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No matter how many times I have done this, it doesn't get any less nerve wracking.

I close my eyes and let my fingers glide over the keys, enjoying the sweet melody I create with ravish. I haven't performed a piano piece in the longest time- but since this is my final performance before my hiatus, I thought it would be perfect.

After four and a half minutes of singing my heart out on stage, the lights brighten on my seated figure at the black grand piano and the audience erupts with cheers and applause.
With a content smile, I open my eyes and turn to the theatre of fans, howling with adoration.

My gaze drifts to the front row in particular, full of the VIP guests I personally invited. I don't know where I would be without all my friends.

I see my manager mouthing at me to give my speech from where she stands at the corner of the stage so I get up and take a bow, bathing in the flowers thrown from the crowd.

Taking the mic from beside the piano, I look towards the sea of teary faces.
"First of all, thank you for sticking with me all these years. Thank you for encouraging me and giving me hope for the future. I wouldn't be here without your love and support and I hope you know that."

I hear a few sobs but I press on.
"I said in an interview previously that the song I just performed today- Spring day, is the most special song to me. My husband and I created it in our blissfully chaotic childhood and it has gotten me through so much. I hope it can be of equal comfort to you-"

"Please don't go! We love you!" A fan cries from somewhere in the theatre.
I chuckle slightly and shake my head.

"Don't worry, I won't be gone long. This is just a two year hiatus, through which I will still be active on social media." I smile.

"My final thank yous are to my amazing friends- Kim Namjoon, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook and my brother Kim seokjin. Last but certainly not least, my wonderful Husband...Min Yoongi."
There's a few cheers from the crowd which makes me grin. He has made quite the name for himself too as one of South Korea's top music producers.

"I'm lucky to have them in my life and I'm even luckier to be on the receiving end of so much love. Thank you all for the beautiful journey so far."
I bow a final time and rise with a small smile.
"See you soon."

I leave the stage, grinning from all the applause and cheering.

"Great job Y/N." My manager says, holding her hand out for a high five.

"Thanks Manager Ji." I laugh, smacking my palm against hers. "Could you tell the reporters I won't be doing any final interviews. I'm just going to head backstage."

"Sure, rest up darling, you deserve it!"  She flashes me a dazzling smile before I leave her and head down the hall and to my designated room.

Once in the safety of my dressing room, I crash down on the white fluffy couch in the corner of the room and yawn.
It really has been a tiresome few years since I graduated from University. But my fans, friends, family and Yoongi got me through it.

Speaking of, where are they?
Just then I hear a light knock on the door. With a growing grin, I skip to the door and open it. In a flash, Yoongi's arms are around my waist, pulling me in for a kiss.
I smile against his lips and gently pull away.

"You did amazing." He beams, resting his forehead against mine, a soft and loving gesture I adore.

"Thank you Yoongles." I smile.

"Ready to go Jins house? He was really adamant that we come to his after party on time."
I shake my head, grabbing his arm and tugging him into my room. While dodging his confused questions, I close the door and turn to face him.

"Wait don't tell me, you wanna do it here?" Yoongi asks, excitedly wiggling his eyebrows.
I groan and push his shoulder.

"Weirdo. No. There's something I want to tell you." I tell him.

"Are you going to finally tell me why you're going on a two year hiatus? Baby I'll support you no matter what, but I'm curious why." 

I nod, suppressing my smile as we walk to the couch and sit down.
"I think this..." I start, reaching over the side of the couch and pulling up a little gift bag. "...will explain better than my words can."

He eyes the bag and takes it from me curiously. I watch him dig a hand into it and pull out a white ceramic mug.

"A mug?" He laughs, displaying his gummy smile. "Thank you."

"Pabo, read the text on it." I instruct with a giggle. Yoongi does as I ask and reads the text aloud.

"Worlds best Appa." He reads. "I don't get why-...WAIT!"
He springs off the couch and looks between the mug and me. A grin plays on my lips as he stares at me expectedly.

