As the day progressed, I grew more and more anxious with every second that passed. I somehow managed to halfway focus in some of my classes. However, when I wasn't stressing over the whole soulmate thing, I was stressing over my falling behind in almost all the courses I was taking. Since I started wearing the watch, it's been more of a distraction than I thought it would.
Once I was out of my last class for the day, I walked to the local coffee shop I had gone to just a couple days earlier. I walked into the shop and was greeted with the smell of coffee and a rather empty shop for a Friday afternoon. I ignored the emptiness and ordered a medium coffee. As I waited, I texted Lynn to let her know what I would be doing for a while.. Just as I locked my phone after sending the message, my coffee was done. I took the cup from the cashier and made my way over to a table by a window before opening up my laptop.
While I was waiting for the home screen to pull up, I received a reply from Lynn.
*Okay, make sure your watch is on. What if you meet him at the coffee shop? -L
*Yeah, sure, listen, I doubt anything is gonna happen today. But I'll go ahead and turn it on.
I turned on my watch and the hologram popped up to reveal the shockingly small amount of time until I was supposed to meet my soulmate.
00:01:23:09. and counting..
I took a deep breath and opened up a new text document so that I could write a paper that was due Monday. However, no matter how much I tried to remain focused on the task at hand, my mind kept wandering to other places. My concentration level was so bad that in an hour, I had only written one paragraph and had gone through two cups of coffee, going on my third. I glanced at my watch and was taken aback by the time remaining.
I felt my chest tighten a little, but quickly made an attempt to ignore it. I managed to get through another paragraph before looking back to the watch.
I was soon overwhelmed with a sudden fear. What if what happened to my mom happens to me? I had heard the story once, but remember it perfectly.
My mom had been sitting in a coffee shop, going about her business. She, unlike me at the moment, was excited about the close end to her countdown. However, when her countdown hit five minutes, her chipper mood faded. Her watch glitched, refusing to proceed to countdown. As her watch shut itself off, there was a huge commotion just outside of the coffee shop. The sight of red lights flashing from ambulances, the sound of people shouting. By the time my mom saw the scene the crowd was gawking at, a horrendous car accident, she had realized why her watch had glitched out. In that moment, her soul mate had died right in front of her with just five minutes left. What if the same happens to me? I glanced down at my watch.
I sighed and gathered my things. I slung my bag over my shoulder and picked up my coffee before I began to walk toward the exit. As soon as I stepped outside, I bumped into someone, causing my coffee to spill down their front.
"Oh my God, I am so sorry." I frantically apologized and began wiping his shirt with my hand, as if that would somehow help the situation.
"No, don't worry. I'm sorry, I should've watched where I was going." The guy's words were saturated with a British accent. I looked up and saw that it was the same boy who I saw at the shop the other night. I immediately got lost in the boy's deep, brown eyes, my hand still resting on his chest. It felt like time had stopped, like everything around us was frozen. I managed to tear my gaze from his eyes to my watch just long enough to realize that the countdown was at zero, as was his. He was the one "I'm Dan." He smiled, causing dimples to appear.
"y/n." I said, a smile creeping its way across my face.
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