(Y/N) stared out the window miserably. Iroh had been gone for a week now. Two days ago she woke up to a scroll on her nightstand, she had no idea where it came from but it looked pretty discreet. She wondered who it could possibly be as she uncurled it. The material felt rich and heavy under her fingertips, this was fine paper; fit for Royalty.
She had been learning to read and write for a few weeks now so it took her a few hours to clearly decipher the characters neatly written on the scroll.
What was written was a message from Iroh;
‘Dearest Child, I apologize for abruptly leaving without informing you; I feared suspicion from Admiral Enzo. He has people in the palace watching you. He has also left on a secret mission on orders from my brother Prince Ozai. Be careful always and never let your guard down. I am making plans for your escape. I will return in 7 days please rest easy young one you will see your Hisashi again.
P.S work on your pai cho game.’
She had read this message over and over these past two days, so much so that the corners of the paper were crinkled and tattered. Before the guards and servants came in she’d slip it under her pillow and lay down on it; they never did check the pillow.
The message was read so much that she knew it word by word, and those words played in her head repeatedly with each passing moment.
‘please rest easy young one you will see your Hisashi again…’
The young (H/C) haired spirit curled up in her bed and stared at the words until her vision blurred. She pressed her face against her pillow and found that it was damp. She sat up and stared down at her pillow curiously and saw that it was wet with water patches where her eyes were.
When she touched her cheeks it was wet.
“Huh? When did I start crying?” She whispered softly in a cracked voice like shattered glass.
Her hands tightened into fists. (Y/N) rubbed her cheeks angrily but more tears rolled down her cheeks. She clenched her teeth.
“Stop. Stop please.” She cried softly. “I just wanna go home.”
A sharp stab of pain in her chest made her gasp. She held her hand to her heart and could feel how fast it was beating. It had hurt almost every day since she was separated from Hisashi but this pain was the strongest blow.
Her forehead was beaded with perspiration and her breathing came out labored.
The truth was, she needed Hisashi; she’d die in the Physical world without him, he was her Anchor and Token. But she’d rather slowly die knowing he was safe than to risk his life.
She told no one of this. She just hoped Iroh found a way out before she perished. (Y/N) curled up and held her hand to her chest. The pain passed eventually.
She was facing away from the door when she heard the door to her chamber open. She growled and her (E/C) eyes flashed orange.
“Get. Out.” She snapped.
There was a moment of silence and she naturally assumed the person left. She squeezed her eyes shut.
“I-I made you something.”
That was Zuko’s voice. She curled up and buried her face in her hands.
“Go away Zuko, I’m really not in the mood.” She grumbled, her voice muffled by her hand.
“I know I’m the last person you wanna hear this from but…I’m sorry…I really am (Y/N).”
He sounded sad.
“Leave me alone…please. I'm not in the mood to play.” She whispered the last part.
“That’s not an easy thing to do.” He said in a weird voice, almost as if he was mimicking someone else’s voice.
She furrowed her brows. “Why are you talking in that voice?”
“Turn around and see.” That same weird voice.
(Y/N) couldn’t stifle her curiosity anymore so she turned. Her lips tilted up softly when she saw what was in Zuko’s hand. He was kneeling by her bed, holding what looked like a rag doll dragon made from separate red and white clothes. Its eyes were black buttons and its tail and back spikes were red.
Zuko smiled. “What’ll you name-”
“Hisashi.” She blurted instantly, tears prickling her eyes.
Zuko’s eyes widened when he saw her clear (E/C) eyes sparkling with tears.
“Do you not like it? I’m sorry it looks so hideous it took my 3 weeks to make it but it was a labor of love!” He cried out dramatically.
She leaped off her bed and wrapped her arms around him, her face buried in the crook of his neck. She hugged him as tears streamed down her cheeks.
“I love it.”
Zuko blinked, unsure what to do. He felt warm. He looked down at her; Was she really hugging him? he could feel wisps of her hair on his cheeks.
He smiled and hugged her back. Zuko didn't know why or how, but he wanted to protect her from the world and the pain. He wanted nothing more but to see her happy again.
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