Chapter 6 - ADDICTION

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Floras POV:
I gasped for air as I opened my eyes and sat up.

What just happened...

I breathed heavily, trying to fill my lungs with oxygen whilst looking around the room I had been staying in.

Ruth and Agatha where stood beside me, but my heart started to beat faster as I looked at Ruth, suddenly remembering what happened earlier.

No... no, she's a vampire- she's bad!

"Please... g-get away from me!" I tried to shout but it came out more like a whisper and she looked at me with hurt in her eyes.

My throat hurt and felt so dry as tears started to well up in my eyes.

I wanna go home... I wanna go home now...

Using all my strength, I attempted to get out of bed but fell to the floor.

Ouch... why is my body doing this? This didn't happen last time he fed from me.

"Flora calm down, Ruth isn't going to hurt you." Agatha said softly as she walked towards me, then picked me up to put me back in the large bed.

How can she be around vampires willingly... they just snap at any moment.

I like Ruth but I don't want to take this risk anymore...

"Sh-she's a vampire, yes she will..." I whimpered as I looked over to Ruth who looked upset, making me quickly look away. "I wanna go home now, Agatha, please."

She sighed as she placed the blankets back over me then stroked my hair away from my face.

"I'm sorry flora, but Alex would never let me do that... but I promise that I'll try my hardest to keep you safe."

More tears started to fall from my eyes at her words as I shook my head.

I'm scared to stay here... yesterday was so scary.

And how could she do this to me? She said that we're sisters now because we're both witches... liar.

I felt myself getting angry the more I thought about it, then kicked the blankets away from my body.

"I want to go home now!" I screamed, feeling my body buzz with energy.

As I said it, Ruth and Agatha were thrown across the room, making my eyes widen as they hit the wall.

Oh no... I didn't mean to do that...

They both groaned as they stood back up again, and more tears started to fall from my eyes.

Why did I just do that?

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that... I'm so sorry..." I cried as I looked down at my lap and continued to cry.

What's happening to me... I don't want this. It was all fun and games at first but now this is too much.

"It's okay Flora... right now you have more power than you can handle, that's why I'm here to help you sweetheart."

"I'll leave..." Ruth said lowly as she started to walk towards the door.

Why am I being rude to Ruth, she hasn't hurt me, she's been so good to me.... She may be a vampire, but I know she'd never hurt me.

"Wait- Ruth! I'm sorry for being mean... I... I know you'd never hurt me."

She turned to me and gave me a small forced smile, before disappearing out of the door.

I probably upset her because I was such a meanie...

Agatha started to walk towards me until she was stood next to the bed again, beside me.

"Flora, there's somethings I need to tell you... but I need you to try and stay calm okay? You could hurt yourself or me, if not." She said slowly and calmly and I nodded.

Oh no... what is it?

"Yesterday, Alexander started to feed from you."

Yes, I remember...

"Once he started, we couldn't stop him. I tried to stop him, I swear, but he heard my thoughts, he knew everything I was planning... so he ended up draining every last bit of blood from your body..." she continued and I furrowed my brows in confusion.

I don't understand... if he did that, then that would mean... no...

"You died Flora... Alexander killed you."

I gasped as my heart dropped, then slowly shook my head.

How is that possible... does that mean I'm a vampire too.

"Am I dead now? Am I a... a vampire?" I whispered cautiously and she quickly shook her head.

"No, no, no, Flora, of course not! You're not dead and you're not a vampire."

I sighed in relief and nodded to her words, but I still felt confused.

How am I still alive if I died then?

"I know you're confused, and to be honest, so am I. After you died, Alex stopped and finally got control of himself. He was hysterical, everyone was. They were shouting at me to bring you back, which I obviously was going to do, but once I got towards you, I couldn't touch you." She began to explain and I furrowed my brows.

I don't understand...

