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Elena, Dani and Paolo stood up on the hill. "Building Thirteen. This is it. "Viviro, the Outcasts, everything started with the piece of shit hiding in there. Only way I see this going down right is if you two and I split up. I'm calling in a few of our guerrillas. We're going to plant explosives and fuck up his Viviro operation. It's not going to be easy, but you need to get inside those buildings any way you two can and kill that fucker. It's us or him today, because we're not going to another shot. You two helped wake me up, Dani and Elena. I was running from Castillo. Maria. All of them. Now these fuckers run from me. This one's for Talia." Paolo stated.

Paolo and Elena shook on it. "It's time for that motherfucker to die." Elena remarked. "Si... Let's do this." Dani stated.

After clearing up the soldiers, Dani began to worry for Elena's safety, especially around El Doctor. Elena shot the lock, before she step inside, Dani softly grabbed her arm. "I think you should go find Paolo." Dani said. Elena looked at him with a serious look. "You gotta be joking... No... No.... I'm coming with you." Elena remarked. "That Doctor is an evil monster, he'll hurt you and I'll never forgive myself, or forgive myself if I have to look your siblings in the eye...." Dani said as he trailed off. Elena sighed as she shook her head. "And you think he won't hurt you?" Elena questioned him. "Just listen to me, go find...." Dani started but was stopped when Elena smashed her lips onto his. She pulled away. "I'm coming... end of story Rojas." She said as she headed down the stairs, leaving Dani speechless. "Elena.... Wait!" Dani exclaimed as he followed her.

Dani stood beside Elena. She pressed the button and doors open to a desk area. "What is this place?" Dani question. "A fucking nightmare... a nightmare" Elena remarked.

Then they both walked into the lab, they heard the patients. "What did this (bastard) do to them?" Elena questioned. They were groaning in pain. "El Doctor is a monster." Dani stated.

Then they head down more stairs, Elena saw the man inside the room. "Hang on!" Elena exclaimed. Dani hit the button, the duo headed inside the room, the door locked behind them.

"Are you ok? Can you walk?" Dani asked the man, Elena froze as she saw El Doctor on the other side. "Dani, that's twice now you've volunteered for my experiments. ahh a leader of that group finally makes her presences. finally." El Doctor stated as he made eye contact with Elena. "you sick motherfucker. We've seen what Viviro is really doing and We're going to enjoy this a little too much." Dani stated. "Not one for debate, are we? Did you two know exposure to concentrated doses of PG-240 wreaks havoc on the body?" El Doctor expalained. "Fuck you, We kill a lot faster than cancer." Dani spatted. Elena kept eye contact with the doctor. "When you reach hell, I hope you fucking burn, burn and suffer like you made innocent people suffer!" Elena spatted.

Then the poison started spraying in the room. "I'm going to keep your brains and hearts. The rest I'm going to feed to my dogs. Good for the bones." Doctor stated. "We're going to kill you!" Dani exclaimed. Elena began coughing as she then shot the vent. Her and Dani hopped down. "Can't breathe." Dani stated. Elena coughing began to get worse. "No, no, no. You stay with me!" Dani exclaimed as he grabbed ahold of her.

"I'm hanging on." Elena stated as they got thought the maze. Dani shot the vent and he hopped up first then he lift Elena up. Elena gasp for air, then she vomited and Dani did as well. "It's still in the fucking air, let's find that piece of shit." Elena spatted. Dani busted open the door, "You can't get away from us!" Dani stated.


"People need to get in line, listen to the word!" 



"Hope County needs to change!"


"LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" Elena exclaimed. "I will not kill people for your fucking cult Joseph, you fucking MONSTER!" Elena stated. "She's seeing things... Fuck." Dani stated. He wondered what she means by cult


"Joseph is making our lives better"

"Cull the herd!"

"You are filled with wrath!"


"You lost your fucking minds, Joseph is a monster, he making us do horrible things, we need to get away from that fucking MONSTER.... FUCK!" Elena exclaimed as she grabbed her head. "Do you know what the definition of control is? Operating on someone while they are still awake." El Doctor stated. Elena scoffed in disgusted. "The best feeling in the world is the sensation of slowly parting skin with my scalpel." El Doctor added. "That feeling is going to be over." Elena remarked. Joseph kept echoing in her mind.

Dani and Elena screams in frustration. "Where are you?!" Dani questioned. "Which one of you is real?" Elena questioned. Elena and Dani started shooting all over the place. "You're fucking dead! You hear me?!" Dani exclaimed.

"El Doctor!!" Elena and Dani both exclaimed as they shove their machetes into the doctor's skull. Then they ran out of the room, Dani vomited as Elena coughed and was catching some air. She slid down the wall and she looked at Dani in horror.

"Hey..." Dani started but froze when she scooted away. "Dani... I can explain." Elena said. Dani looked at her. "My brother Joseph... is nightmare... a monster. The county I live in, he made the people's lives there... horrible." She started as she whimpered. "When I said Cult... I meant it, he had a cult, people bent their knees to him because he thinks he's g_d." Elena said. Dani sighed. "Shit... Elena..." Dani started and she shook her head. "He made my siblings and I do... horrible things, but it was mostly..." Elena trailed off. "Your siblings committing because they protected you." Dani said. She nodded. "I had protected the townspeople behind his back... from his wrath, Jacob sent me away because he didn't want Joseph to find out and make me do horrible things." Elena said. "So your gift?" Dani questioned. "Because of the bliss, hence why I think Joseph plays a role here in Yara." Elena said.

