Chapter 8 - PERIOD

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A few weeks later...

Floras POV:

After that day with Alex, I've been feeling very strange towards him.

He hasn't tried anything again, which kinda disappointed me, but he's been a lot nicer... probably because he's been avoiding me.

"Flora, I can tell that you're not actually reading that." Agatha said from across the table, making me look up from the book that I was pretending to read.

How does she know!

"Yes, I am!" I protested but she just narrowed her eyes at me.

"I don't like liars Flora..."

I huffed then crossed my arms as I sunk back into my seat.

"Okay- fine, I wasn't... it's so boring Agatha, I wanna do something cool!" I explained to her and she just rolled her eyes.

"You baby witches are so annoying... you all want the results, but don't want to put in the effort." she muttered to herself with a sigh as I looked back to her. "It took me years to master my magic Flora, and I was a lot younger than you."

I furrowed my brows at her words, my cheeks flushing red in embarrassment.

It's not my fault... it's not like I knew I was a witch or anything...

"I'm not trying to scold you Flora, I'm trying to help you, you understand?"

I nodded then went to answer her before I interrupted myself with a sneeze.

But suddenly the book in front of me burst into flames, making me gasp as jumped out of my chair and away from it.

Oh no!

"I-I didn't mean to do that- I swear!" I rushed out as I watched her put out the flames with a flick of her wrist.

She then sighed as she looked at the slightly burned book then back at me.

"You see what just happened? That's because you have more power than you know what to do with! Right now, you have the most versatile and powerful magic I have ever seen in a witch, and I've been alive for three hundred years. You can't even handle it all yet, and I'm pretty sure you still haven't reached your potential." She sighed again then walked over to me, holding onto my shoulder as she looked down at me. "That's why it's important for you to do this boring stuff, okay?"

I nodded as I looked at the smoke floating from the blackened book.

That was scary... what if I accidentally set myself on fire next time? Or Agatha?

The thought made me feel even more upset along with her scolding me as I looked back up at Agatha.

I don't like being told off...

"I-I'm really sorry... I don't know how to control it..." I whimpered as my eyes started to fill with tears.

This is all so confusing.

A couple of months ago, I thought supernatural things were just in stories... and now I find out that they are real- and that I'm one too!

"Oh Flora- don't apologise, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to snap at you."

She wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a tight, comforting hug whilst I hugged her back.

"It just frustrates me to see someone with so much power, who doesn't even know how to use it, your parents were so wrong for that... it's dangerous, and if you had gotten into the wrong hands, you could've caused a lot of harm."

But I don't mean to... I don't want any of this!

"I want things to go back to normal Agatha, I don't wanna be a witch anymore... can't you give me my special tea again?" I asked between sniffles, but she just sighed as she stroked my back.

"All that would do is make it more difficult for you Flora; it's not natural, witches are supposed to express their magic... You'll always be a witch and there's nothing you can do to change that sweetie..."

No... I don't wanna be a witch anymore! At first it was cool, but now I hate it!

"No! I-I want my special tea- now!" I shouted, suddenly feeling angry as I pushed her away from me and crossed my arms.

She looked at me in shock as she stumbled away from me then went to walk back towards me.

"Flora, calm down. You're gonna end up hurti-"

"Get away from me!" I exclaimed and watched as she was flung across the room, and now being held up against the wall.

This is all her fault, she did this to me... she should've just minded her own business...

I started to walk towards her whilst she struggled to get herself down from against the wall.

"Flora, you're hurting me..." she said in a strained voice, but right now, I couldn't care.

"I want you to make things go back to how they used to be... do it now!"

She flinched as she was slammed back against the wall harder, causing a small crack in the wall.

"Stop... you know I can't do that Flora- please... you're a lot stronger than me." she begged, but this just made me feel more angry.

Then I'll just have to go back home... mom and dad will fix me...

I glared at her before I turned away, then began to walk towards the exit of the room.

I don't know exactly how to get back home... but I'll find a way...

"Flora, what is going on!" Ruth rushed out as she came running into the dining room, looking at Agatha then back at me. "Put her down- now!"

