20 - Picture

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  "Ooo~ does someone fancy another" Helena teased Jennette who blushed.

"What about cabel?" Jennette fired back.

"He's... Okay." Helena replied.

What's with that indifferent response....

"I like him don't get me wrong! I'm just questioning how suitable we both are..." Helena said.

I tapped her shoulder getting her to look at me.

'Describe cabel.' I wrote on her whiteboard which she had in her room and brought it out for me.

"Describe cabel....? He's... Funny, kind, sweet yet somehow like a big trapped in his own web unable to get out. It's as if he's a bird who wants to fly but someone has clipped his wings." Helena said.

'You know him well...' I wrote.

"He's my boyfriend I would hope s-"

"Your dating him!?" Jennette said helping me express my shock.

Helena's eyes widened.

"Looks like the cats out of the bag. Yes I'm dating cabel." Helena admitted.

"Since when!?" Jennette asked.

"Uh... Would you believe it if I say I forgot?" Helena told us.

Jennette was flabagasted.

Because she was the kind of person to remember EVERYTHING.

The first time they held hands.

The first time they looked at each other.

The first time they kissed.

The first time she touched his hair.

I'm not kidding, you name it she remembers it.

I tapped the whiteboard getting both of their attention.

'My point is you at least like him. You understand him. You see his flaws, you see his strength. Whether it's as a friend or more that's for you to decide. But at least know you understand him.' I wrote down.

"I didn't take you for a inspirational speaker." Helena said.

I just had a tight smile.

"Athy is supriseingly inspirational and motivational speaker if she wanted to be." Jennette spoke.

I simply nodded.

"Speaking of athanasia, can you not do homework on a girls night!?" Helena asked me.

I shook my head.

'I need to have good marks. I have priorities.' I wrote.

"Your so boring!" Helena complained.

'Call me boring. As long as I can get my work done it's fine.' I wrote back.

"Ugh! Anyway, anyone in your mind?" Helena said moving the entire topic to me.

I shook my head.

"Are you not interested in anyone? Maybe ijekiel? I noticed he looks your way quite alot." I shivered.


I hesitantly looked up to look at Jennette.

She had the aura of 'Kill'.

Helena you have no idea what kind of grave you dug for me.

I shook my head.

'I wouldn't go for someone my cousin wants.' I wrote.

Jennette's aura toned down but it was still there.

"What about Lucas?" Helena asked.


He's a friend.

'He's a friend.' I wrote.

"But come on! Tell me that those red ruby eyes and that midnight black hair Baird with that beauty mole isn't Hella hot!" Helena said.

Is Lucas her boyfriend or is cabel...?

'I admit he's good looking. But a good face doesn't mean a good personality.' I wrote.

"But you've been spending time with him haven't you? You already somewhat know his personality." Helena told me.

I- I guess?

'Fine I can admit he isn't bad. But I don't think either of us are interested in a relationship. We are both still picking up the pieces of our lives.' I wrote keeping it vauge.

Ironic how I was still hurt by what happened years ago...

No matter how I burry it...

It would still resurface...

"Why are you such a buzz kill." Helena told me.

I shrugged.

Knock knock.

Someone knocked on the door.

No wait...

It wasn't the door...

It was the window.

What the hell...

Helena got up to check it out.

She opened Jennette's curtain.


In a wig...

Wearing a oversized T shirt and jeans.

I don't know if I should admire his dedication.

Or find him extremely stupid...

"Cabel!? What the hell!" Helena yelled.

He blew the window to create fog.

'Open.' he wrote.

Helena shook her head.

"Just let him in Helena, he looks too pitiful." Jennette said holding in laughter.

"Fine." Helena opened the window.

Cabel jumped in.

"Shoes off." Helena ordered.

Cabel nodded and followed.

"Hello." Cabel said doing a fake high pitched voice.

I was speechless...

This was so funny that I had gone speechless...

"Hahahah!" Jennette started bursting out in laughter.

"Cabel we already know it's you." Helena told him snatching off his wig.

"Eh? Did I not look girly enough?" Cabel asked.

"I'm sorry but your trying too hard." Helena told her boyfriend.

"I'll try harder if that's what it takes." Cabel said.

It's honestly strange...

Cabel has his own way of charming...

Yet somehow...

He's also funny yet serious?

I didn't understand cabel.

I won't say I'm close enough to.

"God... Your hopeless..." Helena said sighing.

The rest of the night went by with cabel joining our girls talk but with ear plugs thanks to Helena.

We all agreed to go to sleep since it was 2am.


I was still awake...


Because I kept on hearing bottles being clanged together.

I froze in my sleeping bag.

I told myself that I was hallucinating...

I didn't want to go and see if it was real...


A glass shattered.

My heart beat very fast in my chest.

I hesitantly got up.

I slowly opened the door and slowly walked down the stairs not making a single sound.

I was Jennette's dad...


I felt a pang of guilt.

Why was I the one who knew...

Why did I have to be the only one who knew...

Why couldn't it have been someone else...

I didn't want to see anymore.

I couldn't...

So I ran back upstairs.

As I ran I paused for a moment.

Something caught my eye...

A picture...

Of her...

"No one has to know..."

Shut up....

"We'll just pretend we never wanted this..."

Shut up.


I couldn't take my eyes away from the picture...

I knew I should.

I should pretend like I saw nothing.

I should run.

But just like last time I stood there.

Unable to move a muscle.


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