"The king of Jie Duan"
"Guys, I found out something bad back in that town," Sokka said, approaching the group's camp, slightly uneasy.
"What is it?" Katara asked worriedly. She was mixing a vegetable broth for them all in their camp out in the wilderness. Currently, they were in the Fire Nation, and Sokka and Toph had just gone off into the nearby town to gather supplies.
"Long Feng," he stated simply. Katara dropped the soup ladle, her mouth hanging open in shock. Her sapphire eyes clearly showed pain, the fresh memory of Jet's death by the earthbender's hands still in her mind.
"You saw him?" Aang asked.
"Who is Long Feng?" Zuko asked them. He was ignored; all eyes and ears were on Sokka.
"No, some people were talking about him. Apparently, he's allied himself with Ozai," Sokka said.
"What? Why?" Aang asked him, confused.
"That's what we'd like to know," Toph answered, sitting down and resting her feet on a sleeping bag. Sokka walked over to Katara to get his lunch, but his eyes widened abruptly and he froze.
"AANG!" he shouted at the top of his lungs. The airbender spun around, alarmed, just as an arrow shot deep into his shoulder.
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"Aang!" Azula shouted at the Avatar, abruptly waking him up from his nightmare. He flinched and opened his eyes immediately.
"Ahh!" he cried out upon seeing Azula's face. She jumped back as his arms went up reflexively to protect himself. It took him a moment to realize he was safe.
"What was that for?" Azula asked him, standing up and brushing the dirt off her clothes. "I was just waking you up to tell you we're leaving." Aang exhaled with relief.
"Okay. Sorry, Azula," he said, looking up into the blue sky above. Why was he having these nightmares? They only reminded him that he needed to get back home, and quick. He didn't know what was happening to his friends without him. Other than that, they were only bringing painful memories to the surface... back in 'the real world,' he still had the scar from the arrow wound, which Katara thankfully healed after they fought off the assassin. Every scar that he previously received—including the one from Azula's lightning bolt through his back and foot—disappeared, leaving his skin healthy and his body undamaged.
Because of the dreams, he was getting more desperate to return home. He needed some kind of advice from someone he could rely on. Avatar Roku, his biggest link to the Spirit World, was out. There were precious few possibilities left that he could rely on, and even fewer that he knew even existed in this weird world. After packing up camp and flying away on Appa, Aang decided to ask Zuko and Azula if they knew one of them.
"Do either of you happen to know someone named King Bumi?" he asked them. Both of them stared at him blankly. "What about Omashu, in the Earth Kingdom?" Everything else he knew seemed to be in the wrong place, so it was worth a try.
"No, we've never heard of either," Azula responded. "We've never left our village before." Aang sighed and lowered his eyes, beginning to give up hope of ever returning home. Bumi could have at least offered advice to him.
"I haven't either, but there is a city with a King not far from here," Zuko said. "And it's Earth Kingdom." Aang stared at him, confused. An Earth Kingdom city, in the Fire Nation?
"How the heck would you know?" Azula asked him doubtfully. "Oh, wait. You're always sitting in your room and studying maps, I forgot." At this comment, her brother looked away, hiding an embarrassed blush on his face. Aang finally understood where the pale-faced, scar-less boy got his sense of direction and appreciation for maps, something that the Zuko he knew didn't have.
"Actually, it was from that man that visited our village a few years ago, remember?" Zuko asked Azula. "He said he came from Jie Duan to the north. I was looking at our map before and we're really close to it."
Well, it was worth looking in to. "Alright, we'll head there then," Aang decided. He turned around and pulled on the reins, steering Appa in the direction he wanted to go. Behind his back, Azula looked at him with a raised eyebrow. She didn't tell Zuko, but she had growing suspicious of the young boy. First, he wanted to go to an ancient Air Temple where he had found nothing important, and then he wanted to go out of their way for another pointless reason. She had been watching him lately, and he seemed increasingly worried over something. She was going to find out what he was up to sooner or later. He was a mystery begging to be unraveled. She knew it was going to be challenging; the young boy was oddly mature and didn't talk to them all that much. But she liked challenges.
