Chapter 11 - SEX

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Floras POV:

Jaylon had been here for a couple of weeks now and I loved it.

It's been so nice having him around, we've been having so much fun.

"So can you just turn into a wolf whenever you want? Oh- and can baby wolves turn into wolves? I could imagine that would be quite difficult..." I trailed off as I pursed my lips in thought, trying to answer my own question.

"Yes and no to the first question, and a definite no to the second one. You can only start shifting once you hit puberty, so everyone starts at different ages. And yeah I can shift whenever I want, but sometimes it can happen involuntarily; like on full moons and shit. But sometimes we don't fully shift we just have more of a stronger animal instinct, like during mating season or if we're around a woman in heat."

I nodded slowly along with his words like I understood what he was saying, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't slightly confused...

"Oh... h-how hot does it have to be?" I hesitantly asked, probably sounding stupid for not knowing already.

He furrowed his brows as he looked at me in confusion.

Oh no...


I felt my cheeks flush red as I looked away from him and instantly tried to explain myself.

"You said that- that it happens if your around women in the heat?... I-I was just wondering how hot it had to be- because it's pretty hot right now..."

The look of confusion was now replaced with amusement as he grinned then began to laugh, making me blush harder as I frowned and looked away from him.

Great... of course I've embarrassed myself in front of him, I knew it would happen sooner or later...

"No, not like the weather, it's like a thing with female wolves where they're on heat for a couple of times a year. It-"

"It's basically where all the she-wolves get super horny and will probably fuck anything in sight, and all the testosterone filled alphas have at it to make more mutts for the world." Alexander interrupted our conversation as he suddenly entered the room and was now sat on my bed with Raylon and I.

I frowned and gave Alexander the meanest look I could think of giving him before I huffed.

"Get out Alex, or I'll tell Agatha... she said you can't come in here..."

Alex shrugged before standing up and walking over to a corner of the room to look through my books.

"Sweetheart this is my house, I'll enter any room I please..." he retorted whilst picking up a book and examining it before looking over his shoulder to me. "If you don't like that, you're more than welcome to leave."

He gave me a smug smirk before looking back at the book in front of him, and I huffed again then looked back at Raylon who was now stood up.

"I'm gonna go now..."

My face dropped more in disappointment as I looked up at him.

"Aww... but don't you wanna watch something, maybe? We could do it in your room!" I suggested and he shook his head with a smile.

"I'm good, I just wanna chill alone for a bit."

"Okay... I'll see you later then?" I tried again hopefully and he gave me a shrug.

"I'll give you a shout if I feel like it."

I then watched him leave and couldn't help the small smile that spread across my face.

He's gonna see me later if he feels like it- yes!

"Wow..." I heard a familiar voice drag out slowly, making my smile drop as I turned towards Alexander. "I know it's been nearly a decade since I was out in the world, but is the bar for men really that low now?"

I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked away from him and huffed.

"Stay out of my head! And thank you very much by the way- you just ruined my afternoon!"

I was gonna hang out with Jaylon more, but nooo- Alex has to come and annoy me right now.

"I ruined your afternoon did I?" He asked teasingly with an amused look on his face and I huffed, already knowing he was about to mess with me.

"Alexander stop-"

"Tell me Flora, what were your big plans for this afternoon whilst you were alone in your bedroom with a man, hm?"

I blushed harder as I realised what he was insinuating and quickly shook my head ready to deny it.

Although... I'd be lying if I said I didn't want him to do those things to me, he's so... hot.

Oh no- stupid brain!

"I knew it- I mean you're practically obsessed with the guy and you've known him a month- this is hilarious!" He exclaimed as he began to laugh, and I frowned as I looked away in embarrassment.

Oh no... does Raylon think that too....

"Shut up Alexander..."

I stared at the floor and swallowed hard, my eyes starting to water as I continued to hear his laughter.

"You've had you're fun, now please leave me alone." I attempted to ask sternly, but failed as my voice cracked.

This is so humiliating... I'm pathetic, how could any boy ever like me...

He stopped laughing immediately and moved so that he was now kneeling down in front of me so that I was looking at him.

"I'm not laughing at you Flora," he began seriously as he looked at me, but I refused to make eye contact. "Well I suppose I am- but not because of the reasons you're thinking! No one thinks you're pathetic Flora, you're just... kinda adorable."

I thought over what he said for a couple of seconds before I sighed and looked at him.

Adorable... I don't want to be adorable...

"Thanks I guess... can you leave now?"

He chuckled a little bit at my words before his face softened as he tilted his head a little bit.

"If you don't want to be adorable, what do you want to be?" He asked and I groaned as I rolled my eyes then laid back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

Asshole... I hope you heard that!

I heard him laugh again, confirming my thoughts before I felt him lay down beside me too.

"Come on... talk to me. Im pretty old you know, I know a lot of shit. I could help you out." He suggested and I scoffed as I continued to stare at the ceiling.

