Luis Cabrera
"Kill him..." The voice in her head spoke. It sounded more aggressive, more...malicious as she stared at Luis's sleeping body. He slept there on his office chair, a hint of drooling oozing out of his lips.
", stop!" Vanessa replied, snapping back. The knife in her hand began to shake as she tried to gain back control. She pulled it back, but the grip on it was too strong. It was like something was holding on to it at the same time as her.
"You don't need him..." the voice in her head barked back. Her other hand grabbing on to the one that was obviously still being controlled. Tears streamed down her face as it continued to get closer and closer towards her father's face. "He knows too much...we need to get rid of him.."
Despite the conviction making sense in her head, she still refused. Without another moment, the voice disappeared and the knife that was once in her hands dropped on to a floor. It made an echo as it hit the pavement floor, but despite the noise she was making, Luis didn't wake up. His nose screeched up before slouching over towards the other side.
Vanessa let out a sigh of relief, as she made her way back towards her office. But before she could turn around, her body froze. She felt somebody pressed into her from behind, a shiver ran through her spine. She looked up, despite everything telling her not to.
She saw it, the thing that haunted her very existence. A man, 7 feet tall poked down from up above, his neck was not human as it extended from its reach and hung down upon her. All she could do was stare as the deformed mouth began to move on its own.
"WhEn I fIrSt FoUnD yOu, YoU wErE nOtHiNg..."
"YoU wErE sMaLl..."
"YoU cOuLd Be MoRe..."
"LeT mE sHoW yOu..."
In a matter of seconds, it went dark...
Vanessa was no longer in control, and neither did she have it in her to begin with.
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