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Apparently, Zuko was right. It only took them an hour to get to the city of Jie Duan, which still looked like a young city to Aang. They were still building, but it seemed as if there were many people coming to live in this one town. It was obvious that many of them didn't have homes. They did indeed seem to have a King, because there was a large Palace on the outskirts of the city.
Aang, Zuko, and Azula walked among the people and Earth Kingdom soldiers of the city's streets. The two siblings looked around uneasily. "So why did you want to come here?" Zuko asked him, eyeing some rough-looking people in one of the side alleys.
"I used to have a friend named Bumi," he answered, not at all worried about any potential thieves or fights. Aang was used to them. "I need to speak with him."
"But... that was a while ago," Zuko said to him sympathetically. "He's probably..."
"He's not. At least, he shouldn't be," Aang said firmly. Bumi lived through age in his world, didn't he? Azula didn't kill him here... at least not yet.
It didn't take long at all for them to approach the Palace gates. The guards immediately seemed defensive. "Calm yourselves," Aang told them, holding a palm out of peace to them. "I would simply like to meet with the King. I am the Avatar. There is nothing to fear from me." He seemed to take on the guise of a commanding, respectful adult. Zuko and Azula noticed this change, but didn't comment. The guards rushed to obey his orders, leading them inside of the Palace.
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"Your Highness, a young boy that claims to be the Avatar has requested an audience with you."
The King, resting on his throne, folded his fingers under his chin. He thought for a moment. "I will see him immediately," he responded finally. "I assume they await me in the guest chamber?"
"Yes, your Highness."
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The three, with Sabishi the lemur, were led to a lavishly decorated room off of the main hall of the Palace, where they were left alone. There were comfortable couches, which Azula immediately reclined on, and they were served food and tea. Aang touched neither, sitting in front of the table with his back straight and staring patiently ahead, waiting for the arrival of the King. If he wasn't his old friend Bumi, then he wanted to be on guard, just in case. Now was not the time to act childish.
There were two side doors in front of them, one the entrance and the other leading to some other room or hall. In the center was a raised platform, meant for the King's seat when meeting guests. Aang was mildly surprised that they were able to get into the Palace so fast, but hoped that it was indeed Bumi and he loved to meet guests. If not, then the King must be lazy and greedy, he knew. The city around the Palace was in obvious disarray, and the Palace was designed for only the King's comforts. There was something wrong with the picture. His blank gaze turned to the door as it opened.
Three robed men came in, wearing conical hats. It took almost no time at all for Aang to recognize who they were with their dark colors and hands folded behind their backs—the Dai Li. His eyes hardened. What were they doing here? The last figure to walk into the room made the Avatar's brow crease and his grip tighten on his staff in his lap. Long Feng strode confidently into the room, looking at them with fake kindness written all over his face. He sat down in the King's seat.
"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, young Avatar," he said. It was the same deep, lightly scornful tone he remembered. His knuckles were white. This man killed Jet and was responsible for many more deaths in Ba Sing Se and the Earth Kingdom when he joined Ozai. It took all of his restraining power not to attack the man. "I am King Long Feng, ruler of Jie Duan."
"I am Aang," he said plainly. "These are Azula and Zuko." It was then that he realized that he far preferred this 'nice' Azula to Long Feng.
"Please, eat your food. You must be tired and hungry from your long journey," the ex-Grand Secretariat of Ba Sing Se said.
"No thanks, I'm not hungry," Aang replied. Zuko and Azula were fine to let him do all the talking, but Zuko at least tried to listen. He wasn't sure if Azula was paying attention at all. "I have a few questions for you, if you don't mind."
One of his brows rose as he took a sip of wine. "And what would they be?" Long Feng asked, his posture straight. His Dai Li agents stood protectively behind him.
"Why is there an Earth Kingdom town and King in the Fire Nation?" Aang didn't want to mention Ba Sing Se or Omashu just in case they didn't exist. He did not want Long Feng to be suspicious. He was a dangerous enemy, and the less he knew, the better.
