Chapter 20

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“Home sweet home!” Lazily, Yuvraaj toppled on the bed. Sending a smile towards him, Anahita trudged to the dresser to smooth her already puffed hair and try a new hairdo. She began the ritual of brushing her hair.

Casting his peripheral gaze at her, Yuvraaj was silently enjoying looking at her dolling herself. Anahita put the matte cheery red lip colour on her full lips, posing a seductive pout which had nothing to do with the seduction.  
“Anahita!” Yuvraaj crooned. Her name melting like a piece of marshmallow in his mouth.

“Hmm…” She responded without darting her eyes off the mirror and pursed her lips, correcting the colour with tissue.

“Do you have camera?” Yuvraaj queried, flinging his cellphone on the bed and came closer to her.


“Hai una camera?” He asked in Italian, the major dialect known in Sardinia but that confused her more, “Huh?”

Yuvraaj smirked, teasing her with his dark gaze and stood a feet behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and put his chin on her shoulder. “Apalyakadhe camera aahe?”

Since he had already confused her enough that's she couldn't help but whine, “What are you talking, Yuvraaj, I am unable to understand a single word.”

Yuvraaj swivelled her and pulled her, making her crash against his chest. “I asked a simple question 'do you have camera' but I didn't know that you're completely illiterate to understand any of the languages.”

“Very funny. Couldn't you say it in Hindi?” She rolled her eyes, swirling on her heels to face the mirror.

“What's the use of studying in a convent when you can't understand English?” He taunted, scooping her in a hug. “Ah! Not to mention the bogus degree you've from Symbiosis.”

I thought he was seeking apology. Anahita groaned inwardly. She faked a smile and unbarred his grip, “What about your degree? Huh? Mr. Mechanical engineer!”

“As far as I am the CEO." He boasted, tipping her chin, "It doesn't matter."

"You're the CEO because of your dad. Else, I have serious doubts on your abilities!" She countered with her nose in air to have the upper hand.

"You doubt?"

"I do."

"Well then," Out of his knack, Yuvraaj kissed her neck and murmured in her hair, "Let me prove you my abilities."

She sucked a sharp breath lowly as he unpinned her swept hair and drizzled his fingers through them, messing it all the way. As the distance between them got knotted by him, he dipped to her ear and whispered, "I should capture you in my memories like this." Her breath hitched and she gulped, closing her eyes as he nibbled her earlobe, "I have the most beautiful wife.”

The blush which crawled onto her cheeks had nothing to do with the callous act he made but with the intensity of sensuousness she felt when he said those words. She gripped his broad shoulder and tried to gently push him when he constrained her by sliding his svelte arms around her the tender waist.

"Why do you push me all the time?" Anahita felt as she traced the clandestine pain in his voice and the wife in her ceased her efforts. Despite knowing if she tilted her head, she would end up brushing her lips on his cheek, she dared the venture.

When the mother nature plays cupid, surroundings moves on her wish, people becomes mere marionettes and winds conspires to seal the deal.

Anahita brushed her lips against Yuvraaj’s, so softly ever. Neither he moved, nor she repelled. Neither he deepened it, nor she protested. It was just a contact; skin to skin much alike soul to soul. With their hearts beating rhythmically in their ears, they rooted like statues. His hands on Anahita's waist crawled up to her back and gradually disappeared in her hair. Her grip on the material over his shoulders, tightened as she closed her eyes, surrendering, letting him mould her in the shape he desired, letting him taste until he quenched his thirst.

Clawing his nape, she propelled him to deepen the kiss and the last strain of aberration conked out. He prodded the small of her back, pulling her more if that was a possibility and his another hand shifted to her cheek, cradling her face.

Twitching her lip between his teeth, he gently gave a tug sending it as word for her approval and intruded his tongue in her mouth to conquer it. Giving no heed to the hogwash possibility that they might've not locked the door or someone might've been spying on them, they devoured the taste of each other until it ran within their blood.

Yuvraaj was beginning to lose his control when she traced her hands on his torso and unceremoniously he restrained her, clutching her wrists and pulled back, breaking the kiss.
Like someone had poured cold water on her, Anahita snapped open her eyes and scrutinized him taking sharp breaths, her wrist still in his grip.

"What happened?" She breathed out, seeking answers.

