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"I don't like her. Shut up."

"Yes, you do. Stop being scared."

"Stop pressuring me into telling you so. If I say I don't like her, I mean I don't like her."

Dream and George were currently arguing. Dream was still in denial over his feelings and George was done with it. But, he also understood that he was crossing a line since Dream has told him countless of times that he just didn't want to do anything with relationships.

"Fine," George simply let out before murmuring. "You wuss... Anyway, what are you two going to do today?"

"Ang just wants to sit outside," Dream answered, "so we're going to sit outside. We're probably going to cook. Probably."

"I don't understand," George started and Dream sighed when he already guessed that he was going to say something involving his feelings, "how you say you don't like her but then, do all these things that clearly state another thing."

"Look, it's being a friend, George," Dream rolled his eyes, starting to pace in his room. "I would do anything with you or Sapnap, too. I would honestly do anything for you as well, but that's because you guys are my friends. It's platonic."

"Dream!" He turned around as Angelica came into view. She was wearing a floral dress since Rose bought it for her and made her wear it for their time together just a couple of hours ago. She still hadn't taken it off and Dream noted that she was starting to like it. "Did you finish my strawberry shortcake?"

Dream froze and pursed his lips, still holding onto his phone by his ear. "Yes, but, I can explain."

"You ate the last one," Angelica gave him a look, holding on to her own phone pressed against her ear.

"I'll buy you more?" Dream said with a questioning tone that made her raise her eyebrow. He sighed. "I'll buy you more."

"Yeah, you better," Angelica shook her head at him, walking away. He could hear her murmuring things to the person on call, "The nerve he had to eat my food. The nerve. After everything I cook for him."

"I can still hear you, Ang," Dream called out.

"Good! Hear the disappointment in my voice."

Chuckling, Dream realized he was still on the phone and cleared his throat. "Anyway, don't take my actions differently. It's all platonic."

"Platonic my ass but whatever," George breathed out. "Anyway, don't you have your thing to go to... as friends?"

"Shut up, George. I hear the words you're emphasizing," Dream rolled his eyes, turning off his set up and leaving the room towards the kitchen, where he could hear Angelica on the phone with Rae.

George hummed. "I don't know what words you're referring to. Anyway, tell Ang I'll FaceTime her later. We're still up for the movie marathon she promised me."

"I'll tell her, don't worry. Bye!"


Hanging up, Dream headed towards Angelica and clasped his hands behind his back, leaning closer to her to eye what she was making. He furrowed his eyebrows and hummed, alerting her that he was staring at what she was making over her shoulder.

"I'm heating up hot chocolate!" Ang smiled at him before dancing excitedly as she smelt the smell of the sweetness heating up. She grabbed ahold of her phone and put it on speaker. "Say "hi" to Dream, Rae."

"Hi, Dream!" Rae's voice could be heard enthusiastically saying. "I'm still surprised you two are living together considering you two hated each other's guts."

"Believe me," Angelica snorted, "sometimes we do."

"That's not true, shut up," Dream chuckled, flicking her forehead. "But, hellI to you, too, Rae."

"Oh, now that you're there with my babe," Rae snickered and Angelica smiled, shaking her head at her friend's words while moving the wooden spoon around the chocolate, "I wanted to ask if you're free next week on Friday? Corpse has been wanting to play Among Us Proximity Chat, but he was a big shy to ask you."

"Corpse..." Dream breathed out, "was shy to talk to me? But we're buddies!"

"That's what I'm saying!" Rae exclaimed. "Then, Corpse didn't want to ask Ang to tell you because he said he was going to feel bad considering that Ang is busy next week."

"Aw, I'll text Corpse later," Angelica pouted at hearing the conference of her faceless friend.

"Um, yeah," Dream answered, making sure he was free, "sure. I can for sure play next week."

"Cool!" Rae hummed. "I'll send you everything later. In the meantime, though, I'll leave you two alone. Hope you enjoy your "friendly" date. Bye, Dream!"


"Bye, Ang! I love you."

"Love you, too, bye."

Hanging up, Angelica turned off the stove and tilted her head side to side as she hummed along to a song that, Dream noted, had been stuck in her head since the morning.

"Are you ready to go outside?" Dream asked as he grabbed the blankets and pillows, basically everything they needed. He also made sure to grab the special pillow Angelica specifically grabbed when she couldn't sleep and she had to hold something. "We're just waiting for the chocolate, right?"

Angelica nodded before grabbing the matching mugs that Drista had gifted them as a joke, but the two came to like the mugs whenever they used them. Dream rarely used it as he hated coffee and didn't like drinking tea unless he was sick and Angelica usually didn't drink coffee and didn't drink tea at all. This was a rare moment.

"Did George mention that movie marathon I have with him later?" Angelica asked the dirty-blonde and he nodded in response, leaving her to yawn and fix her necklaces. "Swear, he has such a messed up schedule. I was going to cancel, but then I remembered that we've been planning this and I couldn't do that to him."

"George will constantly bring that up if you do cancel him," Dream lowly chuckled. "He'll use it any chance he can just to make you feel bad."

"I lnow!" Angelica exclaimed, gaping at him. "He's so annoying, but... He is my best friend even though I want to go to his house and throw water on his face."

"Please, that's a dream."

"That's what I'm saying!"


Sorry for the late update!
I've been tirelessly working
on last minute assignments
for school since tomorrow's
my last day, but I'm almost
finished :)

I wanted to tell you all that the
next time I go on the podcast
thingy on Discord to talk, is the
time when I'm going to be publishing
the angsty beginnings, so look
out for that!

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