I'm very sorry to announce that I don't think the story will ever get updated
I'm trying to write a chapter to wrap it up or release try to, but I just kind of forgot about it and then by the time I started writing and stellarlune had already come out and I can't find a good way to wrap it up when I don't ship the ship so it's just never good and I don't post things that I wouldn't Like to read so henceforth, I am very sorry to announce the discontinuing of this story
But maybe if Keefe does something completely horrific or I figure out a good way to end the story I promise I will but if you want, you can check out my Sokeefe story if you bend both ways it's actually pretty good. I started about a week ago and I've been updating almost every day, and it's already longer than this, so that's a plus
Thank you thank you thank you to anyone who voted and read the story. I'm really really sorry.
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