Zarabiaćskonać, Kawagrzmotia, Flashia, early morning 8/4/2017
In an abandoned house where they somehow got access to, the group of Varikan spies would gather up to a meeting.
"So let us get into what we got from yesterday shall we?" said Sivakova, the leader of the group of 7 spies. 2 had been transferred to here to supplement one of the missing spy "Who will go first?"
"If you do not mind, I shall go first" said one of them "I have gathered information about this region, where other towns are in this region called Ka-wag-rz-mot-ska... ugh... what a weird name..."
"Well that's good Yulia... anyways who's next?"
"That would be me" said another "To begin with, I have learned what the soldiers here wear, and the weapons they carry"
"Just a little question, Alexei" said another Varikan spy looking out the window "Do they happen to wear navy blue and black staves of various length and size?"
"Yes Ivan, how did you know?"
Ivan then looked at the group with widen eyes and an expression that indicates danger.
"Well then we have a very big problem" he muttered "They're coming for us"
5 minutes earlier
With the sirens and blue lights flashing, the vehicles of the local ZPD raced down the street that finally calmed down after such a time.
"It's kind of surreal now that I realized it" said Antoniak riding shotgun, with a shotgun in his hand "It's just weird that the once violent street is so quiet all of the sudden"
"I wouldn't count on it" said Toft, the driver of the car "It's still early, there's no guarantee our car wouldn't get fucked up again when we get back to the station"
"Geez, have some hope will ya?"
The patrol car that got messed up by the rioters have now returned to its duty after patching up some damage here and there. With the lights flashing and the sirens blasting through the gradually awakening city, it would join another patrol vehicle which would head to the same area they've been sent to.
"Looks like we wouldn't be alone in this one" said Antoniak.
"Indeed we aren't"
About 5 minutes pass by, the Kawagrzmotian and the Tilenogtyve would exit their car, the former having a semi-automatic shotgun with a holographic sight and the latter going with a submachine gun with a red dot.
After hastily closing the doors, Toft proceeded to yank the stock out to the extended position before the catch caught on while Antoniak held his shotgun at a low-ready. They then proceeded to group up with the other 2 officers, both armed with the same type of SMGs.
The quad would bunch up at the door, and with the reassurance that all 4 of them are ready, one officer would place himself in front of the door, bracing himself for the breach.
One kick to the door, no go. Another kick-
...Annnnnd they're in.
"Zarabiaćskonać Police Department!" shouted the officer that went in first, the three others immediately followed. When they entered the first floor, a spy popped up at the stairwell. He raised his flintlock at them, which is answered with a 12 gauge into him, incapicitating him in an instant.
"On your right!" shout Toft followed by 2 gunshots. Antoniak turned to look only to find one lying on the floor.
He is clearly still alive, he kept rolling back and forth, crying in pain as he took a 9mm to the chest. The second hit is nowhere to be found. Presumably hit the wall but he didn't check.
An officer approached him, confiscating his dropped dagger while another got the flintlock. It seems he intended to charge them and at least take one down.
"Two suspects down on the first floor at the stairways" said the officer grabbing on the push-to-talk to get the message through radio.
"Copy that entry team, EMT will be there soon, proceed with the mission"
And soon afterward, not before they checked all other corners of the floor, the quad would take the stairs up to the second.
"I heard 2 shots within a second" said a frightened Yulia as her hands carrying two daggers uncontrollably shake "It's definitely not ours... What even is that?"
"It must be the staves they have!" yelled Ivan "They're guns! They're definitely guns!"
"Keep it down!" ordered Sivakova before reducing her voice to a whispering-ish level "They're going to know we're here"
Just as then, gunshots are heard again, and this time it's the louder one from before. They then hear a muffled warcry of one of the spies at the door, before it was promptly cut off by the sound of the louder gun, and then a distinct dull sound.
'It's not ones that I'm familiar with...' thought Sivakova, before then she looked at her comrades.
She sees Yulia trembles in fear that she never seen before, barely uttering a word.
"W-w-we're all g-gonna die..."
Then looked at Ivan, whose face is clearly full of disbelief and horror.
"It can't end this way... no..."
And then she looked at herself. It seems to her that she's incredibly fearful too.
"What... is... happening...?" she mumbled to herself "Why... am I scared? Is it because we got caught...?"
In the course of her career, she and this group were very good at keeping themselves out of the eyes of the authority that would've have them rounded up. But with the realization that Flashia is now well-aware of their presence, not to mention they knew exactly where they were hiding, it shouldn't be a surprise the feared became so fearful.
And yet here they are, trembling in their room, trying to calm themselves in the worst possible moments of their lives.
That same fear would escalate as footsteps outside are heard louder and louder. As far as they know, they're the last ones still standing in this 3-storey house. And whoever these guys are, they're creeping in close.
All of the sudden, the footsteps that approached them fell silent, the spies here all completely stressed out. Then, the door to their room opens up, then something was thrown in before the door was quickly closed. The three looked at the object, it was some kind of pipe with holes on it.
The Varikans closes their eyes and looked away immediately with one tripping in what seems like life flashed in their eyes for about 5 seconds before their perception of the surrounding went back but became so damn blurry. To make things worse, they could not hear a thing as their ringing ears deafen out even their thoughts which also caused the disorientation in the process.
Out of everyone here, Sivakova was the one who fell down to the ground, for she could not balance herself. Despite the lingering detrimental effects, she would attempt to get on her feet, and she would actually makes some progress in that regard. That is until she forcibly got knocked onto the floor, again.
