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He felt a pull from the darkness he was trapped in, light pulling him forward like he was attached to sting. Suddenly he opened his eyes and gasped for breath.

He sat up and saw Ser Davos in the door frame just staring at him.

He watched his eyes look behind him before running over and putting some furs around him. He looked at ghost and noticed there was someone standing behind him. 

He turned his head and saw the most beautiful women he had ever seen, perfect sliver hair Violet eyes staring back him. She must be a Targaryen; Daenerys Targaryen was in his chambers.

He looked down at his chest and saw where he had been stabbed. He was dead. No, he wasn't he could feel his heart beating, he could feel the cold wind against his skin, feel his blood flowing through his veins returning to his limbs.

"Take it easy" Davos said as the Red Priestess walked in and looked at him in shock, then ran over and kneeled in front of him.

"What do you remember Jon?" she whispered.

"They stabbed me.... Ollie.... I shouldn't be here" he looked up at Davos. Who have him a sad smile.

"The Red Women brought you back" he said.

"What did you see after they stabbed you?" The Priestess asked her tone curious.

He remembered back to the cold dark place...

"Nothing.... There was nothing at all" he replied breathing heavy.

He looked back at Daenerys who was just staring at him and he understood why. He was just dead...wait how is she here. How long had he been dead?

"The lord brought you back for a reason, you are the prince was promised" she said to him.

"Can you give us a minute?" Davos asked looking at Daenerys and the red women.

The red Women walked out and as Daenerys was about to walk out he spoke.

"You can stay" he said looking into her beautiful violet eyes. 

He felt something between them something he couldn't explain and it wasn't just her looks.

"Are you sure? I can leave." She replied looking at him not breaking eye contact.

He loved her voice and he needed to hear it again. She was so beautiful...

"Its all right if you want you can leave and if want to stay you can stay." I suggest.

"I would rather stay with you- I mean I would rather stay in this room listening to you and Davos" her cheeks turning red as she spoke. She was so adorable...

He smiled, there was something  there and he knew she could also feel it. She walked past him and sat down to listen.


She couldn't believe she had just said that. Her cheeks had betrayed her when she spoke. She sat down wanting to hear his story.

"You were dead and now you're not. That's completely fucking mad." Davos said honestly.

"I did was I thought was right and they killed me for it. Now I'm back, why?" he said his voice horse.

"I don't know, we may never know... but you need to keep fighting and continue cleaning up the shit form this world." he said putting his hands behind his back.

"I don't know how to do that, I thought I did but I failed" He said like he was ashamed.

She wanted to comfort him, but Davos beat her to it.

"Good. Now go fail again." He said encouragingly, Jon looked at him and nodded.

"Can you find me some clothes Davos?" he said

"Sure be back in a minute" he said as he left.

Jon slowly turned his almost black brown eyes at her and she managed to stay in contact with them, she felt her heart beat faster and it annoyed her, that a simple look from him could do that.

"What are you doing up here Southern Girl?" he said with a small smile.

"My Dragon flew me here and I didn't know why until I met you. Well more like met your dead body." Wtf was that Dany, Met your dead body? Are you stupid, stupid?

He just smiled, something she wasn't expecting.

"I feel some kind of connection with you Dany and I don't know what it is" he said softly.

Dany tried not to show how shocked she was when he called her Dany... only her brother had called her that and she hated that name because of him. But hearing Jon say it was another story completely. 

"I need to know more about you Jon" she whispered still not breaking eye contact.

"I- "he started but Davos walked in and stared at us for a few seconds and smiled.

"Here you go" he said passing a black combat suit that all the other men were wearing.

"Thanks" he whispered as if uncomfortable to wear the clothes.

Davos looked at her and passed her a dark purple wool dress that had a layer of fur on the inside and outside along with boots. (Imagine the one Dany wore in 8x01 but purple)

"Here you go your Grace, thought you might need them"

"Thank you ser Davos" she said smiling. "You are a very kind man."

Both Jon and Davos smiled. "I try my best." he said then walked back out.

After Jon and her were dressed they walked out. She was behind them trying not to draw attention, but she didn't even matter in that moment because they were all looking at Jon like he was some sort of god. He looked back at her those brown eyes piercing her soul.

He was the reason she was here.

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