The two sat in silence. "You must think differently of me now, I get it, I understand if you want to...." Elena said. "Stop..." Dani stopped her. She looked at him. "That was because of your brother, not you. I understand why you hid this... because it's fucking insane but your still the woman I love. I understand you deal with nightmares because of this... I'll help you get through this." Dani said. Elena smiled and she laid her head onto his shoulder, he pressed a kiss on the top of her head.

"My chest is on fucking fire." Elena remarked. "Mine as well." Dani said. "Well we better tell Paolo the good news." Elena said.

"Paolo... El Doctor is dead." Dani stated, as he helped Elena up. "Yes Dani and Elena, You two fucking did it..." Paolo remarked. "What are we going to do about all those people?" Elena questioned. "You two just did the best thing you could for them. Now we have to get out." Paolo stated.

"(Relax, my people.) Juan is already on his way with a helicopter." Juan came into the radio. "Juan?" Elena and Dani questioned. "How the fuck..." Dani added. "You think I wouldn't find out what you kids were up to? Wipe that stupid look off your faces and clear me a landing zone." Juan stated.

"Paolo, meet Elena and I at the Helipad and Juan? Gracias." Dani remarked.


They cleared out all the soldiers and Juan landed the helicopter. Elena hopped up front with Juan while Dani and Paolo went in the back. "El Doctor?" Juan questioned. "Rotting in hell." Elena remarked. "Dead." Dani stated. "Real fucking tragedy." Paolo remarked.

"The Goddess of Victory picked us today, Enjoy it guerrillas because tomorrow she'll be fucking someone else." Juan remarked while Elena rolled her eyes.


"You never listened to Pedro Torrero? This generation is lost..." Juan remarked as the four of them walked back into camp. "Does he ever stop talking?" Paolo questioned Dani and Elena. "No." Dani stated. "It would be a miracle if he did." Elena added.

"Talia!" Paolo exclaimed as he saw Talia. Elena smiled. "Mijo!" Talia exclaimed as they approached each other. "I thought I lost you." Paolo told her. "Fuck no. El doctor..." Talia stated. "Dead and Castillo's next." Paolo remarked. "You sound... different." Talia said. "First time you're hearing my voice, mija." Paolo stated.

"That mean you'll march with me to Esperanza?" Clara questioned Paolo. "I'll fight for you. I'll put a fucking bullet through Castillo's skull for you but don't think I'm going to let you off the hook. It's easy to talk of ' family' 'equality' when you're not running a country but when your revolution is over, mine won't even have started yet." Paolo explained.

"So let's put it on the record. Bicho?" Clara questioned. "Si, Capitan. Queen Clara. I mean Jefa. Call me Paz." Paz replied. "Paz, I think Radio Libertad would like to hear from our newest comandante?" Clara stated as she and Paolo shook hands. "Let's do this shit." Paz remarked.

"You gonna tell the people Libertad was my idea?" Talia questioned. "Shit. Never gonna let that go.." Clara remarked. They left leaving, Dani, Juan and Elena alone. "I hate this fucking music..." Juan stated. "It's no Pedro Torrero." Both Elena and Dani stated. "Exactly, Dani and Elena." Juan remarked.

Dani stood still as Juan was walking and singing away, Elena began walking forward with Juan until Dani grabbed her hand and pulled her back, she froze when he held onto her, she instantly put her hands onto his chest, They locked eyes. "I meant what I said back there, but something hit me." Dani said. "Oh what's that?" Elena questioned as she rose a brow. "Your stuck with me because I don't plan to let you go, I'll fight anyone who tries to tear us apart." Dani said. She giggled. "Oh really because I was going to tell you the same thing." Elena remarked.  Dani smiled a bit before grabbing her face then pressing his lips onto hers, few guerrillas whistled. Juan turned around and chuckled. "About fucking time..." Juan remarked. Elena pulled away, she held onto his face, got lost in his eyes. He pushed a piece of hair behind her ear. 

"My siblings would be mind blown over the fact that I've found love." Elena said. "I didn't expect to find it in Libertad." Dani said. She pulled him into another kiss. "Shall we go celebrate this victory, mi amor?" Dani asked. "Si... let's get some victories while we are at it." Elena remarked as she took a hold of his hand, he gave it a light squeeze as the couple walked to join everyone.

Elena held onto Dani's hand walking towards the others, she froze as she saw someone familiar in the camp. Dani saw her. "Elena? you okay?" Dani asked. "... Jacob? is that you big bro?" Elena called out as her voice had cracked, The redhead made eye contact, he froze. "Elena?" Jacob questioned. Tears couldn't help but escape and she ran up to him and hugged, he couldn't help but hold onto his little sister tightly.

"I didn't think I would ever see you again, but here we are." Jacob mumbled. Elena pulled back. "But... How? and how did you know where to find me?" Elena asked. Jacob tilted his head towards Clara and Juan. "Well I did show up to their camp...." Jacob said, He looked at Dani. "Is this the Dani you spoke of?" Jacob asked, Elena nodded. "Yeah, and we're together..." Elena said. Jacob approached Dani. "It's nice to meet you, she spoke of you quite a bit." Dani said as he held out his hand. Jacob took it.

Elena smiled. "Look at you kid. You have changed.... that's good thing, Clara had filled me in on what you've done, I'm happy to join you and Dani." Jacob said. "I'm really glad that my big brother is here, because... I've missed you so much Jacob." Elena stated. Jacob pulled his sister into another hug.

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