Chapter 37 [Part 1]

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Her lips trembled mirroring her shaky voice and it killed Yuvraaj to see her like them. To hump her down on bed and make love wasn't a tough task and the state he was in, definitely prodded him to do so but he just needed her to be more sober. Not emotionally driven.

He forked his fingers in his hair and calmed himself down. "It's not that. There's nothing wrong with you! And I am not rejecting you." He caressed his knuckles on her cheek and pecked her lips, "Rejecting you is out of question for me. I want you more than you've ever wanted me. You have no idea what you do to me."

"Then why don't you like me?"

"How do you know that I don't like you?" He was seriously fed up of her obtuseness. There was no chance he had gripped himself to show how much he loved her.

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Now, are you sure you're not dictating my feelings?" He became defensive, "Just as you say, if it is so obvious of me not liking you even though I've not given you any reason to feel such as, how can you say that you loving me is obvious when it is not, in my perspective."

"So do you like me?" She wondered, blinking her eyes.

"If I didn't, you wouldn't be standing here." He gave a circumlocutory answer making her smile shortly. She pulled him closer, looping her hands around his neck, "Then why are you running away from me? Ain't you the same person who threatened to drag me to the court for keeping you sexually deprived? Ain't you the same authoritative husband who warned me that I am his wife irrespective of the duration? Ain't you the same man who wished to stay with your wife?"

She punctuated her each question, kissing his neck and dragged her hands upon his bare chest, making him close his eyes in ecstasy. Yuvraaj was loosing the battle, desires spiraled in him and he clutched her hair, pulling her face up and captured her lips with his, pushing her to the wall gently.

Surrendering, Anahita fidgeted with his pants, trying to get him rid of his belt and threw it aside, pulling his body flushed against her. Yuvraaj skimmed his teeth along with her jaw to her ear and bit on her earlobe making her shudder. His maverick hand inched up in her top and he pinched her waist, earning her gasp with her fingers turning into his shoulders. He positioned to her cleavage and sucked her skin until she moaned and a bluish blotch etched in her skin.

"Do you feel now how much I want you?" He spoke, resting their forehead against each other.

"Then love me, Yuvraaj." She purred and he denied, shaking his head. "We can't do this." He repelled and Anahita steeled her grip upon his arm.

"Is it because you think what everyone says?" Yuvraaj eyed her confusingly when she broached up the long forgotten topic.


"That I've done something with Mukund." She trembled, "That I have crossed all my limits with Mukund. Yuvraaj! I swear to God, I've not done anything like this. Mom dad, they believe it. They think I've brought shame to the family but for God sake, I've not done that. I know and remember my values..."

"I know, Anahita." Yuvraaj grazed his palm over her face, "I trust you. I don't care what anyone says, it's just I know you won't do that. My Little angry bird is stubborn and rebellious but not immoral and conscienceless." He wiped the tears her eyes were ready to flow.


"Because we're still not in such point to not regret aftermath." He proceeded, intervening. "Anahita, for me it's only you but to you sticking up to me can be difficult. I don't want you to regret doing anything which you perhaps don't wish."

"We're married Yuvraaj." She reminded him.

Yuvraaj had had enough it. Hence, he vocalised what he felt, "But you don't believe in this marriage. It's just a Five Week game for you."

"But I believe in you and since it's so important to you, it has become precious to me." She confessed, "Oh, now i know why are you running." She put her palm flat upon his face, "You still haven't forgotten my words, right?"

Like a child, he nodded and she smiled. She simply pressed her lips upon his and intertwined her fingers with him.

"Clean this mess and I'll get change meanwhile. We've a lot to discuss and the night has just started becoming incandescent." She winked at him and picking up her clothes, ambled to the bathroom. Locking the door behind her, she tossed her clothes on the granite counter, gazing at her reflection.

"You've messed up a big time, Anu! Just fix him up." She sighed and striping naked, walked into the shower. A warm shower had eased out her worries and her skin glowed under the marks he had gifted her.