"Every time I tried to touch you, it burned my hands... it's like your body was trying to repel everyone away from it. I couldn't understand why, until I saw your neck. Slowly, the bruises began to disappear along with the wound from his fangs.... Flora, not only where you healing yourself, but you were bringing yourself back to life, it was incredible... I've never seen something like it."

Wait... what? How is that possible?

"But... how is that even possible, Agatha? Does this mean I'm immortal, like a vampire?" I asked and she shook her head.

"No, you're not immortal because you died. Like, fully died... and I don't know either Flora. In my hundreds of years of living, I've never seen anything like it..."

Did she just say hundreds? How has she stayed alive for that long? Wait- now is not the time for those type of questions.

"Flora, I knew you were powerful but... I completely underestimated you. You've got to be one of the most powerful witches I've ever met, which is rare in this lifetime. Usually newer witches get weaker and weaker, the more their bloodline is diluted, but you... you're stronger than me!" She continued to explain in shock as she looked away from me.

Wow... I'm the most powerful witch she's ever met?

"What does this mean Agatha?"

She sighed then looked back at me and shrugged.

"I don't know... and there's something else I need to tell you, please don't freak out..." she said hesitantly and I frowned again.

I'm scared to know now...

"You remember how Alex couldn't keep any blood down yesterday, other than yours?"

I nodded slowly at her words, trying to see where she was going with this.

"Well, this is an extremely rare thing, but he has a blood addiction... to your blood specifically..." she revealed hesitantly and my eyes widened.

No... no- how is that possible!

"How did that happen, Agatha, I don't understand. Does this mean that he has to drink only from me from now on? That means he'll never let me leave! You have to do so-"

"I told you not to freak out, Flora!" She shouted, interrupting me to shut me up. "Yes, this means that he can only drink from you, but it doesn't mean from the vain. We can take the blood from you in short burst, sort of like a blood donation, and that will keep him alive. He only lashed out and killed you yesterday, because of the affects of the addiction. Once he drank the blood which wasn't yours, it increased his thirst. I hate him, but you have to understand that he wasn't in control of his body. To him, it felt like it had been weeks without any blood, and I heard the thirst is one son of a bitch."

Oh... Alex is a meanie, but he didn't mean to kill me... maybe I could forgive him.

Maybe he'll stop being so mean to me, now that I'm his only chance of survival... I could make him do whatever I want!

"Okay... I can forgive him, but how do we stop it Agatha? What's the cure?"

"I don't know..." she sighed, and I furrowed my brows more before she added, "yet."


Alexander's POV:

I opened my eyes then quickly got up and grabbed the neck of the person that was stood beside my bed to slam them against the wall.

"What the fuck- it's me!" Finn wheezed, and I relaxed a little as I let go.

"I would say I'm sorry about that, but I'm not... you know I have to always be on guard."

With the amount of people that are trying to kill me, and have already tried to kill me, he shouldn't be surprised.

"Yeah, whatever... how are you feeling? That felt a lot more powerful than usual" He asked as he rubbed his hand against his throat, and I shrugged whilst I thought about it.

Now that I think about it... I felt great. I really did feel more energised and stronger.

It must be that witches blood... looks like I'm gonna have to get used to it considering it's the only thing I can drink right now.

But I'm not complaining...

I felt my eyes start to turn red and my fangs elongate as I thought about the taste of her sweet blood.

It's gonna be hard trying not to kill her again...

"I see you're thinking about the witch..." he sighed in annoyance and I rolled my eyes.

"She isn't trying to kill me Finn, it's just a blood addiction."

"Just a blood addiction?" He scoffed in disbelief. "Have you ever even met anyone with a blood addiction?"

You know what... I don't think I have...


"Well I have, I've met 3. The person they were addicted to became the centre of their life. They couldn't go more than two days away from the blood source without desiccating, even if they did drink their blood recently. And you wanna know who they were all addicted to? Witches blood. I'm telling you, it's some kind of fucking spell that they use to trap you with... I don't trust her." He began to explain with his usual paranoid self, making me roll my eyes again.

He's way too paranoid... has he even met her properly?