I glared at her too then began to walk past her.

"I'm going home."

She then grabbed onto my arm tightly and I turned to look at her again, feeling my blood boil.

"Let me go." I demanded as I looked into her eyes, then she hesitantly let go with furrowed brows.

"How did you just do that... and what's going on with your eyes- why are they glowing like that?"

My eyes are fine what is she talking about...

"It's... mind control... her powers are... getting stronger..." Ruth explained weakly, making me furrow my brows.

"I-I don't want these stupid powers! I just wanna go home!"

"Okay, okay- I understand... but I need you to calm down okay?" She said, her eyes starting to glow red and I knew she was compelling me.

But I didn't feel calm... it wasn't working-ha!

"That's not gonna work- leave me alone!"

I went to move past her again, but this time she didn't try to stop me.

"What the fuck is going on in here?" Alexander growled as he suddenly appeared in front of me and looked at us all.

He looked very scary... but I don't care- I'm going home right now!

"I'm going home."

I then went to move past him too, but he grabbed onto my arm a lot tighter than Ruth did.

"You're not going anywhere. What the fucks wrong with you, why are you acting like this?"

"I said, I'm going home. Leave me alone." I repeated, trying to do the same thing I did to Ruth to him, but he just scoffed.

"And I said, you're not fucking going anywhere, you crazy bitch."

Uh oh...

He then turned to the others as Agatha was dropped onto the floor.

"Can someone please explain to me what is going on here? I left the castle for ten minutes- ten fucking minutes!"

I just wanna go home... I'm upset and confused...

"Oh so now you're gonna start crying?" He shouted in annoyance, making my bottom lip tremble more.

I hate when people shout at me...

"L-leave me alone..."

"Alex don't be so harsh... she's just confused." Agatha tried to explain, but he just scoffed again.

"She didn't seem very confused when she had you pinned against that wall, hm? I'm locking her in her room."

Wait no!

"No,no, no, no! I'm sorry, I'm sorry- please don't do that- please!" I begged as I looked up at him, tears starting to fall from my eyes.

I don't wanna be locked in my room... I know I was angry, but... now I'm just sad.

Why do my emotions feel all screwed?

I cried harder, feeling even more confused whilst Alex continued to grip onto my arm tightly.

"Alex, she's right. Just let her go." Ruth added and I looked over to her with my blurred vision.

I like Ruth and Agatha... and even Alex, but... I wanna go home too... everything's so difficult now, and I don't like it...

"No." Alex said through gritted teeth. "She's my prisoner, and if you guys can't control her, then I will."

"Alex, stop."

Agatha started to walk towards us, then gave me a small smile.

"I'll explain things once you wake up..." she said to me softly then looked up at Alex. "Don't let her drop."

Wait what's that supposed to mean...

She then waved her hand in front of me, and I felt myself falling before everything went black.


Alexander's POV:
I held Floras limp body up by her arm after watching Agatha make her pass out.

Fucking women... what the fuck is even going on?

"Do you wanna explain to me what the fuck is going on with this crazy witch?" I asked Agatha, gesturing to Flora.

"Could you please hold her up properly?"

She cringed as she looked at floras body which was slightly slumped on the floor, but was still being held up by her arm.

For fucks sake...

I sighed then picked her up before throwing her over my shoulder effortlessly.

She basically weighs nothing.

"There, happy now? New tell me exactly what's going on

"Okay so basically I was confused at first, but I think I finally understand what's going one..." she sighed, trailing off as she looked at her.

Why is she taking forever...

"Spit it out!"

"She's starting her period." She finally said and I looked at her blankly.

Please tell me that was meant to be some kind of fucking joke.

"She's started her period? You're telling me that she started lashing out and acting crazy, just because it's her time of the month? There's no fucking way. And even if she was, we'd be able to smell it."

I know women can be difficult when they're menstruating, but this... this is just ridiculous!

"Wait, I'm with Alexander on this one. That was not because she's just started her period. It may have been a while since I've had one, but I don't ever remember them being that bad..."

At least an actually woman agrees with me... well, vampire-woman.