I guess I have nothing to loose...

"I don't think boys like Raylon want adorable girls... they want someone that's... that's sexy." I confessed quietly, feeling my face heat slightly from embarrassment. "And I don't know how to be... that..."

He didn't say anything for a couple of seconds and I closed my eyes, not daring to look at him.

"You can be both, you know... and even if he doesn't like cute girls, fuck him. Trust me, the last thing you want to do is change who you are for anyone, okay?"

I opened my eyes again then slowly turned to look at him for a couple of seconds.

I understand what he's trying to say, but... people always change eventually, they have to...

He then turned his head to the side to look at me too.

"Can you turn the mind reading thing off please?"

He gave me a small smile before he began to shake his head.


I rolled my eyes and groaned loudly, making him laugh as I looked away from him.

Just when he was starting to be nice...

"You know I can't do it for you yet Flora... once we sort this blood addiction out I promise I will okay?" He said sincerely and a small smile grew on my face as I looked back at him.

"Thank you... do you think I should tell Raylon that I like him?"

He scoffed as he got up so that he was now stood in front of me.

"Do whatever you feel like doing. You're young and attractive, you have nothing to loose." He shrugged then vanished from my room before I could even reply.

I felt my face flush as I thought about his words then stood up and walked over to the mirror.

I am young... and maybe I am kinda pretty...

I'll tell him tomorrow, and see if he feels the same way!


I hummed to myself with a smile as I sat in front of my mirror, finishing off braiding my curls.


It was time for me to speak to Raylon and I was so nervous but also excited.

Not only was I wearing one of my prettiest dresses, but I did my makeup and hair too which took forever!

Floras outfit:

I looked at myself one last time in the mirror before taking a deep breathe and smiling.

"You've got this... you're young and attractive, you've got nothing to loose..." I muttered to myself, remembering Alexander's words before turning away from the mirror to leave my room.

As I began to make my way towards his room I realised I hadn't really thought this through as much as I thought I did.

What am I even gonna say to him!

'Hi Raylon I think you're so sexy, do you think I'm sexy too?'

I rolled my eyes at my own thought and groaned as I got closer and closer to his room.

I'm so stupid... I should've asked Alexander.

I finally made it to outside his door and paused as I looked at it.

Well it's too late now... I'm just gonna have to think of it on the spot.

I hope I don't say something stupid.

I knocked on the door then patiently waited a couple of seconds before the door finally opened.

Raylon was now stood in front of me, shirtless, as he looked down at me.


"Hey." He casually said and I could already feel my cheeks heating up as my heart started to beat faster.

I couldn't help but just stare at his face as I tried resisting the urge to eye his naked chest before finally giving in and giving it a quick glance.

He's so hot...

I quickly looked back up to his face to see his brow now raised as he looked at me with his head slightly tilted.

"Did you need something or..." he trailed off and I quickly cleared my throat as I realised I had zoned out.

"Oh- uh, no, no- I'm fine, I just wanted... to come hang out?"

He examined me for a couple of seconds before stepping to the side to let me into his room.

"Sure come on."

I followed him into the room, closing the door behind me then watched as he laid on his bed and began scrolling through his phone.

"What's up, you just bored?" He asked as his eyes stayed on the screen and I slowly made my way over to him.

Doesn't he think I look pretty, he hasn't said anything yet... maybe he hasn't noticed yet?

"Yeah something like that..."

I looked at him before taking a deep breath and sitting down beside him.

"Actually... I wanted to talk to you about something..." I confessed, deciding to change my mind last minute.

Fuck it!

He finally looked up from his phone to me before locking it and putting in his pocket as he sat up.

"I'm just gonna pre warn you- I am not the best at giving advice so if it's something like that..." he trailed off and I shook my head quickly.

"No, no it's not that."

I looked down at my hands as I nervously held them together trying to find to courage to just see if he liked me.

"It's just that... well, I-I like you and I think you're really pretty, you know, so I was just wondering if maybe you feel the same way about me." I finally blurted out as I continued to look away from him, feeling my heart racing now.

He didn't say anything for a couple of seconds and I finally looked up at him to see him giving me a tight lipped smile.

Oh no...

"Flora, I... you know I like you right, I think you're cute, and I'm flattered- honestly, but..."

No, no, no, no, no.

"But what?" I asked quietly as I looked at him in confusion.

Why doesn't he think I'm pretty too...

"You're young flora, and inexperienced, and I'm not really ready for anything serious at this point in my life right now, and I don't want to fuck with your head and let you get attached to me... you understand right?

My chest was started to ache along with my eyes which began to burn with the need to cry.

I get it... I knew he'd like sexy girls who actually know what they're doing... nobody likes cute...

I forced a smile on my face and nodded my head as I stood up.