As the effect from that pipe dissipated over time, Sivakova could hear the one who then restrained her saying something albeit still muffled. From what the leader can make out of, he was speaking a language similar to her mother's tongue, but is definitely different.
Sivakova wanted to say something, but then decided against it, assuming that they would not understand her anyway.
"I got her right here, get the other two" said Antoniak as he cuffs the female spy's hands.
"I got it, I got it" said Toft as he make his way to another of these spies, forcing him on the knees before restraining him.
The male spy can be heard saying something to Toft, the officers only understood a part of what he tried to get through. Nonetheless, one thing is clear is that he speaks Newbian, or whatever they call it in this world.
And surprisingly enough 2 of the spies, the leader and the male spy took it relatively well, staying somewhat calm. The other one on the hand was... quite feisty to say the least.
The surviving spies were then led downstairs, where they wait for transport to come as they sit on the floor, behind a wall with hands on their back.
"Kleczka, you watch these spies alright?" said Antoniak before he turns to Toft "So it's done..."
"Yep..." as Toft then leans back on the wall, then groaning from getting tired out from the raid.
"...You know you can light up a fag if you want, I wouldn't mind that much"
"Nah thanks... tryin' to quit..."
"Oh uh... Good for you then..."
"...The Ministry of National Security has announced that the Operation Concentration which involved many of the police departments across the country was conducted and was subsequently largely deemed a success..."
Then another approached him, his kitted out rifle on the vest.
"You did a great job today" he said to the sitting member of SIU.
"Yeah, well... you did good too" he replied, before then laughing along with his fellow and afterward exchanging a fist bump.
"Operation Concentration saw the local police, alongside the FIIA raiding several buildings as part of the crackdown on foreign espionage"
A Naeslagt spy on the run would hop into the wall and bounced his foot off it, bringing him up above a fence and leaving the police on foot behind.
"Catch me if you can haha!" he taunted as he then continued out of the alleyway.
But upon exiting the alley, he was hit by a 'Politi' vehicle, causing him to fall over to the ground. Thinking quickly, he promptly goes over to the flintlock he brought with him.
"Ligg i ro! Ligg i ro!" (Lay still! Lay still!) shouted another person of the Politi as he exited the carriage with a gun "Rører du den pistolen, så skyter jeg deg i huet!" (If you touch that pistol, I will shoot you in the head!)
The spy froze in shock, unable to continue on getting it, as he did not expect an uncivilized country by another definition to speak his mother language in a way that is indistinguishable from native speakers back home, albeit with a dialect.
"Hva faen...?" (What the devil...?)
"According to the Minister of National Security Axel Kolsgaard, they have successfully arrested 81 of the 85 spies, while the rest of 4 is still at large"
"Let me go you barbarians-"
"Shaddup" as the masked Sakat member of the FIIA slapped on the back of the Gestraen spy's head.
"Don't fucking slap him like that..." said another FIIA operator, again masked.
"I know, but it's just that he's getting damn annoying, I just had to"
"The spies reportedly comes from many states, such as Varikan, La Ferdina, Saogaulia and Naeslagtland. Like Esterria they are all early 18th centuries countries with some twists..."
The Esterrian Prime Minister in Flash clothing then turned off the radio while underway to Tilenogtyve to a cruise ship
Varikans are known to be so good at espionage, and that's for a good reason. As Esterria is constantly being spied on, the Commonwealth had caught many of them in the act. But out of all of them, none, so far, were Varikan, and yet Flashia just easily grab them in one go.
This fact would give Gessel a glimmer of hope, optimism that their newfound allies could be the key to winning the war to their Western region and the key to prevent a great disaster for the Commonwealth.
"I guess we will prevail after all..."
???, White Castle, Varikan Empire, 12/ 4/1702
"Your Majesty" said General Bogdan as he once again kneels to the Tsar once more.
"Speak, General Bogdan" said the Tsar on his throne.
"I have found out what happened to our spies as well as others'"
"Very well, what exactly happened then?"
The Varikan general did not say anything, as if he's hesistating to speak.
"Sir... our spies... all of them..." as he struggles even to tell him the new information regarding their spies.
"They all what...? Speak up general, I would not get angry about some bad news"
"They all... got caught..."
The tsar's face went pale as he heard the 4 words, barely uttered from the general.
"...All 11?" said the emperor
"All 11, they all got arrested"
The tsar's face says it all. As he could not comprehend how the best spies of Gestrae got swooped in one go, anger was flowing through his veins.
"Impossible! They should have not been able to catch our spies easily like that! We have the best spies in this continent, and yet 11 of them are now in jail of this barbaric republic because of you Bogdan!"
"Your majesty-"
"DO NOT 'YOUR MAJESTY' ME!" the tsar slammed his clenched fist on the arm of his throne
General Bogdan was silenced after that.
"The failures of today is because of you Bogdan, would this look good to the public? To the history of ours? If you fail me like that again, I will make sure that I will take away your privilege as general and maybe even have you and your family sold as slaves!"
The quietness would take place for a short second after that
"Yes, Your Majesty"
The tsar then let out a breath.
"Now get out of my sight..."
If you read the old version of this and noticed that half of what was there is missing. Well that's because I've committed mitosis, because story-wise, it would not make sense for the parade to also happen here.
So yeah, stay tuned for 'Forsvarets Dagen'
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