"Yeah I know, but witches are completely different. As you know, most witches are extremely sensitive anyway, so when it's their time of the month they get really, really emotional with insane mood swings." She began to explain, but it still didn't make sense. "If floras powers have been surprised all these years, she's probably going through a sort of delayed puberty. Yeah, her mortal body has physically gone through normal puberty, but for witches it's different. She's probably most like never even menstruated before!"

Hmm... I'm kinda embarrassed to admit but...

I looked down at her legs which were dangling to the floor.

All this talk about blood is starting to make me hungry.

"Alexander! You are disgusting."


I noticed that my eyes had probably started to change then rolled my eyes.

"Oh please, you know it tastes good."

Period blood is kinda taboo in the vampire world... some say it's not meant to be drank because technically it's 'dead blood', but it taste fucking amazing.

It's also extremely arousing...

"Shut up, you're the only vampire I know that does that shit."

"And I'm the first vampire ever, which means I get to make the rules of what's normal for vampires." I retorted then watched as she rolled her own eyes.

Before she could snap back at me, Agatha finally jumped back in.

"Can you two stop arguing? Jesus Christ, you'd think because you've been siblings for over a thousand years you'd finally grow out of this childish faze... obviously not."

"She started it..."

"No I did not- he di-"

"I don't care! We need to talk about Flora, so both of you shut the fuck up okay?" Agatha snapped and I glared at Ruth and she glared back before sighing.

Usually I would've choked her for talking to me like that but now isn't the time.

I need whatever information she knows about this situation... I can't have her freaking out like that again.

If I'm gonna use her power, we need to get it under control...


Floras POV:
I woke up to the worst pain I've ever felt in my lower abdomen and my legs feeling achy.

What is that?

I whimpered as I rolled over, then slowly opened my eyes.

How did I get back in here? I was in the dining room and... all that stuff happened.

I was so bad... why was I acting like that.

Suddenly Ruth appeared in the room, holding a tray which had some food and other stuff on it.

"Good morning sweetie... how are you feeling." She asked softly as she sat on a seat beside my bed, whilst I looked at her with suspicion.

Am I still in trouble... is she gonna eat me now?

"I-I'm sorry about yesterday, I'm really, really sorry! I don't know why I was acting like that... are you gonna kill me now?"

She looked at me with furrowed brows as she shook her head and let out a short laugh.

"What? No, no, no, no- of course not! I'm here to explain things and help you..."

Help me?

"No, I'm here too explain things" Agatha said as she walked into my room and looked at Ruth. "You don't know shit."

She walked over to us, pulling a chair to the opposite side of my bed.

"You probably feel like shit right now... drink that."

I looked back at Ruth who held the mug out towards me with what looked and smelled like hot chocolate.

I hesitantly took it from her and took a small sip of it.

It tastes nice...

"Thank you..."

"And we got you some candy, loads of chocolate and a hot water bottle to help with the pain." Ruth began as she listed everything she was holding, throwing it onto my bed.

Oh... but why? Shouldn't I be in trouble?

"And we got you these..." Agatha said, making me turn to her.

She held up some pads and tampons, and I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"I don't need them, I don't get periods."

They both looked at each other before Agatha sighed then looked back at me.

"You've never had your period before."

I shook my head as I looked at them both.

I'm confused... why are they doing all of this- what's going on?

"Mom said that I was just lucky..."

Unless that was just a lie she told me to hide that I'm actually a witch...

"I think that's because you're mom was suppressing your power... and now that your powers are actually starting to grow, your body is finally being regulated." She explained and I nodded slowly. "That's why you were acting that way yesterday, because you're starting your period. And to make matters worse, you're a witch, which means your periods will be ten times worse. More pain, and more mood swings."

Oh... well that's not very good.

Why did my mom have to do this to me... is she ashamed of me?

"I don't know, but we should probably find out." Alexander replied, making me flinch as I looked over to the door to see him leaning against the frame. "Now get dressed, we're going to visit your parents."


This chapter was so funny to me lol

Anyway let me know what you think

I hope you guys enjoyed :)

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