Chapter 22

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Few Years Back

''Rosie... my love... where are you. ???'' A pretty 5'' 6' golden brown woman moved inside a spacious apartment ''Rosie baby enough now you are testing my patience.... I am dying here since a week to have a glance of your beautiful face.... don't punish me love''

Suddenly she felt some weight hanging on her back with two beautiful toned arms wrapped around her neck.. ''Here I am Joy.... missed me???''

Joy pulled Roseanne in front she watched her face for a couple of moments before capturing her lips... she responded with equal madness. going on her toes wrapping her arms around her neck.. Joy lifted Roseanne up from waist... she squealed and giggled between the kiss. Joy broke the kiss ''That's my favourite sound.... your happy squeals and giggles''

Roseanne caressed her face ''I know.... and this is my favourite place in your arms.. ''

Joy walked towards the room still holding Roseanne in air ''So what did you get me from US''

Roseanne pressed her lips like a cute baby ''me... me and me. what else do you want''

Joy gently laid Roseanne on the bed she pulled her towards herself ''I missed you Joy.... and I spoke to my parents about us..... they don't have issues''

Joy smiled broadly and pulled Roseanne to her chest rolling over her back ''I too have a news for you'' Mom asked me to invite you for the ball in the mansion she wants to introduce you to the extended family and friends''

Joy was from a well-known family.... her family had been one of the richest for 5 generations.... they were a known name in Australia and Joy's mother Boyoung Park was very proud of that... she loathed Roseanne..... which Roseanne hardly cared about her... she tolerated Boyoung for Joy. Joy was gem of a person... she just hated people who lied....

Roseanne got dressed in a beautiful violet gown... Joy honked..... Roseanne smiled at her reflection and walked down. Joy kept her palm on her heart looking at a stunning Roseanne..... she kissed her knuckles and pulled open the door of her car.... Roseanne smiled and got in... ''Joy I have a gift for you will let you know after the dinner''

Joy nodded ''Waiting for it anxiously my love'' she was dreaming of her new life with Joy........................ little did she knew that the most awaited day of her life was about to turn into the most painful day of her entire life.....

Roseanne entered the castle like mansion..... it was Park's family house since generations... the walls and high ceilings showcased the legacy of old Australian Architecture... Roseanne walked across the long hall way with her arm looped around Joy's strong one.... she praised the interiors and Joy detailed her various portraits which dawned the hallway.. Joy took Roseanne to the garden area where her mother Lady Boyoung Park was waiting..... the moment Lady Boyoung's eyes fell on their joined arms she gave Roseanne a piercing look... Roseanne was not some delicate darling she moved closer to Joy smirking at the old lady.... Joy greeted her Mom with a hug.... Boyoung gave Roseanne a disgusted look ''Looks like my daughter is spending too much on you..... that dress is definitely not from your pocket''

Joy wanted to interfere but Roseanne squeezed her arm stopping her she moved forward and greeted Lady Boyoung with a gentle handshake ''I am glad you liked my dress''

Soon Lady's Park's guests started pouring in.... they were influential people........................ Boyoung expected Roseanne to get intimidated with so much richness and novelty around... but nothing happened... Roseanne was confident................. she held her head high while interacting with people....... Joy got her introduced to her friends and cousins..... Boyoung was agitated... Roseanne was difficult than she thought.. she lightly held Roseanne's arm and took her aside smiling to her guests ''This is your last chance... walk away from my daughter and I will spare you''

Roseanne replied smiling yet warning ''What if I don't??''

Boyoung ''Your family will be sorry for the day you were born''

Roseanne looked straight into Boyoung's eyes and took a step forward ''I am warning you.. try something nasty and you will repent till your grave''

Joy noticed the posture of two ladies and walked towards them ''Any problem??''

Roseanne smile ''Oh No darling... Mom to be was introducing me to the rules and culture of my would be family...'' Joy smiled and pecked Roseanne's knuckles... and took her with her to get her acquainted to her friends... Lady Boyoung stood there fuming she picked her phone and spat ''Call her.. and ask her to come prepared''

Joy's cousins were quite impressed with smart and knowledgeable Roseanne.... but for Lady Boyoung... Roseanne was lowly girl............. hogging for money and novelty... she wasn't even aware of Roseanne's status she had promised her daughter to a Business Baron family.... getting her married to a millionaire's daughter will help her ease her family dues...

Roseanne was busy interacting when from no where a girl hugged her she froze... not knowing how to react. she pushed after gaining her senses ''How dare you... and who the hell are you??''

