FNaF2: meeting the puppet.

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This one's a little different. It's from a childs p.o.v! Said child dies, but that's for a different chapter.

I made Charlotte older in this. Instead of 1980-1983 I changed the dates a bit. (MatPat please don't come for me). So it's 1977-1982. Elizabeth's the same.

Charlottes P.O.V

We're visiting a new pizza place that daddy made today, to animatronics look like toys. Daddy says I'm gonna meet someone today. Maybe it's Lizzie! We don't go to her house anymore. Daddy never tells me why. Lizzie told me that her parents were getting a divorce in school, but why can't we go over to her house! Lizzie can only come to our house if Aunt Clara (Mrs Afton) drives her.

We went into the pizza place. It was very noisy. There were kids squealing and laughing all over the place. I saw the new toy animatronics Bonnie was really funny, there was a robot at the wall it was very mangled-looking. Some kids were ripping its legs off and putting them in places where the legs  shouldn't be. "Come on Charly, don't you wanna see your new friend?" Daddy asked. I nodded and he took me to a huge gift box. Then he knocked on the box 7 times and out popped a very tall robot, it looked kinda like a puppet. "This is puppet he'll protect you" daddy said. And that's how I met my second best friend.

Hi, this one's really short. But everything I write is short. Ya like it? Ya hate it? Let me know! Okay bye

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