"You do not know the current state of affairs in the Earth Kingdom?" Long Feng asked him. Aang shook his head. "The war with the Water Nation has become disastrous for the Earth Kingdom. Every month at the full moon, the power of the waterbenders increases and they are able to mount successful invasions. They hold many of the shores and it is considered dangerous to be near water. The Fire Nation is relatively untouched by the war, and the people came to live here for a safe haven."
"But a King?" Aang asked. "Couldn't they have sent a governor or something?"
"Jie Duan is considered separate from the rest of the Earth Kingdom. I have had a... disagreement with the King of Ba Sing Se, Kuei, in the past. We split, and I came to rule here. I rule all of the Earth Kingdom villages in the Fire Nation. The Golden City allows us to stay," he said, his voice layered with malicious intent, as it always was. Aang did not want to know what their disagreement was.
"So the Earth Kingdom is split in two," Aang mused.
"What about Omashu? Can you tell me anything about them or King Bumi? Is he still alive?" he asked the end hopefully.
"Omashu was invaded by the Water Tribes two years ago. The city was close to the water, and they have fought miraculously for the last one hundred years, but they were not able to withstand every full moon. They fell, and now the city is in ruins," Long Feng informed him.
"And King Bumi?" Aang asked again. The King shook his head.
"I know not of his fate." Aang lowered his gaze. Was there any hope left for him? After a long pause, Aang looked into Long Feng's cold eyes again.
"Thank you for answering my questions. We'll let you get back to your work," he said, eager to leave. Azula stood up with him, while Zuko remained seated, looking slightly confused.
"You are leaving so soon?" Yes, I am, and you can do nothing about it.
"We have to get on our way," Aang replied coldly. The three stood up and turned away. "Thank you for your hospitality." Aang took a step, but found his feet stuck to the floor. He suddenly couldn't move, and he lost balance. He used his hand to stop his fall, but a stone hand clamped down over his. Aang's head turned to Long Feng, anger all over his face. "What do you want?" It was the Dai Li agents that had bound him, Zuko, and Azula, who were both in similar positions. Even Sabishi, who was perched on his staff, was held in a stony grip.
"You will not be leaving so soon. I have a request," Long Feng said dangerously. He folded his fingers under his chin. "My adversary, King Kuei of Ba Sing Se, chooses not to... hand over some of his power," he said, choosing his words carefully. "He does not want to play any part in our defense, and his weak Kingdom is falling to the Water savages." He was speaking business-like, his voice deep. "I would make a much better ruler than he would."
"And what do you want us to do?" Azula asked rudely.
"Go to Ba Sing Se and gain the King's trust," Long Feng said, standing up and pacing, his hands folded behind his back. "Once he completely relies on you for support and strength, I want you to assassinate him." Aang's eyes widened. This guy was probably crazier than the one he knew! "I believe no one has the strength and the ability to gain his trust like you do, Avatar."
"And if we refuse?" Aang asked, his eyes narrowed.
"You will not leave," he said simply. His words hung in the air, resonating within Aang's insides. What was going on? He thought this timeline, or whatever it was, was following his own previous adventures, except just reversing the roles of his friends and enemies. But what was this? This never happened! This wasn't supposed to happen! Something had changed that made the world like this. Was it like Long Feng said? Were the Water Tribes really that bad?
King Kuei was a kind man. Aang did not remember the exact last moment he had seen him, but according to Katara and Sokka, the King left them to journey on his own while Aang was in his coma. None of them had ever seen him again, but they heard a little of his whereabouts. Shortly after the fateful day of the Comet, the King had assembled a makeshift rebellion to rise against the Fire Nation menace. They were crushed like insects. The King was just too inexperienced. Aang didn't know his ultimate fate.
Aang and Zuko were silent, staring steadfastly into the eyes of their captors, unwavering. The Avatar was trying to formulate a plan to get them out of this situation. Therefore, they were both surprised when Azula spoke up. "Fine, sounds easy enough."
"What are you talking about, Azula?" Zuko asked her, his unblemished golden eyes squinting at her. "We're supposed to help Aang! You're the one who wanted to go to the Golden City in the first place!"