"Yeah of course! Just forget I even said anything- it was stupid anyway." I rushed out my voice shaking as I began to back away from him, knowing I was going to cry any second now. "I'm tired so I'm just gonna go now- goodnight."

Before he could say anything else I quickly left the room and closed the door behind me before running back to my room.

Once I was in the safety of my room the tears began to flow uncontrollably and I couldn't stop them.

I like him so much... it's unfair... it's not my fault I am the way I am.

I cried harder as I got in bed and curled myself up.

How am I ever supposed to get experience if no body will have sex with me because I'm not experienced!

I'm starting to think my life is actually cursed...

I heard a knock on my door, bringing me out of my thoughts as I sat up and looked over to it.

"Flora, can I come in?" I heard Alexander's voice say from the other side before I groaned and rolled my eyes, laying back down again.

Fuck off...

I heard him scoff before he opened the door anyway and poked his head in with a glare on his face.

"You know what, I was actually trying to be a decent person for once, and check if you were okay- maybe help you out, but you know what? Fuck you!" He snapped before leaving me alone again, making me furrow my brows.

Yeah right... as if he wanted to check on me, or help me out.

I mean, what could Alexander possibly do to help...

My thought trailed off as another one popped into my head, making me sit up.

Maybe he could help me out...

My tears had stopped as I was now too distracted by the crazy idea I just had.

What if Alexander helped me out by giving me some experience?

I already know that he would have sex with me and he definitely knows what he's doing- he's been alive for ages!

This is a great idea!

He can teach me everything I need to know, then Raylon will want me.

I quickly got up, wiped off my makeup and got changed into my pyjamas before leaving my room to see Alexander.

He basically owes me anyway... I know that technically he kidnapped me and everything, but he still needs me to bring back his dead girlfriend so the least he can do is help me out...

Once I made it to his room, I didn't bother knocking as I entered into his room to see him sat on his bed reading a book.

"I've just had a brilliant idea!"

Without looking at me he sighed deeply before dramatically flipping the page.

"You were literally crying your eyes out about an hour ago and now you're fine? This is what I mean when I say I don't understand women..." he muttered to himself and I rolled my eyes before walking over to him and sitting beside him.

What can I say- I found a solution to my own problem!

"I'm fine now, but listen. I have a proposition for you."

He finally looked up at me with a smirk before sitting up as he closed his book.

"You have my full attention."

"I want to have sex with you, so th-"

"Im sorry- what?" He laughed in shock, interrupting me and making me roll my eyes.

Just listen you asshole!

"You want me to go to hell to bring back your dead girlfriend right?" I asked him and he nodded slowly, still looking at me in confusion. "Well I will do that for you if you teach me what I need to know about sex."

He looked at me for a couple of seconds before a grin grew on his face.

"Are you fucking with me right now, Flora?"

I groaned and hit his shoulder lightly from frustration.

"I'm being serious Alexander! If you don't give me what I want, then I won't give you what you want..." I threatened, making his face slowly drop.

He stared at me blankly for a couple of seconds before he eventually spoke up again.

"You seem to be confused about this whole situation little Flora, so let me remind you. You are my prisoner. I kidnapped you so that you can do what I want, when I say I want it, you understand? I've been nice enough to let you live here comfortably whilst Agatha trains you up, but that can all change very quickly..."

I scoffed at him and gave him a smug smirk.

"I think you're forgetting that just because you have a witch in your possession, it doesn't mean you can use my magic freely. What will you do if I just refuse? Kill me? Of course you won't and you know how I know you won't?" I asked, feeling cocky as I tilted my head slightly. "Because you know I'm the closest you've got to getting Emily back in years and I've heard you're willing to do anything to get her back... so prove it."

We both stared at each other in silence for a minute or so before his lips turned up to a smirk.

"Okay, you got me... I like this Flora by the way, she's sexy."

I smiled harder at his words before standing up in front of him.

"So we can have sex?" I asked him excitedly and he chuckled as he shook his head.

"Yeah but not now, are you insane?"

What- why?

My smile dropped from my face as I crossed my arms whilst staring at him.

"Why not- you just said yes!"

He stood up too so that he was now towering over me as he looked down at me.

"Flora have you even had your first kiss yet?" He asked with a smug smirk.

I blushed as I finally looked away from his piercing blue eyes as I shrugged slightly.


He chuckled to himself as he shook his head whilst examining me for a couple of seconds.

Maybe this was a really stupid idea... I didn't exactly think this through.

Alexander then sat back on the bed, grabbing me by my waist to pull me along with him so that I was stood in between his legs.

"You're funny, you know... I'll give you your first kiss little Flora..."


Here's another update guys, again I am really sorry about the lack of updates, I know it's frustrating but I have a lot going on.

With that being said, comments like this,

do not help at all and are honestly really discouraging.

I appreciate all of you that are being patient with me and thank you all for still being here, I hope you guys enjoyed.

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