Death and love

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Nico POV

I'm not doing good.

There has been quite a bit of monster attacks, but I just ran into one of my least favorite goddess.

What's up with the gods getting involved in my life lately?

Now I know what you're probably thinking.


Well actually it wasn't her this time.

I'll give a clue she's pipers mom.

Ding! ding! ding!

You're right it's Aphrodite.

So I was just minding my own. I used the entrance in the Hollywood sign so I have to walk all the way across the states to Long Island,but I've been able to sit on the back of trucks and sometimes if I have enough energy I'll have my minions carry me.

Currently though I was walking by a freeway, but I made sure to stay far enough so I wouldn't be noticed to much.

"He's just a boy, but he's on fire" I sang quitely. I found it helps to keep reminding myself of my goal and that song reminded me of Leo.

"Aww how cute" a girly voice said.

I looked up and saw... Percy? no Leo? no Jason? wait what?

Who ever they were they had a girly voice, but there form kept changing.

"Who are you?!" I yelled getting out my sword.

"Whoa there Nico." they said calmly and I felt like I had to obey.

"Who do you see?" they asked and I felt obligated to answer.

"Well Percy and Jason and Leo... why?" I asked.

"The heart sees what it wants." They stated.

"Wait are you-" they interrupted me.

"I am Aphrodite, the goddess of love-"

"I don't love Percy! Anymore and why the f*ck is Jason one of your forms." she looked a little pissed, but calmed herself.

"Maybe next time if you didn't interrupt me I could explain" she said and I almost forgot she was a goddess she would make my life hell.

"Sorry my lady" I said as I looked at my shoes.

"As I was saying I'm Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty I see and feel your love or attractions towards other and you and I both know you still have that little bit of hope with Percy and you don't have an love attraction for Jason, but you think he's hot and Leo, well we both know that" she winked in Leo form. seeing him, it was too much pain, it reminded me that if I fail I fail him. we pinkey promised.

"Right sorry" Aphrodite said changing her form to Percy and she stopped changing.

"M'lady not to be rude, but why are you here? is there troubles on Olympus?" I ask

"Oh no of course, well except the little arguments we have, but that's no big problem, I can because you and I both know you will not make it in time and I'm here to help" she said cheerfully.

"Okay now what's the other side of the deal" I said knowing she just wasn't going to help me.

"Well I just found another one of my daughters, she quite old, 16 perhaps, but anyways she wishes to test her abilities. today it's about Wednesday 12 give or take and I will transport you to camp half blood with care to make sure Leo's soul won't get hurt, if she can practice her, how you say, beauty skills on you." wait she doesn't mean-

"No no no! such a sick mind! I meant physical appearance. it's hair cut a tan ect and I will bring you to camp about right after you karaoke begins kay?" se said in a sing-a-song voice.

"Okay" I agree'd.


I was in a pink room siting in a chair you'd find at a barber ship. In front of me was a mirror, supplies and a very pretty girl.

She had thin dark black hair, tan, yet pail skin and blue eyes. I would be drooling over her if I was into chicks.

"Okay Nico, just stare straight forward, hey take a nap if you want it'll be a bit." it's been a while since I've slept and her charm speak was quite good.

I leaned my head back and feel into a dreamless sleep.


I woke up, dazed.

I blink a few times, until my vision cleared and in front of me stood a very happy girl, the one from earlier and... Percy? No no no it's Aphrodite.

"Thank you for your corporation mr. Di Angelo, I hope you enjoy the results" the girl said as held a long mirror in front of her.

Oh my.

A/N: sorry guys my phone won't let me update D:

I'm on my phone typing this through the internet and in having quite some trouble figuring out how to use this but for now I've been writing it on notes and I'll copy and paste it.

Thank you for understanding

Love ya!


Does your phone also crash when u try and get to "create"?


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Srry for typos I don't really get to proof read :/

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