“Um..I need to use washroom. I will be back in a minute, then we shall head for a tour around hotel. Excuse me!" Anahita wordlessly watched him disappearing in the bathroom, closing the door behind with a thud.  

“What's wrong with him!” She stared at the closed door.


"You should take it." Yuvraaj insisted, irritated of the cellphone beeps that started to get on his nerves. Anahita looked at him apologetically, once again cutting the call and for a change, turned the audio profile from general to silent.

"Take the call once Anahita, it might be important." He suggested, benighted that it was Mukund who was calling her like maniacs since they'd come for the wine and cheese tasting tour.

"It wasn't important." She dismissed, looking at the farm all around and a certain view caught her attention, "Let's see that." She pulled him by his hand as an effort to divert his mind and that actually worked.

Unlike the last time, their kiss didn't create fuss and they thought they were mature enough to move past it. Ergo, as Yuvraaj had suggested, they were out with several honeymoon couples alike them on a vineyard and cheese tour within walking distance along with the guide provided by their hotel.

Anahita was immensely excited to see how fresh ricotta was made. Farm had many sheep and cows; varieties of them factually as they were told that some of them are specifically domesticated for special variety of cheese. For instance; Pecorino, Sardinia's pride, is a local cheese made by matured salted white sheep's milk and covers great pasta recipes.

"Available at different levels of salinity and maturation, we highly recommend you to try it into a fresh green salad or with the typical flat bread Carasau and Sardinian cutlets, or grapes and figs, while with honey is a perfect match of sweet and sour flavours." The farm owner provided them with options and handed a plate of it, "Since it's prior winter. You must have this." The platter had fresh pecorino melted over carasau bread by the fireplace.

As soon as Anahita plopped it in her mouth, her eyes closed in ecstasy and she moaned lowly devouring the taste.

"It's so yummy." She squealed, grinning and licked her cheese smudged fingers. Yuvraaj grinned at her excitement and pressed his hand on her back to wander around, "Come let's check that."

They wandered around tasting other varieties of cheese like Ricotta, Casu Axedu, Casu Marzu, Pasta Filata and much more. First time in her life, Anahita wasn't bothered that the person with her, was Yuvraaj who she was supposed to hate. She was actually thankful that he was with her. Spending another hour on the vineyard, tasting and smelling the wines, Yuvraaj stared at her chirpy wife bouncing here and there.
Winds playing with her hair, her peachy skin radiating more and her big eyes twinkly with happiness looking around. Had he known that he'd witness this, he would've brought her here on the first day itself.

"Let's click a pic." She pulled him closer, smiling at the Nikon she'd brought and clicked a perfect picture with farm in background.

"'s perfect." She whispered, going through the snaps on their way back to hotel. Reversing back to his cocky self, Yuvraaj snatched camera from her and swiped the pictures, "Let's me see. Hmm...they wouldn't have been perfect if I wasn't with you."

He swung back the camera at her and she caught it swiftly, "What do you eat in your breakfast Yuvraaj? Bowl of arrogance!"

"It's in genes, Darling." He smirked, cocking his collar and winked at her making her shake her head in defeat. He clicked open the door and Anahita pushed past him, strutting inside first. She locked the door at his face.

"Hey, Anahita. Open the door." He thumped the door, scowling but she shouted back, "Give me two minutes." She immediately stuffed her personal baggage that she'd bought from the vendors when he was not around in her bags.

"What? Can't you wait for two minutes?" She opened the door tired of his calls and Yuvraaj showed her the cellphone screen, "Ten minutes. It has been ten minutes and I was standing like a stupid outside. What the hell were you doing?"

"Practicing to cast dark spell on you!" She snorted, shoving out her dress to change.

Yuvraaj plopped on the bed, "Really? What is that? Stabbing me with the imaginary knife or denuding me with telekinesis?"

"Kind of both." She smirked scurrying inside the bathroom and slipped in the shower. Sighing, she massaged her scalp with the apple scented shampoo and farrago slides of memories revolved around her. She had noticed how lively Yuvraaj was, how his Adam's Apple bobbed when he drank Terre Brunne Local wine. He made her so disarranged that she couldn't help but ask to capture their photographs. In the back of her mind, Mukund and his calls were also bothering her. She was angry and disappointed in him. She wasn't ready to hear his adulterated apologies.
For the first time, she wanted to erase him from her memories. She smiled coyly as she didn't miss to notice how often out of his knack, Yuvraaj pulled her close and kept their palm intertwined. She was loving this Yuvraaj, secretly. He was like a whiff of cool breeze in the scorching summer, arbor in heavy storm. Not to mention, his cocky remarks kept her apprised that he was Yuvraaj and she was in the real world not in the mirror one.

