. With Afton gone, Roxy was going to keep him by her side. They could be a family like he hoped. Roxy brought him in closer, "What happens now, Vanessa?" she asked.

Vanessa gave her a slight smile. "Well, you guys are by far the most popular animatronics in the entire franchise so I highly doubt you will be decommissioned. And trust me, you won't," she replied.

"And how do you know?" questioned Chica.

Vanessa gave her a sly smile. "There is this wonderful thing known as 'blackmail' that I can use against them. They would have to admit they built the complex on a literal sinkhole; that alone could warrant a serious lawsuit. And it be sooo unfortunate if someone were to let it slip that kids have been disappearing again," she said with a smug shrug of her shoulders.

The group exchanged triumphant glances. And so, they decided to wait for the fire department while watching the sunset. Whatever happens next, they will figure it out together.


Gregory stood in the balcony seating above the Grand Stage, clapping and cheering. Vanessa sat beside him, smiling. They watched in awe as the Glamrock animatronics sang and danced, show lights shining around them. Their metal bodies gleamed brighter than ever. Gregory beamed as Roxy and Monty jumped from the floating platforms, performing acrobatics while playing their instruments. Chica giggled and danced between them, a smile on her beak. Freddy took the main spot, his voice echoing through the vast arena and causing the crowd below to go while.

It has been almost six months since the security breach. The company did its usual thing, covering up its tracks, and completely uprooted the Mega Pizzaplex. They tried to fire Vanessa and force her into silence, but she proved to be a voracious fighter. She threatened to go to the press; furthermore, Gregory was a prime witness to everything that went down. If no one believed his words, they would most certainly believe his injuries as well as Roxy's memory files. As a result, Vanessa was appointed head of security, her pay tripled, and they even facilitated Gregory's adoption. Hell, to ensure he was quiet, they allowed the Glamrocks to maintain their artificial humanity. So, it was a win-win in the end!

While the new location was being built, the company technicians fixed up the animatronics, updated their software, and repaired their casings. Glamrock Freddy and Sun/Moon were brought back; by some miracle, their memory files survived the fire and were stored in a hard drive. It took some time for their personalities to return, but nothing mattered. They were just glad to be back. Gregory remembered when he saw Roxanne again, the first thing she said was "I'm going to start wearing shades from now on, I'll be damned if I lose my eye again."

Gregory found the joke amusing... in a morbid way.

The little boy and his guardian watched as the show ended. The animatronics walked backward toward the center stage and waved their fans goodbye. Cameras flashed as the platform started to descend. Gregory jumped from his seat and rushed down the stairs; Vanessa softly laughed behind him. He sprinted through the dense crowd, weaving between gaps with perfect precision. Months of consistent care and sleep have rejuvenated him; he has never had so much energy in his life. Gregory reached a red elevator, he dug into his pocket for his security badge and held it up to the scanner; you get great benefits when your mom is head of security. Gregory entered the elevator, the doors closed behind him. A minute later, he found himself in the familiar halls of the Utility Tunnels, only this time they were fully lit. The creepy weeping angel-like endos that lurked in the shadows were now being properly stored and deactivated in locked hangars.

Gregory walked calmly down the tunnel and then turned left; he quickly got familiar with the layout of the new location since he could take his time and explore without worrying about a robot coming after him. The boy scanned his security badge once again and stepped into Parts & Service. The Glamrocks turned at the sound of the door opening, bright smiles on their faces. Roxy looked away from a nearby mirror, "Gregory!"

"You all did amazing!" exclaimed Gregory.

Roxy walked towards him and pulled him into a hug, "There's my favorite pup!"

Monty lifted his glasses, "Ya got more kids we need to know about?" he sighed.

Chica squawked, then slapped his arm. Monty has taken it upon himself to be the cool, yet unfiltered uncle; consequently, Chica and Freddy watch over him, making sure he doesn't say anything inappropriate in Gregory's presence. Then again, Roxy did a horrible job in that department; the kid knows how to cuss up a storm and was stubborn as a mule. There's nothing wrong with a very confident kid, but Vanessa hoped she could calm him down before he gets himself into trouble.


Roxy lifted him. She playfully ruffled his hair, her amber-colored eyes shining brightly. Chica stood beside her, arms wrapped around Roxy's waist. Freddy walked out of the protective cylinder, adjusting his bow tie. "There's our superstar!" he chuckled. His bright blue eyes were filled with his usual cheerfulness. The colorful automatons gathered around her, causing a smile to surface. Roxanne laughed quietly, "Come on, everyone! Sunny set up a party in the Daycare. He should be waiting for us," she said. Her friends smiled and cheered as they headed towards the exit. They talked gleefully amongst themselves, ready to party.


Gosh, this is so strange. I have never truly written the ending of a story before so this feels kind of awkward yet enlightening. We did it! The Winning Duo made it through their horrible ordeal and are living the high life. Thank you all for supporting me through your comments and votes. I adored writing this, considering this is probably the most popular concept within the fandom, and wish there were more stories like this. It's interesting to think about "What if" scenarios and bring them to life. Anyway, thank you all once again for reading this! 😎

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