Pondering, she tightened towel around her body and grabbed another one to dry her hair. Her long fingers dabbed moisturizer onto the length of her arms and neck and she rubbed it in circles on his body. Slipping into the cup short sleeved orange cotton top, she hid her black plunge bra inside and wore Whits hot pants. Moisturizing her feet and legs, she wore her favourite cologne and stepped out of the bathroom to see the bedroom less messy and bed already done.

Yuvraaj had plopped upon it, keeping his one arm over another and his bare beauty was covered with white t-shirt. Mutely, she sprinted to the bed and hid their frames under the blanket. Scooting closer, she caressed Yuvraaj's hair and placed a a brief kiss on his hairline.

"Are you sleeping?"

"No, you said we've a lot to discuss." He slipped in her embrace, wrapping his arm around her waist and put his head upon her lap.

"Yes, we do!" Anahita started playing with the curly strands of his hair, "You realise when we got married, we didn't know each other much. To be honest, I didn't want to go with this wedding. I ran that day, i would've gotten married to Mukund by now but thank God, I didn't. He said he wouldn't be able to make it because of his job. He chose his job over me, I was okay with it. I didn't want to come back home but he asked me to because he wanted me safe. I complied readily and then he asked me to marry you, I was reluctant but when you've no one with you and the only support asks you to do something, you comply without question. I did that only. My parents had started lending ears to what their cousins said, neglecting their own blood. I wanted dad to break this marriage but his words are important than my happiness."

"I am sorry, I shouldn't have marry you."

"No," She covered his lips with her palm. "Thank God you did. I accept that I hated you because I couldn't see you as my husband. It was like a nightmare, Yuvraaj, you've no idea how I'm always reminded to mould myself according to you as if I were just a complement. I'm a human, an individual. My own parents forgot that and that build anger for you in me. I know you're nowhere at fault but hurting you made me feel good. I thought it was your Karma but then Mukund vanished in the thin air for me."

Heaving a sigh, she continued. "Gradually, I started liking you. All this time, since our marriage I didn't try to contact him because I didn't want to waste any single second that I can spend with you. I started knowing you."

"If you didn't accept me as your husband then, how can you do it now?" He asked.

"Because I love you now. Simple." She kissed his cheek, "But if you don't want to go with it, that's fine. I don't want you to think that I only want you for my physical pleasure, for my love has higher meaning than this." She slowly slipped down and hugged him tightly, keeping her head upon his chest. "I'll wait until you start loving me and my love for you will never end. I didn't believe in marriage because I wasn't prepared but now as I love you and marriage matters a great deal to you, it's very important for me as well."

Yuvraaj was feeling lighter and happier with each word she said. His insecurities coming to an end and he draped his arm around her tightly. She had accepted him and he was sure that she wouldn't leave him nor will he see the regret in those beautiful eyes.

"Just so you know, I wouldn't have kissed you if I hadn't loved you." She inverter smoothly, before hiding her face in his warm chest and tangled her legs with his.



"Even if you will use me for physical pleasure, it makes my heart swell." He tipped her chin, making her look into his eyes. "And you've no idea how much I need you."

"Then," She bit her lip, mumbling. "Will you show me now?"

"You sure?"

"Hmm..." She nodded frantically. No sooner than that, her lips moulded accordingly in his and her hands were clutched in a vice grip above her head. She could do much as wriggle when he hovered her frame and his hands left her hands, crawling down to her breasts, cupping them in his fist over the material of her top.

Anahita's fingers worked with his T-shirt and sliding it off over his head, she tossed it aside in the room somewhere before running her nails on his broad shoulder as he broke the kiss and dipped down to her neck, grazing her teeth on the smooth skin. He pushed her tits upwards and nuzzled his face in them, making her grind against him. Anahita drew a sharp intake of breath as Yuvraaj flicked his tongue above her nipple over the clothe and teased it by pinching it between his fingers.