"Anahita...." She sighed, listening her husband's impatient voice, "Come out now. Are you planning to stay inside for the whole day?"

"Two minutes!" She shouted back and relaxed in the sprinkling shower. Wrapping her body in fluffy bathrobe after wearing her inners and tightening towel around her head, she wore her feather flip flops and emerged out, "Just because you were so persistent, I couldn't wipe the floor. Don't blame me later."

"As if you didn't leave it wet in the morning." He taunted, closing the door behind him. She rolled her eyes, changed in shorts and floral top and did a face plant on the bed, extremely exhausted. Moments later as Yuvraaj came out, he joined her as well.

With the chirping of crickets and soft buzzes of the farewell of birds, Anahita tossed, gradually pulling the sheets of slumber down. She made herself comfortable in the embrace of his warm arms, nuzzling her head constantly against Yuvraaj's chest.

“Stop wriggling and let me sleep!" Yuvraaj murmured hoarsely, and tugged her head firmly in his chest. He inhaled and rested his chin upon her head.  

Like an obedient toddler, Anahita ceased her movements and snuggled closer. Her eye lids were almost heavy with the prolonging of slumber but Yuvraaj's roving fingers under her top, on her waist had her jerked away. Her sudden action made her forehead bump against Yuvraaj's chin to which he groaned, blinking his eyes. “What the hell?”

“Sorry!” Anahita intoned, adjusting her hair. Her eyes flicker on her cellphone. It showed half past seven.  

“Do not disturb me." Yuvraaj tossed on other side, covering himself with comforter. Glancing one last time at her, Anahita landed on her feet and padded to the balcony door, stretching her limbs. She made a bun of her tousled hair and leaned on the banister, cushioned in the ocean breeze. It was providing her calmness. Under the blanket of night, ocean's beauty was inexplicable. She cupped her face resting her arms on the banister and listen the music of waves. A chuckle escaped her lips as her hungry stomach rumbled. She recalled that they skipped lunch.

“Room service? Yeah, there's this thing in your menu called Chicken Casserole, make it two. Three-cheese pizza, two plates of plain noodles and two chocolate truffle pastries. Yes. That would be all. Thank you.” She ordered and glanced at Yuvraaj who was sleeping dead.

“Uv!” She tested his nickname, tapping his shoulder. The initial tapping resulted in a tug of war with him. “Yuvraaj! Get up. Our dinner has arrived. Get up you lazy slug!”

"Get lost!" He responded with equal frizz, snatching his blanket.

“Fine then don't blame me.” Anahita contorted her face, resting her hands on her waist and pulled the comforter with all her might. Irritatedly, Yuvraaj threw it away, making her stumble and topple on the floor with blanket on her face.

"Ow!" She winced as her butt got numb with the impact. She shot a glare at Yuvraaj removing blanket off her face and patiently waited for him to burst into laughter, so that she could pounce on him with all the curses she'd stopped uttering.

"Oh! Anahita!" Completely awaken, Yuvraaj dashed to her side and helped her in standing up, "Get up! I didn't know you're going to pull the blanket. Are you hurt?"

"Do you really didn't know that I was going to pull the blanket?" She asked sternly, she knew him better, he would laugh sooner or later.

"No. I didn't." He refused, calmly and Anahita threw the comforter on him, "Okay fine, fold it now and join me. I think you must be hungry."

“Anyways, did it hurt bad?" Yuvraaj pressed his fist on his lips and the way his shoulders jumped, Anahita knew he was laughing. She fixed him with a cold stare.

"!" She punched him, ready to do some serious damage on his body but he blocked her swiftly, by holding her hands captive.

"You should stop messing with me Anahita if you do not want to scratch your butt." He grinned, unapologetically. Anahita joined him too after a short while.

"Um...if you're not tired, let's hop to the beach after dinner. I am not going to bes early tonight." He suggested, disappearing in the bathroom.

"Sounds good." A walk in the beach together didn't sounds fatal to her.

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