32 - Punching bag

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  "Claude! Your bac-"

"Get away from me."

"Wha- why are you being so cold?"

"Your not supposed to be here."

"But I wanted to see you."

"Diana would be back any second."

"It's fine, I made sure she would have to shop for a little while longer, plus it's only the brat at home."


"You are unreasonable."


"But you love me~"


"Only because this was an arranged marriage."


"But you didn't cancel now did you?"



I looked up.

"How could you ignore me like that!" Jennette pouted.

I awkwardly chuckled.

'Sorry.' I wrote.

"I still think you should-"

"Cabel." Jennette said as a warning.

Cabel sighed but didn't really back down.

"But cabel does have a point though, zoning out is unlike you athy. Are you okay?" Jennette said.

'Just thinking.' I wrote trying to play it cool even though I was fully aware I was miserably failing.

I couldn't stop thinking about... Him.

"Cabel! Stop bugging athy!" I heard Helena yell for the other group which had Lucas ijekiel and her.

"I'm not!" He yelled back.

"I see that expression you think I don't know!?" Helena screamed back.

It soon turned into a screaming match.


I tried to make myself not known as I shrunk into the background.

'Too loud....'

I know I had to go.

It was too much ....

I stood up and walked out.

I just kept walking untill the noise died.

I sighed.

"Are you okay?"

Somewhere in my head I expected that to be Lucas.

I looked up.

Those eyes aren't red.

That hair isn't black...

I nodded.

"Why did you suddenly leave?" Ijekiel asked me.

I looked.


I forgot my notebook in class...

"She needs this."

I saw an object come flying at me.

It fell at my feet.

My notebook!

I picked it up and instantly knew who was Infront of me.

I mean who else would throw something at someone.

'Thanks.' I wrote.

He just nodded.

'Im fine ijekiel.' I wrote.

"Why are you even here?" Lucas asked ijekiel scanning him up and down in disapproval.

"Im just worried for my friend." Ijekiel said.

"Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend? Who might I add is currently plotting murder." Lucas said.

I tried to contain my shocked expression.

He wouldn't know right....?

No way...

He is joking...


Ijekiel seemed to take it as a joke at least.

"Really Lucas? Why would someone like Jennette even get close to murdering someone." Ijekiel replied.

I wonder how he would react if he knew.

"Ijekiel! Could you help me stop the couple from fighting?" Jennette popped in out of nowhere and asked.

Ijekiel nodded and left.

But Jennette stayed?

"Lucas I suggest you get out of here before I chase you out." Jennette said her tone changing.

"You think your so scary?" Lucas said.

"I don't think, I know." Jennette replied having a cocky smile.


I tugged Lucas sleeve.

'Go and help Helena and cabel please? The two will listen to you more then ijekiel.' I wrote smiling.

He sighed.

He nodded then gave up walking away.

"Why you?" Jennette asked the minute Lucas was out of sight.

"Why does he like you?" Jennette continued.

I just stood there.

"It can be anyone! Anyone but you athy!" Jennette said as she went right up to my face.

"If only you were.... Someone else...." Jennette spoke.

"Athy why does ijekiel like you....?"

"I just want him to like me. That's all I ask, why did it just have to be you. Why do they all seem to like you? You can have Lucas just let me have my ijekiel. Why can't you understand that! Why did he have to like you!" Jennette yelled starting to throw her little fit.

"Sometimes I just wish you weren't my cousin! Wish we were never in the same school and wish you didn't look so much better then me to all of them!" Jennette yelled.

She was mad.

But she was more sad.

Sad that she couldn't do anything to me.

She went quiet.

"S-sorry... Just seeing ijekiel run to you like that... It drives me insane...." She said.

I think she was tearing up.

At that moment... I felt like I was just a punching bag.

You got a problem? Take it out on me.

It wasn't my fault he liked me...

Yet I was the one who is blamed...

"I wish I could just... I don't know..." She said so soft that it could be passed as a whisper.

I stood there and waited for her to calm down.

I guess I just got used to this.

The person people ranted to.

Somehow also the person they took the emotions out on thinking I was them.

I kept on waiting untill I was sure she was calmer.

'I don't like ijekiel, I can guarantee that. Plus didn't he run to you when Lucas said 'Girlfriend'?' I wrote.

She just looked at me.

"In sorry...." She apologized.

I just smiled.

'Its fine.' I wrote

She was guilty as they usually are.

'I told you it's fine. Go to ijekiel. I'll drag out lucas.' I wrote.

She had a slight smile.

"Let's do it!"

 As we both walked to the class i watched how Jennette figited.

  Guess she was feeling bad.

As we both entered we just saw Lucas standing Infront like a teacher while the other three sat down on their seats.

It's as if the fight never happened....

Helena and cabel had their heads down as if they were disappointed in themselves.

There was no sound other then our footsteps.

"Your back." Lucas said seeing that I came in.

I nodded.

'What happened?' I wrote.

Lucas shrugged.

"I just told them that they should shut up. That's all." Lucas said.

So he just said shut up.

Shut up.

How did that even work...

"Jennette you okay?" Ijekiel asked.

She nodded.

"So... Are we ever going to finish this project?" Jennette asked.

Oh I forgot to say.

We were all still in school after school in an empty classroom working on our project.


Amazing teamwork.

Totally didn't digress.

We are never gonna finish this....

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