"Oh please, Zuzu. Do you really think I wanted to go there for a reason? I just wanted to get out of that hellhole we live in. I used the Avatar as an excuse to escape," she said, sounding exactly like the Azula he knew. Chills of anger went up and down Aang's spine.
"I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!" he shouted at her. She was just as malicious, cunning, and evil as she was before. He knew there was no good in Azula. She was the manifestation of malevolence, and she always would be.
"Azula! What are you talking about? You must be crazy!" Zuko shouted at her.
"Unfortunately," Long Feng's voice interrupted the three of them, "one young girl isn't enough. I thank you for your offer, but we need the Avatar."
"That won't be necessary, your majesty," Azula said to him, a look of derision in her eyes. "A master firebender will be enough." Aang's eyes betrayed surprise yet again. She was bluffing. What was she trying to do, save her own skin? Zuko was silent; his jaws were hanging open limply.
Long Feng seemed to consider this for a moment. "Fine then. I would like to see a demonstration of your abilities shortly. First, I would like your final decision, Avatar."
"Never," Aang said determinedly, glancing hatefully at Azula. She smirked with triumph.
"I see," Long Feng said with a short bow. "I will now take my leave. Girl, I will see you soon to oversee your firebending demonstration." He walked out of the room without a glance to any of them. The Dai Li agents followed, leaving one more behind to look after them.
"Now," Azula said to the agents sweetly, "can you let me go? This hurts quite a bit." The agent pondered it for a moment, but their King didn't give him any orders for the contrary, so he freed her hands. She would need to meditate or whatever firebenders did before fighting, anyway. She ignored the glares of Aang and Zuko as she stretched. "So what will be done with them?"
"They will be put into prison chambers," the Dai Li agent answered. Her brother and the Avatar stood silently, staring at her with baleful glares, daring her to talk to them. Neither of them struggled out of their bonds, though their feet were freed when Long Feng left, so they could be led to the prisons.
"We'll see about that," Azula said quietly.
"I'm sorry?" the Dai Li agent asked. He was answered with a blast of fire to the face, and Azula pushed him down as he screamed with agony.
"Let's get out of here, quickly," she said to Zuko and Aang. Zuko gaped like a fish out of water, but Aang immediately took the moment to escape, running as fast as the wind out of the room and down the hall, picking up a constricted Sabishi and his staffalong the way. Azula pulled Zuko along after her—they needed to get out before more Dai Li agents heard the man screaming. People looked out of numerous rooms as they passed them, disturbed by the loud wailing. Azula ran as fast as she could, still dragging her unresponsive brother along. When they were nearing the exit of the Palace, he began to regain his bearings, and he started running on his own.
"Azula, what was that?" he asked between breaths as they ran. "I thought you were really betraying us!" She just smirked in reply.
The siblings rushed through the open Palace doors, greeted immediately by warm, refreshing sunlight. Azula reveled in it for a moment, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, but the rush of footsteps behind her of pursuing Dai Li made her run faster. Aang was a short distance away, waiting patiently atop his bison. He was clearly being loyal to Zuko and Sabishi, but when Azula approached, his glare lacked a small amount of the anger he showed earlier, but he grudgingly didn't move to stop her as she climbed onto the saddle. It hurt her to see such looks coming from his young, grey eyes, but they were far from innocent. He lacked childlike vigor.
With a growl and a wave of his tail, Appa lifted off into the sky, blowing the Dai Li away with gusts of wind as they assailed them with rocks. It took them no time at all to get a safe distance away from the Palace, and Azula grinned, putting her hands behind her head. "That was too easy! The Dai Li and that King are all idiots."
The two were silent, staring at her emotionlessly. She lost a little bit of her confidence and fire as they stared her down. She noticed that they were still bound by the wrists—and Sabishi wrapped completely in earth, her small body letting out pathetic cries from the floor—and unable to do very much. "What?" she asked them.
"Why did you do that before?" Zuko asked her accusingly. "You... seemed so convincing," he added in a weaker tone. "I thought you really wanted to go against
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