Unable in resisting much, she moaned loudly as his desires dug in her abdomen, sending shivers down her body. Utilising her moment of weakness, Yuvraaj made her sit with out breaking the kiss and fought with her tongue for dominance before pushing her head away a little, revealing her smooth neckline to him.

Lust dripping in his eyes and desires kindled in him as his pupils became darker and dilated, prompting Anahita to crawl upon his lap and cupping his face in a dense grip, kissing him hard. Yuvraaj bunched up her hair and fisted it aside. He kissed a trail of path from her neck to her ear and then reveled behind to her nape. He clutched the material of shoulder in his grip before slightly stretching it, revealing her left shoulder. Tearing of threads resonated as he stretched it more, devouring her shoulder hungrily.

Before he could tore her dress, Anahita gripped his hands, wheezing out. "This is my favourite."

"I' you again."

"Still," She swatted his hands and kissed his neck, following the steps she had learnt in the first course. She gave a winning smirk as she noticed the blue blotch Hickey in the base of his neck and Yuvraaj shook his head at her gleaming face.

"Show your tattoo, now!" He commanded, scooting up his hands to her back under her top and unclasped her bra, pulling the both straps against.

"What's with your fascination with..." She trailed off muttering as he kissed her but managed to unbutton her shorts when Yuvraaj cuffed her hands. "No, not this. Raise your hands up your head!"

Confused, Anahita complied readily and in a swift moment, he pulled her top over her head and tossed it aside revealing the skin he hadn't seen yet. Her bra was hanging loose almost hiding nothing and the straps were going to fall off shoulder any moment, making her almost bare chest nude. It was a fluke. He stared at her chest openmouthed, making her deep scarlet red. Coyly hiding herself from his vision by crossing her arms, Anahita blushed, "Okay, i know you guys are somehow fascinated with breasts don't have to stare at me like that."

"Like what?" He smirked, pulling her hands back and flushed her against him.

"Like an...hungry wolf?" She ended up questioning and his chest rumbled with the laughter that followed his lips, "Well....I've no idea how a hungry wolf looks but if he thinks that what he is seeing, is a delicious meal, then maybe I can understand how he stares." He whispered in her ears and ran his fingers on the pebbled nubs, making her shudder.

"If you're going me like this...I'm...I'm...not going this." She completed with difficulty and turned around displaying her bare back to him. Sneering, Yuvraaj pulled her in him, cinching his arm around her flat and smooth belly and used his good hand to remove the last part of clothe from her upper wear.

"So, no dirty talks?" His lips sauntered to her back and peppered balmy kisses all around as he adjusted her between his legs and secured his grip right under her breasts.

"No!"Gasps escaped her mouth as she clutched his hand to keep her steady threw her head back as he skimmed his lips at the corner of neck, sucking and nipping her warm sweet flesh.

A wave of gratification blew over him as his eyes stopped upon the designer artwork over her right shoulder. It was simply a Y with wings curled in it and resting proudly over her flesh. His fingers tenderly traced the initial before kissing tenderly, making her wince.

"Does it pain?" His voice sounded foreign to her as it was drenched in love, affection, pride and desires. Gazing at his eyes, she shook her head, "Not anymore."

"When did you get this done?"

"When I met that bitch friend of yours. What was her name?"


"Yes. Julie!" She said bitterly and Yuvraaj laughed, kissing her cheek. "Your jealousy is out of place. She is not even in the competition, she is just a friend. You're my girl."

"I better be!" She grinned rubbing her nose with him when he shot another question. "Is this the only reason?"



"The feeling of etching this on my body is equal to the feeling of having you around." She smiled and he trained his eyes again on the tattoo, kissing it softly again and again.

"Y for?" His childish query made Anahita giggle, "You don't know..."


"Y for Yak."

Groaning, he sucked her skin deep until it metamorphosed in a love bite and bit her neck teasingly, "Answer me, Y for?"

"Y for Yuvraaj, duffer! Who else?" She pinched his cheek.


Continuation in next chapter and even that will be private. Do tell me reviews. :D

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