Jisoo ''Wow so its true.... you forget the people whom you spend your nights with''

Joy ''What rubbish..... who allowed you just get the hell out of here??''

Jisoo patted Joy's chest smiling ''Easy buddy... I know it hurts.... but girls like her sleep with one and marry another... Like me and you. she gave her night to me... and marrying you for thissssssssss'' she gestured towards the richness around her lifting her hand up moving it in a circular motion''

Roseanne '' I don't even know your name...''

Jisoo ''Why would you remember a poor girl's name...'' Roseanne warned '' You don't know what you are playing with'' Jisoo ''You think I care............ after what you did to me''

Roseanne turned to Joy but found doubt in her eyes she wasn't contradicting this woman.... she felt her heart sinking..... Jisoo came close.. ''Your smell still lingers in my breath.. My skin is still burning for your touch'' She lifted Roseanne's palm and rubbed it on her cheek But Jisoo seriously didn't know what she had been messing with... Roseanne jerked her hand and slapped her so hard that her lip chipped and started bleeding.. for two seconds Jisoo felt she had turned blind... she looked at her.... she watched her like a predator as if memorising her face... to destroy her completely..... Jisoo for a second feared her.... but then she got up ''Fine you deny knowing me.. how will you deny this??''

She threw some pictures on Joy scattering them all over the marble floor.... Joy picked one... it was Jisoo offering Roseanne a rose bud................. she extended the picture to Roseanne with a questioning look Roseanne looked at it and recalled about dashing against a girl on a subway.. she helped her picking her things and then as an apology offered her a flower. which she refused but then later took it when the girl insisted.... but that was months back she didn't even remember het face ''Joy you are doubting me on this......?? ''

Joy ''No but what do you have to say about this one??''

Roseanne stared at the picture in it she was in Jisoo's arms on a couch and it seemed she was kissing her... Roseanne stared at the picture and jerked around... she stared at one of Joy's cousin... the girl flinched.... Roseanne had attended Joy's cousin's birthday on her insistence... but after few shots she felt heavy and decided to leave.. after that she remembered only waking up in her apartment... fully clothed... she loved Joy truly..... she pleaded between her tears ''Joy this is a trap..... to break us.... your mom...... she did this''

Boyoung gave a single nod asking Jisoo to leave... she quietly escaped ''See for yourself Joy.... lowly girls like her don't have any morals or character... a high moral girl will never speak the way like her... moreover so shameless she is that she is still standing here''

Joy's cousin came to her '' I wanted to tell you... but feared breaking your heart.... she shamelessly made out with n number of girls.............. now you have the proof''

Joy looked at Roseanne with her tear filled eyes ''Leave Rosie I don't want you insulted''

Roseanne cupped her face ''Please not you... I can die but never betray you.. trust me''

Joy pushed her ''I don't know whom to trust and whom not to...... it's better if we stay away ''

Boyoung ''You heard her. GET LOST''

Roseanne ''Shut up Old witch''

Joy retorted ''Dare you speak to my mom like that..... you piece of trash''

Roseanne looked around... people were amused... they mocked her some had pure disgust .... some even commented on her family and upbringing... The girl she loved and trusted with her life and soul disowned her and insulted her... how could she claim to love her when she never trusted her.. Rosie died that moment a silent painful death... her heart bled.................. it bled till all the love in it was gone....... Roseanne had promised Joy a gift earlier in a day and this was the time to give her the gift.....

Roseanne ''I promised you a surprise.... and I don't break my promise..... Mr.Changwook... could you please come forward '' Changwook, a solicitor came forward and handed Roseanne some documents...... Roseanne walked to the grand chair of lady Boyoung and sat on it ''Changwook go on''

Changwook ''Lady Boyoung...Ms.Joy.... Rosie aka Roseanne Park is the lawful owner of Park castle..... since your family failed to clear the dues''

Joy and Boyoung's jaw dropped.. Roseanne had never disclosed her social standing.... because she wasn't bought up to be proud about money.. Boyoung fumbled ''you are lying''

Roseanne got up and walked to Boyoung ''let me reintroduce MYSELF I am Roseanne Mason Park.... daughter of the biggest Tea Baron in the world................... I never said this aloud.... as I wasn't bought up to be proud of money.. and Joy... this was my surprise... I wanted to gift you your house.... your memories which had been mortgage to meet and maintain your family... But since I am a women of low morals.... I want all of you out of my property in 24 hrs.... Changwook see to it that this is done ''

Roseanne looked around giving every mocking eye a sharp glance.... the eyes that loathed her mocked her now feared her. that day a heiress was born... who enjoyed and fed on the fear of the people.. Roseanne picked one of the pictures scattered on the floor... ''off to you now''