"The witch can't even control her power, so what makes you think that she purposely cast a spell on me, hm? Just relax little brother, I'm truly immortal and so are you. We have nothing to worry about."

He looked at me with narrowed eyes and a clenched jaw before he scoffed.

"You may be the most powerful being on this planet, but you can be so naive..."

He then disappeared out of the room and I sighed in frustration.

He's always so angsty... I'm supposed to be the angsty one!

I stopped thinking about him immediately, then walked over to the mirror to look at myself.

I did feel quite different...

Once in front of the mirror, I noticed my muscles looked a lot bigger and smirked.

I guess having to only drink her blood wasn't a bad thing...

I flexed my muscles in the mirror, enjoying how even more ripped I looked, until I heard Ruth walking towards my room.

What the fuck does she want?

Once she was at the door, she instantly rushed towards me and wrapped her hand around my neck, slamming me against he mirror.

The mirror smashed behind me, causing pieces of glass to pierce and cut my skin.

This fucking bitch...

"Why must you ruin everything Alexander! Flora can't even look at me anymore without seeing a monster!" She cried out dramatically, causing a smirk to grow on her face.

Oh poor her... she needs to stop being so emotional all the time.

With little effort, I grabbed her hand and removed it from my neck before squeezing it tightly.

She whimpered in pain as she looked up at me with tear filled eyes, but I continued to squeeze it until I heard and felt a crack.

She never learns...

"Don't you ever try something like that again, Ruth. You're not stupid, and I know that you know that I'm stronger than you... so don't be stupid." I said to her nonchalantly as I moved my shoulders around, trying to push out any glass that was stuck in my back.

"I hate you Alex!"

Yeah yeah, I've heard her say this so many times that I've lost count...

"All of this for flora?" I scoffed in disbelief. "Don't tell me you like her sister, you can't be that pathetic! I thought you and Agatha where a thing, or are you bored of her again? Do I have to tell her you're planning on cheating?"

I watched in amusement as her hand slowly went back to normal, then she looked up at me in disgust.

"No, I don't like her like that, we're friends. Asshole."

I began to laugh at her words hysterically, unable to hold it back as she continued to glare at me.

She thinks that witch is her friend?

"She's not your friend, I won't allow it. The minute you get attached to her, the harder it will be for me when she ends up dying." I told her as I rolled my eyes, making her furrow her brows.

It's not like I was planning on keeping her around for long anyway.

As soon as she's strong enough to get Emily, I'll make her descend to the underworld and bring her back... but I know she probably won't be strong enough to bring herself back...

"What do you mean..." she trailed off as she looked to the floor, before looking back up at me in realisation. "You think that she's not going to be able to save herself after bringing Emily back, don't you? How can you be so evil, she's an innocent child!"

"She's not a child, she's nineteen. And if Agatha trains her well enough, then there won't be a problem, will there?"

But I'm counting on her not coming back...

"Emily would be disgusted with you, I hope you know that... do you think she'll want to stay with you if Flora ended up dying to save her?"

"Emily isn't a fucking saint! She'll just be happy to be back home, and understand that it was a sacrifice that just had to be made." I snapped back at her, glaring along with her as we both maintained eyed contact.

I don't care what she thinks... I need her back and I'm getting her back. I've been looking for a way for hundreds of years, and I won't give up.

"Flora will be strong enough to bring herself back, and I can't wait until she proves you otherwise..." she spat at me before disappearing out the room.

I huffed as I clenched my fists together so hard that my nails began to pierce my skin.

Everything I've done to keep us together yet she and Finn still show me constant disrespect... I'm sick of it.

Once I've got Emily back, I'm done with them.

We'll see how well they do on their own...


Floras POV:
"How long do I have left?"

I was sat in a chair in the dining room whilst there were a few nurses around me taking my blood.

I had a tube hooked up to my arm, filling a second blood bag up.

It was only supposed to be one pint, but Alexander insisted that I could take two.

The women just ignored me and I furrowed my brows as I huffed.

