AU Shinra Kusakabe ~ Quarantine Confessions

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*AU means alternate universe

You woke up to another boring, soul sucking day of quarantine due to some stupid virus. It's been a week since you've been ripped away from your best friend Shinra.

You guys have been inseparable for years at school which is where you'd see him most of the time. He lives a long 30 minutes away from you and school was the only time you guys would meet. (You're seniors in high school btw) Of course you'd call him or face time him everyday but it just wasn't the same.

You lazily got out of bed to get rid of that morning breath and wash your face. You went to the kitchen and ate your breakfast as fast as possible so that you can go back to your room and call Shinra.

Getting your laptop and backpack you sat down ready to face time Shinra. You usually call him just to feel his presence so you'd do your work and he'd play video games. Of course you guys would talk every now and then sometimes even get lost in the conversation and forget about the work.

"Hey Shinra!" You said with a closed eyed smile. "Hey" He replied waving at you. He already had his headset on playing his game. "That game is really keeping you going in a time like this huh?" You said giggling a little. "Yeah and you" he said. A bit of heat rising to your face.

You'd always liked him but you were too scared to ruin the friendship. "Aww thanks Shinra"

"What work are you doing today?" He asked, eyes still on his game. "Stupid math" you answered with a slight pout. He chuckled before saying "If you need any help I'm right here okay?" "Okay" you said and started working.

When you were done working he turned of his console and you guys talked for the whole day and at night he called again.

It went on like this for a few days and you couldn't help but realise how much you miss him and the toll it had taken on you. Why do I miss him so much  you thought to yourself. Obviously he's your best friend but this quarantine is restraining you from being with each other and it made you realise how much you need him in your life.

This made you feel like you had to tell him about your feelings before someone else does and you can't let that happen or you'd be broken. But if he's happy you'd still be happy for him though.

You prepared yourself for bed and slipped in some cute pajamas.

You looked at the writing on the shirt and laughed at yourself because you thought about Shinra. Speaking if Shinra you haven't called him today because you were busy painting the wall behind your bed and decorating your room because.....boredom. it turned out better than you expected.

(Bitch I wish) You couldn't wait to show Shinra your work of art so you quickly called him and sure enough he was playing that game with his headphones on. "Hey look what I did today" you say giving him a panoramic view of your room. "That looks beautiful he said. "I love the yellow. So that's why you didn't call or answered my calls today. I missed you so much." He whined.

You laughed at his cute pout and continued talking until you were sleepy. " I like your shirt" he says running out of things to say. "Haha thanks you said almost half asleep. You remembered what you were thinking about the shirt earlier and how you said you were gonna confess to him. How should I do it? You thought?

You couldn't find the right words to say and that's so dumb but you don't want to sound stupid. He didn't pay attention to how silent you got because you guys always sat in comfortable silence over the phone and he was focused on his game.

"I love you" you blurted out barely over a whisper. He was playing his game and his right side was facing you and you can clearly see that his headphones are in so you thanked God for that.

"Huh?" He asked removing his headphones so that he can hear you better. "It's nothing" you quickly tell him looking everywhere else but his face. "Oh Okay" he giggled and went back to his game. You sighed in relief that God gave you another chance.

"I love you too" he said, eyes still on the game but your eyes were wide as hell looking like a Snapchat filter. "Y-you heard that?" You asked with an embarrassed blush across your face.

He didn't say anything but he turned so that you can see his left side and his headphones were behind his ear.

Like that 👆

"Do you really?" You asked because you couldn't believe it. "Of course. We've been best friends for so long and I always wanted to tell you how I feel but I was scared that you wouldn't feel the same and I'd make our friendship awkward." He explained.

"I want to give you the biggest hug right now." You said pouting. "I want to give you the biggest kiss right now" he replied with a slight smirk on his face. "Stop" you said covering your face with your hands to cover your wide ass smile. The rest of the conversation was history. Filled with a lot of teasing and stories of moments when you guys were close to confessing your love for each other.

That night you fell asleep with a smile on your face wishing that this virus would just miraculously vanish by tomorrow. "Goodnight beautiful" Shinra said watching as you fall asleep on the phone. He took of his game and went to bed with you on the line.

Word count: 979

This was a kinda short but I'm in quarantine so why not. I got this idea from a tik tok😂 the boy in the pic above made it so you can check him out.

I hope you enjoyed. Let Me know who you'd like to see next and don't forget to vote and leave a comment x

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