Roseanne stuffed the picture in her clutch and walked to Boyoung ''By the way...your daughter can never afford this gown OLD HOG... vacate my place... because I know of your social status.... but you cannot comprehend the limit of my power''

Roseanne walked off pulling the ground below the feet of park family..... Roseanne got into her car and leaned on the seat................ tears which she had been holding till now... found their way and now they were coming out in full force.......she kept wiping them but they refused to stop.. Roseanne rushed inside her apartment and broke down crashing against the locked door she cried her heart out..... it pained really bad.... she trusted Joy with her heart.. with each breath.... she became hers with body and soul... and now.......... she was broken for no fault of hers. the woman she believed to be her greatest support came out as her biggest mistake...

Roseanne crawled to the nearby couch and left her body there she sobbed for hours.... her mobile and landline kept buzzing but Roseanne didn't move for 3 days she lay there lifelessly.. on fourth day it was her maternal uncle who got worried on Claire's call... broke open the apartment. he took her home and took care of her till she was fine.. Roseanne was sitting in the garden of her Uncle's huge mansion uncle and Claire's brother Minho was a known name... he patted his niece's head ''What next??''

Roseanne pulled out Jisoo's picture from the book she was reading ''Find me this woman Uncle''

Minho ''And do what to her''

Roseanne ''Nothing.... just get me her details.... all.. I will do what should be done'' Minho pecked her forehead. and walked off with Jisoo's picture.. Roseanne's younger cousins pulled her to play with them she smiled and agreed..

Minho in two days gave Roseanne all the details ''She is doing an acting course here... for her work she got a very old model of Bentley from Joy's would be wife's family.. and good cash''

Roseanne ''give me her address time to unburden my heart ''

In two days Roseanne drove off to the part of city which wasn't that well off.... it was half past 11 in the night. she pressed the door bell and Jisoo answered all startled ''What are you doing here??''

Roseanne walked in ''You said I didn't remember your name after a night with you.. so how about we replay it''

Jisoo moved back ''That was a show just of quick bucks... I needed it''

Roseanne locked her to wall ''What's the cost of your night... JISOO!!!!!!!!!! I can pay more''

Jisoo smelled danger... she pushed her ''you are insane... just get out now''

Roseanne laughed ''Insane am I ???? yes and now let me give you a demo.... By the way.... you should check your Bentley..... its warming the cold winter nights of Australia for the poor''

Jisoo shivered and ran down... she couldn't find her car.. she saw a smoke and ran in the direction of it... and there was her first car.... her dream.. in flames. Jisoo collapsed on her knees.... she never dreamt of this... she got up some how she felt life left her body.... she looked again at her burning dream... there across the flames stood Roseanne with an evil grin.................... the flames in her eyes looked more dangerous than the one infront of her.. Roseanne walked to her and whispered dangerously ''How does it feel now... feel yourself blessed that its not you.... never ever again cross my path.... remember Jisoo. if you see fire around you... believe it to be me''

Jisoo walked into her apartment... her legs trembled.. her apartment was completely ransacked.... she had forgot to lock it in the hurry to see her car....


Roseanne opened her eyes when she felt a soft touch on her shoulder Jennie cupped her cheek ''remember Rosie. mom said when we are together no one can defeat us... when I lost you weren't there and when you suffered I wasn't there... but now we are together... don't live that pain again and again share it''

Roseanne held her palms ''It doesn't pain anymore.... leave all that..... all set for red carpet.. ''

Sana ''Me ready...... who am I walking with??''

Roseanne smiled looking at her chirpy form..... the twins had been tensed for her.... she had not been well for few days. Jennie stared at her from head to toe...... she looked angelic in pink gown ''Squirt you are walking with Rosie''

Sana blinked all confused ''Then who is Lisa walking with?''

Roseanne and Jennie smiled at each other.... Roseanne pecked Sana's cheek '' with Nini ''

Sana took 2 steps back ''What are you two upto.... this will create a lot of smoke''''

Jennie ''that's what we want... a smoke without fire and many burning eyes''

Sana again blinked...... Roseanne pulled her arm ''don't think much darling.... everything will be clear soon... now come...... you anyways look mouth watering... I don't think I can keep my hands off you''

Sana ''Yuck Rosie... Nini please ask her not to pull my leg'' Jennie tickled Sana making her jump and run................... both sisters smiled and gave each other a nod... they were ready to rock and roll.

To all the readers, THANKYOU for reading my story

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