Forget The World

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I quickly analysed our situation. Dany looked unharmed. That was the number one priority and I would keep was going to keep it that way. I was not. My shoulder was definitely broken, my head felt weird, I felt like my head was bruised...but not my skull...more my brain...

Then when I felt like we would be ok, an awful sound that could only be described as wood ripping in half erupted throughout the boat.

I looked at Dany, who was looking at me with terrified eyes.

"CALL DROGON NOW!" I scream as I hear water rush into the boat, the thunder booming and the wood creaking.

She closes her eyes, I do the same and concentrate on my connection to Rhaegal, I finally find the connection, I don't know why I have it, but I do. He senses my danger and I immediately feel that he is on his way.

I open my eyes to a shaking Dany, her eyes are hard shut, her knuckles white from holding onto the post so tight for so long.

The door bursts open and Missandei followed by Grey Worm run inside.


I grab Dany and lift her up, I spin her around, so she is on my back, she grabs me tight as I follow Grey Worm and Missandei up the stairs to the deck.

The front of the boat is missing and we are sinking.

All the men are gathered around us, when I think we have lost I hear a screech, three actually.

The three dragons soar down, they fly around trying to figure out how to get to us, Drogon, the smart creature he is, flies low, and then puts his tail on the deck.

I put Dany down and watch nervously as she climbs up his tail and onto his back.

"GET ON!" She screams, the men looked shocked, but they get on anyway, Drogon doesn't kill them which allows me to breathe.

As some of the men board Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion do the same as their brother.

I climb aboard Rhaegal. "GET ON MEN!" I yell over the thunder and rain.

It was absolutely freezing, the only thing keeping me from going numb was Rhaegal's warm scales.

Men start getting on, I look over and see Drogon is holding as many men as he can, at least 20.

I look over at Viserion, who is just hovering, without a rider the men are clearly to scared to get on, but I know Viserion will just follow us and they will be fine.

"MISSANDEI!" Dany screams, we all turn to look at her. "GET ON VISERION! HE WON'T BITE, YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING! JUST GET ON!"

She nods and slowly climbs the creature, once she is seated, Grey Worm and men start following her.

I look down to the boat, everyone was accounted for, we lifted upwards and watched as the boat disappeared below the dark, freezing, icy depths.

My shoulders pain suddenly returns to me as my adrenalin runs out, I almost fall off the dragon, but Davos whom I didn't even realise was behind me, grabs me and stops me before that happens.

I lay down and watched as the dark sky become nothing but an image in my head.


Not exactly the entrance we wanted to make, three dragons landing in the middle of the castle, in the middle of the night, wounded and freezing men jumping off my children trying to get inside to the warmth.

I see Sansa sprint out and look at the dragons then see me, she couldn't contain her smile, and neither could I. 

I had missed her. But now was not the time.


She yells instructions to her guards, and they start helping men get inside.

I take a deep breath, we made it we were alive...then why did something feel so wrong...why did my heart seem to hurt?

"YOUR GRACE!" I turned to the sound of Davos voice. He was off Rhaegal, Rhaegal and Viserion where now in the sky, leaving just me on Drogon in the middle of Winterfell.

My eyes found him, and my heart dropped, he was carrying Jon...

Oh. That's why.

I have never gotten off Drogon as fast I did then, rushing over to Jon and Davos. Jon was unconscious and Davos was struggling to hold him. 

Tyrion, Grey Worm and Missandei where entering Winterfell in a rush.

I grabbed Sansa's attention and she noticed the situation, calling more men over to carry Jon and get him inside, I did not leave his side as they took him through his home, I didn't even have a chance to look at the beautiful place I was in because I was so worried and focused on him.

They placed him on a bed of furs, in quite big chambers that had his scent.

I sat on the bed and held his cold hand tight to my heart, letting the tears fall.

The door opened and a big man in all black stepped through, his eyes widened at the sight of me and widened further at the sight of Jon.

He rushed over and I had to let go of his hand and move away from him as a Maester walked in, I didn't question anything and just sat in a chair in the corner of the room by the fire, crying softly as they tended to the man I love.

I sat there for what seemed like forever until the big man walked over and gave me a soft smile and bow. "Your Grace my name is Samwell Tarly and I am Jon's old friend."

I smile for the first time in a while. "Yes, he has told me of you and your friendship."

He smiles but it fades quickly. "Jon is going to survive; he has suffered bruising to the inside of his head and may be unconscious for a few days. His shoulder is also broken but he will pull through your grace, I know he will, he is a strong lad."

I nod as I tear rolls down my cheek. "I know he is." I whisper.

He sighs sadly, "I will give you the room your Grace, I am right around the corner if you need me. Just give me a shout."

I nod. "Thank you, Samwell, Jon's words and stories don't lie about you, you seem a kind man."

He smiles and nods. "Goodnight Your Grace. Try and get some sleep, Ser Davos informed me of your pregnancy, you need sleep if you want to keep your baby healthy."

I nod and he smiles before walking out, before he closes the door however a familiar creature runs in.

My heart warms at the sight of him as he sprints over to me, bigger than he was when I last saw him by at least twice.

"Ghost!" I squeal as he tackles me to the floor, proceeding to attack my face with his licks.

I giggle and laugh, he slows to a stop and starts sniffing me, he moves down until he reaches my belly, he gives it a sniff and his long tail starts to wag like crazy.

I stand up from the fireplace and pet Ghost before walking over to Jon, Ghost follows me and jumps onto the bed, laying on Jon's feet as if he knows what's happening. I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

Jon is covered in warm rags, but he is still cold and shivering. I stand up and walk to the other side of the bed, throwing some wood into the burning flames as I did so they have something to devour and keep us warm while we sleep.

I climb into the bed next to him and wrap my arms around his cold skin.

A sob leaves my throat as tears start to fall once again. The World fades around me, his heartbeat the only thing keeping me from sorrow.

"Please wake up Jon." I whisper, my heart tearing in two.


A/N: After about a week and a half, I am pleased to inform you, That I have FOUND MY WRITING RHYTHM AGAIN! 


Love y'all.

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