Chapter 40

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Roseanne tiptoed out of her room once she was sure all have slept... she stood outside Lisa's room. A mischievous grin covered her lips, she was not supposed to meet her until the wedding, and in short she had been asked to behave by Claire. Roseanne was enjoying this midnight stunt, she inserted the alternate key and pushed open the door. Roseanne quietly locked the door behind her.. As she turned around she came face to face with Lisa... she looped her arm around her waist pulling her to her chest ''See what I have... heiress turned thief''

Roseanne locked her arms around her neck ''Don't compare me with petty thief... I am more of a sorceresses  and I came here with an intention to charm you ''

Lisa caressed her face with her hand ''you have done that long back when I saw you the first time''

Roseanne smiled coming closer ''So you intent to imply that it was love at first sight for you''

Lisa scooped her up, walking to the bed she answered ''yes it was I had heard so much about you that desire to meet you was turning strong day by day.. then that meeting in your office'' Placing her on the middle of the bed, Lisa moved her fingers through her carved features ''I lost my heart''

Roseanne pecked her fingers ''Falling for me was a risk Lisa, I can be heartless too what if I would have broken your heart after using you''

Lisa pulled the string of her night gown ''You are the risk worth taking heiress and I was ready the minute I laid my eyes on you''

Roseanne watched her face ''no wonder I fell for you... you speak what's in your heart, unlike me who can mask bad with false good. I love you super star''

Lisa whispered over her lips ''I know... Now why are you here?? Are you planning to take the advantage of an alone handsome in a dark room''

Roseanne pushed Lisa on her back now sitting on the top she pulled her gown off ''yes I do... and as you said... Lisa manoban is a risk worth taking'' Lisa pulled her to her body kissing her mad... ''We aren't supposed to meet till marriage Roseanne''

Roseanne smiled ''I married you the day my heart gave you a place, all of this is just a formality because society wants it... and stop calling me Heiress... it feels like I don't have a heart... In reality I have all emotions brimming in my stupid heart for you''

Lisa rolled her over again ''then you are mine Rosie.. forever'' Roseanne nodded snuggling closer to Lisa, drowning in the pool of endless love. She was a ruthless cold hearted business woman but with Lisa, she was a like a teenage girl dreaming for eternity..

Jisoo opened her eyes when tiny water droplets touched her face... she rolled on her stomach tugging a pillow under her head. She smiled watching Jennie drying her hair standing infront of the mirror. She was the girl who gave her love when her own family denied her. She was being bought up like a princess , never devoid of anything she desired. Yet she left all for her in a second .

She worked to hard to make her dream come true, Jisoo knew if Jennie wanted she could have made herself a brilliant career as a Manager of any star. She would have got very good amount for it. But she chose a small 1 room flat without any amenities to make a home with her. She had never stepped into the kitchen, yet she cooked for her burning her fingers most of the time. The girl who had all the luxury at her disposal walked in the scorching heat to get Jisoo good work. Whatever she was it was because of Jennie's hard work and undying trust in her. She recalled the years without her 2 yrs... 2 long yrs she survived without her, she never believed that jennie died when rumours said so nor she believed jennie ditched her. Because Jennie will never do such a thing.

She was brave, very brave. If she had to leave her, she would have done that on her face and left. Jisoo lived because she trusted on one single promise made by Jennie... she promised her a long life together and she came back to live upto her promise.

Jennie smiled looking at Jisoo ''what...??'' Jisoo lazily replied ''admiring my beautiful wife''

Jennie ''you admired me a lot in the night.. now off the bed and get to work''

Jisoo ''How cruel... you had your way with me and now you are dumping me like a tissue paper..'' Jisoo pouted dramatically

Jennie cocked a brow ''did I ???.. Well yes and it was just mind blowing... you even look exhausted... you should eat properly ''

Jisoo '' I am honoured if it was mind blowing'' Then she blinked ''wait.. did you just said I look exhausted... wait let me show you how much strength I have got'' Jennie squealed as Jisoo leaped at her, she quickly escaped moving on the opposite side of the bed... they watched each other like skilled fighters waiting for other one to attack.. Jisoo jumped on the bed to reach her and Jennie pulled the comforter off below her legs making Jisoo fall flat on her back, she laughed teasing her. Jisoo banged her hand hard on the bed before getting into the position of the attack again.

Jisoo watched her movements like a hawk, but Jennie was different she roamed her eyes all around confusing her to the core.. Jisoo leaped again and Jennie threw the comforter on her face at the right time blinding her. She pushed her on to the bed and sat on her ''I won''

Jisoo replied breathless ''I accept my defeat '' Jennie pulled the covers off her face,Jisoo took the opportunity over powering her ''I love you Nini........... I never said this but I am really sorry for all the pain you went through because of me''

Jennie cupped her cheek ''I had forgiven you long back now free your heart''

Jisoo rested her head on her chest ''I owe Roseanne and apology''

Jennie caressed her head ''then go and say it.... I know her.. she melts in seconds'' Jisoo just nodded, in reality she had inhibitions. Roseanne was like a fire and she had no intention of burning her hand again...

Sana knocked Tzuyu's room door and heard her voice ''Come in'' she walked in and smiled looking at the view, Tzuyu was doing pushups and Ella was busy counting them. Sana smiled ''Ella when she does 10 count 1.. you need to make your unnie strong she is really weak''

Tzuyu stood up ''Ella go get ready then we will go out'' Ella ran away... Tzuyu walked to Sana and scooped her up ''I think now I should do some squats... it will prove how weak I am''

Sana watched her all embarrassed ''please put me down....... you said we can be friends, this is why I teased you''

Tzuyu placed her on the couch and locked her between her arms ''I want us to be more than friends... I want you Sana, I want you...... ''

Sana kept looking at her..... she was tongue tied, why would a girl as handsome as her want her.... she wasn't a beauty like Jennie or Rosie what made her fall for her.. Sana lowered her eyes, a gesture asking her to move away. Tzuyu noticed all she moved closer to her ear ''I have made my mind up so you better make yours'' Tzuyu gave her a glance before moving back

Sana got up, without looking at her she spoke ''these clothes are for you.. ahjuma has send it wear them for the dance'' she left without turning back.......

To all the readers, THANKYOU for reading my story

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