Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 » the serial killing bitch was a kanima

"Hold on" Kira spoke up as I placed my hand on the door knob. "Isn't this like a crime scene or something?"

"No" Lydia said with an eye roll as I pushed open the door.

I paused when I saw the police tape around Tracy's bed and turned back to the other two.

"Maybe" I corrected.

"Don't worry about it" Lydia shrugged.

"Okay, so what are we looking for?" Kira asked.

Lydia shook her head. "I am not sure. I'm mostly just following a feeling" She said as she headed over to the lamp.

"Your feelings usually lead to dead bodies" I reminded.

Lydia switched on the lamp. "Well let me know if you find one"

I rolled my eyes and turned to face Kira, who looked terrified.

I sighed and started to rummage through Tracy's items. After about ten minutes of no luck, Kira placed a box on the bed.

"Hey look at this" she said, holding up a dream catcher in one hand and a card in the other.

Lydia and I peered over her shoulder as Kira read out what was on the card.

"Remember, Tracy bear. It only works if you believe it. Hope this helps. Love dad" she closed the card and turned to face us. "This is beyond depressing"

"He was just trying to help her" Lydia said.

"Why would she go after him like that?" I wondered out loud.

"I guess she wasn't in control of herself" Lydia answered.

I thought for a moment. "But it wasn't even a full moon"

"Maybe a werewolf with night terrors is worse than a-" Lydia paused and took the dream catcher from Kira's hand. "You know, there are cases of people who have accidentally murdered their entire family in a night terror"

"How the fuck do you accidentally murder your family" I frowned.

"They had no idea what they were doing" Lydia said. "It's called a homicidal somnambulism"

I stared at my best friend, feeling completely and utterly confused. "A homicidal sombu what?"

"Somnambulism" Lydia corrected.

"So if Tracy's killing people she doesn't really wanna kill, she might not actually be awake" Kira said.

"She's still in a night terror"

"Okay, wait a second. Her dad was just trying to help her, right?" I asked.

"So was her psychiatrist" Lydia said.

"And maybe that's why she was at the school" Kira said.

"She was looking for someone else who was just trying to help" Lydia realised.

"Yeah, and- oh, maybe it was you?" Kira suggested.

Lydia turned around to face her, eyebrows raised.

"Or not" Kira said quickly. "Since that would mean she wants to kill you"

"No. No, you're right. I was trying to help. But so was someone else" she said. "My mother. What if Tracy went to the school looking for her?"

"Where is she now?" I asked.

"On a date"


The three of us burst through the doors to the Sheriff's station.

"Mom!" Lydia yelled. "She's coming. Tracy's coming for you"

"What?" Ms Martin frowned. "What do you mean for me?"

Upon hearing a creaking noise above us, I looked up to be met with the face of Tracy.

In a Kanima form but with wolf fangs.

"Okay, what the hell" I mumbled.

Sheriff Stilinski jumped forwards with his gun but Tracy knocked him to the floor.

I pushed Lydia behind me as Kira stepped forwards with her Katana.

"Kira look out!" The Sheriff yelled.

"Go, go, go" I instructed to Lyds as I stepped forwards, growling at Tracy.

The two of us stared at each other before I made the first move.

She caught my arm but I shrugged it from her grip, extending my leg and kicking her backwards.

She swiped her claws at me which I narrowly dodged.

Kira stepped forwards, attempting to hit her with her katana.

"Mom, run!" Lydia commanded. "Run!"

Ms Martin gasped and went to disappear but Tracy started to head over to Lydia.

"No!" I cried out, just as Tracy swung her tail round and hit Lydia in the stomach.

My friend gasped in pain and I froze.

"Lydia! Lydia!" Ms Martin screamed.

I watched helplessly as my best friend collapsed to the floor in pain.

Anger boiled up inside me as I looked back at Tracy. "I'm gonna rip your throat out"

Before I could follow through on my threat, Kira had knocked Tracy down and was now stood on the desk, swishing her Katana around like a badass.

A fiery aura glowed around her in the shape of a fox.

She jumped from the desk as Tracy turned around and her katana sliced through the kanima's tail.

I stared up at Kira in shock as the raging fox outline intensified.

Still in shock and intrigued at what I saw from Kira, I turned to Lydia.

I dropped down to my knees next to her, placing my hands where the crimson red blood was seeping through.

"You're okay, you're going to be okay" I told her, not entirely sure whether it was for her reassurance or mine.

Kira bent down next to me, also applying pressure to Lydia's wound.

"You okay?" I looked over at Mr Stilinski.

"I'm fine. I'll be fine"

"Are you sure?" I double checked.

"Yeah. Focus on her" he indicated to Lydia.

I heard the Sheriff's station door open again and caught the scent of Malia.

"Malia" I called out.

She came into view, looking at Lydia with worry in her eyes.


"Okay, hey. It's not as bad as it looks" Kira said.

"Malia. Listen. Tracy, she thinks- she thinks she's asleep. She thinks she's dreaming. It's a night terror" Lydia explained, her voice shaking.

"I don't know what that-" Malia started.

"She's not dreaming. She's not asleep" Lydia choked out. "Get her to understand"

"Malia" Sheriff Stilinski spoke up. "Basement. They're in the basement"

"They?" Malia asked.

"Tracy" Lydia said, her voice strained. "And my mother"

Malia nodded and disappeared out of sight and into the basement.

Lydia winced and a small cry of pain escaped her lips.

"You're going to be fine" I promised as I took her hand in mine.

I closed my eyes and reopened them again to see the darkness shooting up my veins.

I gasped a little as the pain burned. It felt like acid in my veins.

Lydia's eyes started to close and I could feel the relief radiating from her body.

I continued to grip on to Lydia's hand, throwing my head back as a groan of excruciating pain escaped me.

"Shay, stop" Kira commanded. "Shay!"

I let go of Lydia's hand and sat with my back against the wall, my breathing heavy.

Kira lifted her shaking hands up, which were covered in blood.

I watched as a tear rolled down Lydia's face.

Even if I couldn't feel the fear and worry emitting from her, I would have been able to sense it through her facial expression.

"Hey" I smiled at my best friend. "Everything is going to be okay"



Lydia and Shay are friendship goals bye 🎅🏻🎅🏻

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