Well that's just rude...

"They're not being rude, they can't answer." Alex finally spoke up from beside me catching me by surprise. "I've compelled them to only do their job then leave."

I forgot he could hear my thoughts... well I hope he knows that I think he's a big meanie.

"Oh don't worry I do, I just don't care."

I looked over to him with narrowed eyes before huffing and looking away.

I'd cross my arms too if there wasn't a tube attached to them...

He's so rude to me... I think he should consider being nice to me from now on, seeing as I'm his only way of survival.

"Don't be so full of yourself, I won't die if I don't get your blood." He growled in annoyance making me smirk.

I hit a nerve.

"Well then why do you need my blood so bad, hm? Not only do you need my blood, but you need my power too. So that you can bring back your precious little girlfr-"

I was interrupted when I felt his hand around my neck, squeezing it tightly.

"Watch your mouth... if you speak of her again, I'll cut your tongue out and throw you in the dungeons beneath us, understood?" He said to me seriously and I struggled to nod. "You being up here with us is me showing you kindness, don't get it twisted. Technically you're my prisoner, considering I kidnapped you."

He released my neck and I gasped for air as I rubbed my neck with my free hand.

I forgot how scary he is...

"R-Ruth!" I quickly shouted and watched as his eyes narrowed at me.

"You little snitc-"

"What are you doing to Flora?" Ruth asked, interrupting him as she suddenly entered the room.

"He-he choked me again, and it really hurt..." I told her with a forced pout.

It didn't exactly hurt that bad... but I wanted Alexander to be in trouble...

"You sneaky bitch- I heard that!" He shouted back as he came towards me, but Ruth stepped in front of me before he could get close again.

"Leave her alone you bully, and what did I tell you about putting your hands on her?"

I stuck my tongue out at him whilst Ruth's back was turned, then smirked as I watched him get more angrier.

But my smirk quickly fell once I saw his eyes switch from the piercing blue to the deep red.

Uh oh...

"That's it! As soon as they've finished taking her blood she's being kept in the dungeons!" He growled and I quickly shook my head.

Wait- no,no,no!

"You will do no such thing! If I was you I'd start being a lot kinder to Flora. You know you can't force her to use her magic, so if you really valued Emily's life that much, you'd stop being such an asshole to her."

I'm sorry Alex... I was just messing around...

His eyes started to go back to normal as he looked at Ruth, before he scoffed then looked back at me.

"Well stop it." He growled in reply to me before he disappeared from the room.

Maybe I shouldn't have been winding him up like that... especially because he's so scary.

One woman started to take the thing out of my arm whilst the other started to pack everything up, then Ruth turned to face me.

"Flora... where you messing with Alexander?" She asked with a raised brow and I quickly shook my head.

Why am I in trouble now? He's the one that started it...


"Okay, fine- but he started it! He's so mean to me, even when I am kind to him, so what's even the point!" I finally admitted and she sighed then sat beside me.

"Don't stoop to his level Flora. Yes, he's an asshole-"

I began to giggle at the bad word, interrupting her and making her look at me blankly.

Mom and dad never let me say words like that, but everyone here says them all the time!


"Sorry, sorry- you said a bad word!" I giggled more, making her sigh again.

"Just listen to me. You're a good girl Flora, and he's a bad man, messing with him is dangerous. He hasn't always been this way, but this is who he is now unfortunately." She began to explain, making me sigh this time. "As you've probably noticed, Alexander has a very short temper and extreme anger issues- not a good combo. When you're alone around him, I want you to be careful, okay?"

I guess she's right... I don't really have control over my magic yet so I can't protect myself...


"Good girl. Now let's get you some food to build up your blood count." She smiled at me as she stood up, then held her hand out for me.


Alexander's POV:
I am getting sick of Flora... in my thousands of years of living, I don't think I've met anyone who's irritated me as much as her...

But I guess it would be wiser to stay on her good side.

Ruth and Agatha keep on going on about how powerful she is, and although she can't

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