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Floras POV:
I slowly fluttered my eyes open, feeling something cold and damp being pressed against my face.

It felt nice against my hot skin...

I then looked up to see a girl with the same complexion as the man from before and freakishly blue eyes.

"Are you feeling okay? You poor thing..." she asked sincerely as she gave me a small smile.

Was she gonna hurt me too?

I remember what that man did... I-I don't know what he is, but it's scaring me.

I shook my head as my heart started to beat faster, then tried to move away from her.

I don't wanna be hurt again!

"Hey, hey- it's okay. I promise I'm not gonna hurt you." She said softly as she held me down to stop me from moving that stared at my eyes as hers began to glow a soft red. "Don't move, okay?"


Why did I just say that?

I-I wanna leave!

I tried to move but couldn't, then furrowed my brows in confusion.

"I know you're probably really scared right now, and that's understandable. You're probably even wondering 'why the fuck can't I move right now!', right?"

I nodded slowly and she just chuckled.

"I've compelled you not to, that's why you can't move."

She what?

What's going on?

"And you're probably wondering what's even happening right now, and what are we and all that- I don't know because I don't read minds like my asshole brother." She shrugged nonchalantly as she continued to pat the small towel on my head and my eyes widened.

Read minds!

Is this a dream?

"Okay, let me try and explain this for you. Me and anyone else you met when you were kidnapped and brought here, are vampires."


N-no, that can't be true...

"Vampires aren't real..." I muttered as I looked at her and she just giggled like I had said a funny joke.

"I forget you were raised by mortals, you've seriously got a lot to learn."

I don't understand... I don't get what's going on?

"Vampires are real, little flower. Along with werewolves, fairies, ghosts, spirits, demons, doppelgängers, warlocks and witches, which you should know about considering you are one."

I don't know what half of those th- wait did she just say I'm a witch?!

"What-what did you just say?"

"Oh of course you don't know that either- you are a witch darling!"

I looked at her with furrowed brows, not exactly sure how to react, then I began to just giggle.

This is all a crazy dream!

I'm not a witch, and there's no vampires... I must've fell asleep reading again...

"This is just a dream." I said between my laughter, but she just shook her head as she looked at me seriously.

"This isn't a dream. You're a witch and you were kidnapped by vampires because they believe you have the power to kill my big brother."

My face dropped as I stopped giggling and stared at her.

She's being serious.

That's why she looked so strange...

"I-I don't believe you..." I lied as I looked at her. "And I'm-I'm not a witch."

"You are, I can smell it on you."

She leaned down to my neck then sniffed gently like the man did before.

"Damn you smell good..."

Why do people keep on smelling me?

I watched as she continued to stare at my neck and her eyes began to turn from the icy blue to a dark shade of red.

Oh my god...

I wanted so badly to move away from her but couldn't.

I'm gonna die here!

"Haven't you ever done something strange that no one else around you has done?" She asked, her eyes suddenly going back to normal once she looked back at my face, and I furrowed my brows in realisation. "I just don't understand how you don't know you're a witch..."

Thats why I could help the animals and myself...It's starting to make sense now.

But why didn't mom or dad tell me?

"Hey!" She snapped, making me look back at her. "Answer the question."

"Yes I have... I-I can make hurt animals better."

"What do you mean by hurt? Broken limbs, deep wounds, death?" She questioned further and I couldn't help but answer.

"All of it... but my mom and dad told me I shouldn't do that, especially helping the dead animals..."

Healing isn't too bad, but trying to bring them back to life is hard...


"Because it hurts... It makes me feel really weak, then my nose starts to bleed and sometimes I even faint."

She furrowed her brows as she looked at me, then leaned back in her chair that was beside the bed I was laying on.

"How old are you?"


That just made her furrow her brows even more as she looked me over.

"I don't understand... you shouldn't be that weak at nineteen years old- unless..." she muttered to herself then her eyes widened. "Unless someone was suppressing your powers. Did your parents ever give you anything, like a certain drink or food."

Umm... I don't think so?

"Only my special tea. Mom makes it for me at least once a week and she makes it every time after she finds out I help the animals."

She sighed and shook her before getting her phone out.

"Do you know what's in the tea?"

I thought really hard about it for a few seconds then shook my head.

She never told me... I miss mom.

"It's kinda a clear blue colour and-and it has little purple flowers in it." I tried my best to explain, but I don't think I was doing a good job.