Slowly, I nod.
"Oh my- I'm going to be a dad?!" He exclaims with sparkling eyes.  "I'm going to be a father!!!"
Before I can say anything, he squats down and places a hand on my stomach, over the white fabric of my dress.

"I can't believe it." He whispers, teary eyed.

"I'm about seven weeks in." I smile, watching him gingerly caress my stomach.
Yoongi looks up, shiny black strands of hair poking at the tops his eyes. My fingers reach out to brush the hair away when he suddenly laces his fingers through mine.

"We're going to be parents." He smiles warmly, eyes pooling with tears. My eyes soon begin to sting as I close the distance between us with a kiss.

The moment is ruined when the door of my dressing room swings open.
"Y/N-ah! You killed it!" Jin saunters in followed by the rest of my rowdy friends.

"Oops, are we intruding?" Namjoon asks with a not so sorry expression.

"Wait why are you both crying?" Hoseok asks a little worried.
The six of them flock to our side as we look back at eachother with so much love in our eyes.

"Yah! Can either of you say something?" Taehyung moans.
Jimin pouts and nudges Yoongi's shoulder.

"Guys..." I smile, standing up.
"I'm... pregnant."

The guys gasp with wide eyes.

"I'm... going to be an uncle?!" Jungkook exclaims. Jin rolls his eyes and slaps the back of Jungkooks head, making Jungkook flop forward before glaring back at Jin.

"Like I'd ever let my little angle anywhere near your crazy ass." Jin grunts.

"Wait you already knew? You secretive son of a gun." Jimin clicks his tongue before turning his attention back to Yoongi and I.

"Do you know it's gender? What are you going to name them? Oh my god I'm so excited." Taehyung rambles with an giddy smile.

I hold my hand out to Yoongi who instantly takes it.
"It's too early to tell the gender but we kind of thought about a name already. Yoongi and I came up with it a long time ago after we got married and started talking about children."

Yoongi rubs soothing circles onto the back of my hand with a thumb. I find his eyes and smile.

"Nabi..." He whispers, eyes crinkling from his bright smile. "...butterfly."

"Nabi." I confirm with a grin.
It's at this moment that I realise, no matter the course of life, I was made to love him, and him to me. He's more than just a knight in shining armour, more than just a lover.
He's my soulmate.

I found myself with him.

"I love you." Yoongi whispers, squeezing my hand as if he'll never let go, and I know he won't. Till death do us part.

"I love you too."

A cough snaps us back to reality.
"Guys... we're right here." Jungkook says, suppressing a laugh.

"Alright gang!" Jin announces, clasping his hands together. "let's head to my house, you're all in for the greatest pregnancy party of your lives!"

"Pregnancy party?! I thought it was a hiatus party." Namjoon chuckles, shaking his head.

"Hehehe, gotchya. No really, hurry up. I ordered a huge ice sculpture of a baby and I'm afraid it's already melted all over my carpet." He pouts, ushering us to the door.

I laugh, shaking my head.
As we walk out the door, Yoongi leans towards my ear.
"If he makes an 'ice ice baby' joke I'm grabbing you and running away."

"Yah! I heard that!" Jin scolds, pushing the two of us down the hall.

Yoongi laughs and rests an arm over my shoulders.
"I can't wait to be a father." He smiles to himself.

"Hey Yoongi..." I mumble, nudging him.
"Isn't it weird how I just knew that we were going to be together ever since we were little?"

Yoongi turns to me with a sappy smile.
"It's because we're so right together, like we're destined to find eachother. My spring day, my butterfly, my love."
I nuzzle closer to him, revelling in his warmth.

I love you, Yoongi.
Forever and always.



Guess what, you're pregnant!

And married to Yoongi, damn. Really living that Y/N life ;).

Thank you for reading this story dear reader! I hope you enjoyed the ending.
Love you all <3

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