Chapter 20 : Dance Me

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After Taehyung expresses from somewhere silence crashes down and both males cannot utter anything further to each other. When an extraordinary feeling awakens inside Jungkook, a storm blows in Taehyung's heart after the confession. 

Two opposites collide too soon but it has taken ages,it has burned unnecessary senses, and it has chopped egos and anger to collide together.

The quiet male experiences the extreme chaos which causes a surge inside him like a tsunami and the bloody mafia ultimately confronts peace like that stream which slowly flows with its own serene in the small green valley. 

Jungkook desired this. It's enough for today. He doesn't want to know anything else from Taehyung presently. Jungkook is well aware that the male will not be more daring now as he had enough. Jungkook takes his steps back.

" I promise you won't regret it." 

It was a shockingly soft low tone that left from Jungkook's parting lips. Taehyung struggled to consume.

There was silence. Jungkook turns his heels to leave. But he halted as he turned back to face Taehyung again. 

"I came to invite you."  Taehyung didn't look at Jungkook.

  "There's a party planned for tomorrow night at the beachside area." 

"And I'll be expecting you there."  

Jungkook completed his sentence as he looked down at his shirt, his fingertips rubbed the paint. He looked at Taehyung and then gently touched the tip of Taehyung's nose with his finger. Soon paint was visible on Taehyung's little nose.  

Taehyung was startled as he touched his nose and doe eyes looked up and discovered Jungkook's naughty smirk on his attractive feature. Soon the mafia turns his heels. While fingers gently held his nose Taehyung stood there silent looking at the mafia walking away.


The beach side area is luxuriously decorated with a extreme modern touch.  The splendor of the party is eye-catching as it should be because Jeon Jungkook never leaves to spend expense on his parties. On top of that he always wants everything to be perfect. Many renowned businessmen, merchants, dealers were present there. 

" The temper is high Jeon." Jungkook smirked as he took a drink.

" Enjoy the party Lee." He said to a man around his age. 

" He still has not arrived. When will he reach here?" Seokjin looks at his watch. 

" Jeon Jungkook sent a car for him." Bambam casually lets out to Seokjin as he takes a sip from his drink. 

" Not surprised." Seokjin informs. Bambam  looked at him, raising one eyebrow. 

" It would be nice if you stop looking at me like that. I had witnessed Taehyung followed by a wet Jungkook. I mean his shirt was. "

 Seokjin completed saying whatever he saw as he took a sip from his drink with some attitude. Slightly shaking his head  Bambam suppressed  his smile as he took another sip as well.

" I'm missing Namjoon. Though , he will arrive tomorrow. For some inconvenience he's unable to catch up with us here today. I'm sad." 

" I see. Mingle people and their crises." Bambam mumbled as he again started drinking.  Seokjin narrowed his eyes towards him.

" Jeon." Bambam shifted his eyes towards a familiar voice and caught two men walking near him.

"Your special guests are here." Bambam said to Jungkook who turns back after he excused some of his business partners with whom he was in some conversation. .

" What a pleasant view! Glad to see."  Jungkook spoke out after turning behind.

"Welcome Min Yoongi and Park Jimin ." The mafia welcomed two males. Both men wore a slim smile on their handsome faces, strikingly giving a hot rich couple vibe as they stood in front of the mafia.

" Ecstatic to see you also Jeon. After a long time we ultimately met." Min Yoongi answered.

" Indeed. It was last year."   Jimin said. Like usual a thin half suppressed smile of Jungkook was offered to them. 

" I couldn't get any time. By the way, have some."

Jimin and Yoongi took their glass of drinks from the waiter who arrived there, offering them drinks. Seokjin smiled at Jimin and Yoongi as they all struck up some conversation.

Park Jimin and Min Yoongi are Jungkook's old dealers.  These two men have been in contact with Jungkook since the beginning of his underworld business. These business partners are the only ones loyal to Jungkook from the start. They respect the dominant male. They have an old bond with him.

" I will call Taehyung. He's still not coming. He didn't come with me. I asked him multiple times. Sitting calmly he informed me he had a painting to wrap up.  By now maybe he is on the way. I requested him to come." Seokjin spoke out to Bambam.

"Someone else might have invited him too.” Completing the sentence, Seokjin glanced sideways at Jungkook who was in conversation with Yoongi. He then dialed Taehyung's number as he began stepping towards the entrance.

"You guys are departing tonight right?" Bambam asked Jimin.

" Of course. Some new contracts have been signed and those products will go overseas. Besides, your mafia is already holding demands for some new rifles. It also has a responsibility on the shoulders." Jimin responded as he continued.