Her eyes widened as she looked up from her phone then back down before searching something.

"These flowers?" She asked as she showed me her phone which had a picture of the flowers that were in my special tea.

"Yeah, those ones!"

She sighed then ran a hand through her long black locks.

"Your mom's been suppressing your powers... but why?" She muttered to herself with furrowed brows, then stood up and looked at me. "Come on."

I nodded, finally being able to have control over my body then sat up and got off the large wooden bed.

She began to walk out of the bedroom that we were in so I quickly followed her, not wanting to get lost in this huge castle.

I don't even know what's going on... I don't even know her name!

"Wait, what's your name?"

"Ruth, what's yours?"

Ruth... that's a pretty name!

"My names Flora... my mom told me that she's the goddess of flowers in Roman mythology." I told her as I tried to keep up with her.

I don't know why I was telling her that... I think talking is just comforting...

"Your mom was right... did she ever tell you anything about witches? Have you ever seen her show any powers?"


I hummed as I thought to myself for a few seconds.

"I don't think so, not that I can remember... whenever I asked about it she always just dismissed it, and she would get mad at me along with my dad if I ever did it..."

I frowned as I remembered all the times I was punished for doing it, or even lying about it.

I looked down at the ugly scars on my hands with furrowed brows then quickly closed them.

Don't think about it...

She just sighed then we stopped in front of a big wooden door all the way on the other side of the castle.

She knocked on the door then waited for something.

What are we waiting for?

Then the door opened and I was greeted with the sight of a pale muscly chest, then slowly looked up further to see the man from earlier leaning against the doorframe.

"What?" He asked as he looked at Ruth blankly without even bothering to look at me.

She scoffed then pushed open the door and shoved past him, leaving me stood outside awkwardly whilst I waited to be told what to do next.

"We have a lot to talk about."

He sighed then looked down at me before rolling his blue eyes and walking away from the door frame.

"Like what?"

"What do you mean 'what?'" She exclaimed as she sat in a large armchair in the corner of the room. "We just found the girl that was going to end your life- all our lives, and you don't seem to care- Flora come in."

I hesitantly walked into the room, then held my hands behind my back as I looked around.

This room is much bigger than the one I was in before.

There was a balcony covered by large windows with thick red curtains that touched the stone floor, and a large wooden, four posted bed with red curtains that were gathered together placed in the middle of the room.

Woah... the bed is nearly as tall as me!

"I have no reason to care. I have the witch so I don't need to worry about any pathetic attempts of my life, and she's weaker than expected, so it's not like I can use her for anything." He shrugged as he poured himself a drink of the stuff that my dad drinks, then went over to his bed and laid against the headboard.

Why is he talking about me like I'm not in the room...

"Don't you have any compassion at all? We've just kidnapped this poor girl, just because Finn claims that He's trying to use her to kill you! For all we know he could be wrong, but either way, us finding Flora was lucky."

"I wouldn't say that..." he muttered and Ruth huffed as she crossed her arms.

"She is powerful, Alex, I can feel it."

I don't think I am... I don't feel powerful.

"Yeah, because you're not. The only thing you're useful for is tasting good." The man who I now know is called Alex said as he looked at me.

I furrowed my brows as I glanced at Ruth in confusion, then back at him.

Did he... did he hear what I just sa-

"Yes I can hear you." He sighed, then took a sip of his drink. "They call it a power, I say it's a curse..."

Oh my... he can really hear my thoughts!

"Alex, you leave the poor girl alone and stop reading her mind!"

Then before a blink of an eye, Alex was across the other side of the room, holding Ruth against the wall by her neck.

How did he do that so fast!

"You forget who you're talking to little sister..." he growled as she struggled to get out of his grip. "I gave you this life and I'll easily take it away."

Then suddenly there was a small flash of light then there was a woman behind the man, pulling him away from Ruth and throwing him across the room.

She then turned around and my face dropped further in confusion.

The woman was... Ruth?

How is there two? Maybe she has a twin?

Then I watched as the man picked himself back up and glared at them.

"That's an unfair advantage..." he growled as he stepped closer.

"Unfair! You are more powerful than I'd ever be alone, now you can pick. You either don't fight me at all or..." she trailed off and my jaw dropped as I watched more of her appear in the room. "You could fight ten of me."

Oh my goodness... how is this happening.

The man looked between all the identical women before rushing over to one of her and snapping her neck, making all the other clones of her disappear.


I rushed over to where she was and looked at her unconscious body.

He killed her...

I placed both my hands on her neck and closed my eyes as I tried to bring her back, but instead felt a pain rush through my body.

I gasped as I jumped back and held my hands to my chest.

I've never felt so much darkness, and... death.

"Whatever you just tried to do isn't going to work." The man said from behind me and I shook my head.

He just killed his own sister!

"But she's dead- you killed her! I-I need to bring her back..."

I can't just let her die, she's been nice to me.

"Get up, she's not dead." He sighed as he grabbed my arm and lifted me to my feet without any effort. "Well, technically she is dead, she has been for centuries, but she'll be back in a few minutes."


I don't understand any of this... none of this seems real.

"I can assure you this is all real. I understand it may be too much for your simple mind to comprehend."

My eyes widened as I looked up at him.

Oh yeah... I forgot he can hear me.

"S-so you can hear me all the time?" I asked as he walked back over to his bed and I followed him.

"No, It's hard to explain. When a vampire drinks a mortals blood, sometimes we can hear your thoughts like an intrusive thought." He tried to explain as he sat back on his bed.

"You can't control it?"

He huffed as he rolled his eyes then shook his head.

"Yes and no. I could read someone's mind easily if I wanted to, but sometimes I can hear shit without wanting to."

Oh... that's cool!

I still have so many questions...

"How did Ruth do what she did?"

"She can replicate herself- don't you get bored of asking so many questions?" He sighed and I shook my head as I climbed up onto his huge bed, then sat on the end.

She can replicate herself? That's so cool!

I wish I could do that, I'd make my clone do all my chores so that I could sit in the sun all day.

The man scoffed as he shook his head and I furrowed my brows.

"Of all the things you could do if you cloned yourself, you'd do that?"

My cheeks flushed red and I crossed my arms as I furrowed my brows.

But that was a good idea...

"W-well... maybe I'd do other stuff too..." I shrugged as I looked away from him.

"Yeah sure."

This man is kinda mean... what did I ever do to him?

And I still have lots of questions!

"Do all vampires have powers?"

"Yes. All vampires have heightened senses and reflexes and can compel people, but not all vampires have an individual power. Only ones created by me." He explained and I nodded.

Wow that's cool.

I wanna be a vampire!

"Can you turn me into a vampire? I wanna have powers too."

He looked at me blankly then began to laugh.


"You want me to turn you into a vampire so that you can have powers too? You're a fucking witch!" He chuckled hysterically and I just pouted as I furrowed my brows and looked at him.

I don't like it when people laugh at me...

"Well can't I be both?"

A witch and a vampire! That would be so cool!

He stopped his laughter and looked at with a raised brow like I said something stupid.

"No, that's just absurd. You can't be both a witch and a vampire. Witches are naturally occurring products of light, whilst vampires are unnatural products of darkness."


"How do you turn into a vampire?"

He sighed then reached for his drink and took a few gulps.

"What is this- a fucking interrogation? I kidnapped you, surely I should be asking the questions, hm?" He muttered with a raised brow and I shrugged.

"I don't know how kidnapping works, I've never kidnapped anyone! But haven't you been alive for like, hundreds of years? Shouldn't you know how to kidnap people?"

This man is very rude and I don't like it!

Before I could even form a pout on my face he was in front of me and pushed me down so my back was lying on the bed and he was above me.

"Believe me, I know how to kidnap people..." he said with a smirk as he looked me over. "If I could have it my way, I'd have you tied up on this very bed, begging me to fuck you until I finally do then drain your sweet blood from your pathetic little body."

I gasped at his words as I looked up at him in shock.

Oh my... but that's for only when your married.


He smirked then slowly ran his finger down my neck.

"But there's something special about you." He stated as he pulled away. "I've never met a person with blood that tastes like yours, and can do the shit that you do."

I slowly sat up with my heart pounding out of my chest and my flushed cheeks.


He scoffed then turned around to look at me.

"That's what we're trying to find out."


Here's another update for Flora!

I've thought up a new plan for HYBRISTOPHILIA and I've been trying to write new chapters for you guys, so hopefully I'll be able to update soon..

What do you guys think about this chapter and is there anything you're excited for/want to see?

Please don't forget to vote/comment if you enjoyed :)

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