"As Yoongi and I run the business together.  So it is our equal duty as business partners. Only because of Jungkook we are here today even with such a busy schedule. "  

Jimin reached out to Yoongi for something after Yoongi and Jungkook were done talking. Jungkook's eyes shifted towards the entrance. Soon he heard Bambam's voice who was beside him all along.

" Will he bless his presence here?"  Jungkook's orbs changed course to look at Bambam. 

" I invited him. He will. " Jungkook bluntly replied. Bambam expected that already. Jungkook again turned to talk with Yoongi. He brought the glass of wine to his lips but before he could take a sip he stopped hearing Bambam's voice.

" And here he enters."  

Holding the drink, the mafia turned his head to look behind and soon his gaze captured the beautiful existence in the entrance. Those mesmerizing eyes were looking around. Jungkook turns back and simply eyes seemed to glued on Taehyung.

" Gorgeous." Jungkook murmured. 

While entering with Seokjin Taehyung looked around him a little uncomfortable as he's not used to socializing that much. Wandering gaze of Taehyung soon notices the dominant male standing with all his glamor in a black outfit.

 One hand holding a glass of drink another is inside his pants pocket as ebony orbs are fixed on him already. Taehyung couldn't put himself in a position to look away from Jungkook. Both were staring at each other.

Soon Seokjin and Taehyung reached the group. Jimin and Yoongi looked at the petite male. It was a new face they confronted here. 

" Wow. Who's this striking male?" Jimin lets out to Yoongi. That was audible for Jungkook and Bambam. Bambam smirked as it was not startling to hear Taehyung was striking. He takes a glance at Jungkook.

" He's Taehyung. " Seokjin introduces. Taehyung uttered nothing. 

" Here." Bambam handed a glass of drink to Taehyung. He takes that politely. Frequently Taehyung's gaze encounters  Jungkook's.

A slightest smirk was playing on Jungkook's lips and his tempting gaze seemed to engulf Taehyung with that. Nonetheless, he struggles to remain calm. This man alone holds the power to form all the hurricane of the universe within him. 

" I'll leave early because Namjoon is not here. I need to phone him as well. I'm not feeling so refreshed either." 

Sudden information of Seokjin's departure before the party came to an end made Taehyung look at him, which he hadn't anticipated. Seokjin looked at Taehyung with a soft smile as he whispered to him in a gentle tone. 

" Jungkook is here. Do not worry." Taehyung felt his heartbeat cease. 

" Excuse me." Receiving a phone call Bambam walked away from there. 

" Let's cheer." Seokjin forwarded his drink. Followed by everyone Taehyung forwarded his glass in the end.

" Cheers." Except Taehyung everyone uttered and five expensive fine glasses clinked together.

Keeping his intense gaze on Taehyung, Jungkook cheered like he was solely speaking to the beautiful male. Thereafter he took a sip looking at him. Taehyung endeavored to stay normal as Jungkook's constant stare was spinning him fidgety, unstable, restless, and whatnot.

 Looking away from the captivating gaze Taehyung slowly brought his glass of drink to his roseate lips and took a small sip. Not being fond of drinking that much he just tested a bit, later simply held the glass.

Soon Bambam came as he informed something to Jungkook in a whispering tone so that it became inaudible to others. Seokjin began speaking with Jimin and Yoongi as they simply walked around the party while having their drinks. 

" He holds beauty."  Yoongi compliments, one time glancing back at Taehyung, and Jimin agrees.  

" He speaks less." Seokjin smiles as he lets out. 

"We sensed that already. " They take a seat and then concentrate on some conversation.

Taehyung didn't bother Seokjin to stay beside him despite feeling slightly uncomfortable. Seokjin just can't linger always beside him, so he remains silent.

It wouldn't be a lie if he agreed that Jungkook's presence was providing him some strange kind of security. He feels it. 

And the feeling is something lofty and pleasing.

Looking towards the sea Taehyung was still holding the glass though he's not taking any sip further. Jungkook looked around them and called a waiter. Almond eyes of the petite male drifted at the mafia. Jungkook motioned him with his eyes to put the glass on the plate. 

Taehyung forwarded his hand as he placed the drink on the plate the waiter was holding in front of him. He pushed to the limit to avoid Jungkook's gaze, presently he was alone standing with the dominant male.

Before Jungkook could speak out to Taehyung he heard Bambam's voice again. Jungkook was about to curse but restrained himself as he neared his eyes to calm him down.  Thereafter he turned back to look at Bambam. 

Discerning the solemnity Jungkook slightly steps away from Taehyung to have a brief serious discussion with Bambam on an essential matter. Near the counter, Taehyung stood alone staring at the sea but his loneliness did not last long for a good amount of time got startled by a male.

" Hello beautiful, would you like to dance with me ?" 

"  I'm Wonho."  A tall handsome man approached him as he asked out, forwarding his hand to Taehyung. 

Taehyung was taken aback. He never presumed that he would receive such a proposal from a stranger abruptly as he is not a person who naturally socializes with everyone, he doesn't even like to voice out.

 Taehyung fidgets with his finger looking at the male's hand. Not even a simple denial as a 'no' coming out of his mouth. He loathes his quietness occasionally and feels agitated.

Receiving hush as there was no answer from Taehyung, Wonho again asked out." Would you like to dance with me ?" 

" He wouldn't like that."

Wonho heard the dominant voice hurled at him, clear and sharp. Taehyung's eyes were looking behind Wonho. Wonho turned around and saw the mafia standing there.

Quiet observant eyes of Taehyung from behind Wonho looking at Jungkook with a slice of nervousness. He's unable to pinpoint the exact reason but Jungkook's sharp fascinating feature was shouting silent anger. 

Not only Taehyung's eyes were on the mafia because of his subtle outrage but the mafia stood extra attractive to him. He was ensnared in his captivating aura. The quiet male was incapable of taking his eyes off him for some reason.

" Jeon. Actually, I saw him standing here alone so I  didn't take much time to ask him out for a dance. Though his glamour pulled me here more." Wonho delivered a smile as he expressed.

Silently listening to him Jungkook poked his inner cheeks with his tongue as dark orbs silently piercing Wonho. Afterward, he looked at the other side, clenching his jaw. He drank the entire glass of his drink in one gulp and set the glass down on the table with a thud. 

Thereafter putting his hand into his pocket he turns to face Wonho again.

" Mind if you leave us alone."

Nothing like politeness mixing with ordering form Jungkook spoke out to Wonho for the second time. His eyes grew dark. Wonho senses Jungkook's transforming demeanor eventually, though he's not aware of the reason. 

  " Alright. If you say I'll take my leave. Sorry to bother you." Wonho said as he left the duo.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung after Wonho left.  Taehyung lowered his gaze and soon looked everywhere but at Jungkook.  That raw intense gaze was irresistible to him.  It was darkened with some emotions.

Later, Taehyung heard Jungkook's voice.

" You wanted to dance with him? " 

Jungkook raised a question, eyes fixed on Taehyung as he waited for the answer. Taehyung uttered nothing but he shook his head as a no. Jungkook smirked, he knew the answer yet he had asked.

Before he could say anything further to the beautiful male, Jimin and Yoongi both arrived there to inform Jungkook about their leave. 

" We managed to find some time to arrive here. But urgently we have to depart." Jimin informed Jungkook. 

" It is not possible to stay longer. Hope to see you again one day. We will take our leave now, Jungkook." Yoongi said. 

" Alright then. We'll meet again of course." Jungkook replied with a small smile. 

" Bye Taehyung." Jimin waved at him. Taehyung wasn't expecting this. He made an effort to put on a smile as he nodded slightly to maintain politeness.  Soon after, Yoongi and Jimin left the party.

After their departure, Taehyung again  discovered himself alone with Jungkook despite the many presence around them. 

" Now tell me." 

" Why were you avoiding my gaze?" Jungkook closed the distance between them as he forwarded his steps. Taehyung looked at the dominant male.

 The beautiful male turned unprepared for the sudden increasing proximity and the personal question. 

" Don't." Taehyung's whispering tone let out as his uneasy gaze looked around at everyone. He takes a few steps back.

" What don't?" Jungkook's voice turns low.

" Don't c-come closer." 

A slim smile tugged at Jungkook's lips. Soon his next step slightly surprised Taehyung. 

" Hope you don't mind dancing with me." Leaning near Taehyung, Jungkook whispered. And innocent almond eyes slightly widened.

" Dance with me." Jungkook backed away as he forwarded his hand. 

Taehyung glanced at his hand and thereafter around him. Jungkook is well aware of the reason for Taehyung's hesitation.

" Take my hand." Jungkook said pointing to his forwarded hand. 

The way Jungkook spoke out with his eyes from nowhere, Taehyung earned courage as he slowly put his hand on the rough palm. The next moment, shivers rushed through Taehyung's body Jungkook's rough palm seized his soft fingers.

As the night deepened, the view of the sea became more exquisite.  Some are swaying to the beat with their partners in light music at the party.

 The beauty of the sea is dazzling with the moonlight. Taehyung stared at their holding hands from behind as Jungkook was leading him near the wide sea.

His hand held mine so possessively that I was so compelled to go anywhere with him. I wasn't rebellious because I didn't want to. I let him take me wherever he wanted.

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