The rest of the day goes by in a blur. All I could think about is Yoongi and Sunhee.
He forgot about me fast. Why am I so surprised? We were just stupid kids, telling each other stupid lies.
I hug the brown cookie plushie on my bed and sigh at the ceiling.
"You're so stupid Y/N." I whisper to myself bitterly.
The sudden knock on my door snaps me out of my own misery.
"Come in."
Jin wastes no time by barging into my room.
"Dad's not home again. Want to eat out?"
Food... the only thing that can make me feel better right now.
I sit up and nod.
"Yeah, I'm starving." I lightly smile.
"Okay, get dressed and meet me downstairs." He nods before heading down the hall.
I quickly throw on a jacket and trainers before skipping downstairs and leaving the house with him.
Jin drives to a high-end sushi restaurant, which I know he can't afford.
"And how are you planning to pay at this expensive place?" I say, giving him the side eye.
"Relax, Dad left some money for us."
He smirks and slings an arm across my shoulders, dragging me into the building.
We're greeted by a waiter who leads us to a table for two near the back.
"So, what do you want to order? Ooo they have flat fish sashimi here!" Jin squeals pointing to it on his menu.
I skim through the list of sushi options and decide to order some Ebi and Temari.
When the food arrives, I eagerly chomp down.
"Mmm this tastes so good!" I smile, biting into a piece of fish.
"This place is dope." Jin grins, picking up some sashimi with his chopsticks.
I happyily hum in agreement before stuffing another piece of sushi into my mouth.
As I'm about to take another bite, I look over Jins shoulder and to my horror, I meet the gaze of Min Yoongi.
He quickly averts his eyes as I start choking on the fish. Jin clicks his tongue and pushes my drink towards me which I hastily gulp down.
What the hell is he doing here?!
"Slow down you little piggy." Jin shakes his head with a light chuckle before going back to happily eating.
Mustering up some courage, I look back in Yoongi's direction. Thankfully, he's not looking my way anymore. With a sigh of relief, I sink down into my chair.
He's at a table with what looks like his family and someone else's...
Sitting beside him is that rotten tomato...Sunhee.
He saw me pigging out on the sushi then choking on it... so embarrassing.
"Let's hurry and get out of here." I say, practically inhaling the food to leave quicker.
"What? Why? Slow down or you'll choke again."
Jin shakes his head disapprovingly.
"Just do it! Hurry."
Reluctantly, he quickens his chewing and eats everything on his plate. As we get up to pay, I stay on the right side of him, hoping to not be seen by Yoongi or Sunhee.
Once we're at the front desk and in the clear, I relax a little.
"What table sir?" The cashier asks.
Just as the cashier is asking Jin to pay, the two people I've been trying to avoid like the plague stroll into the front desk area.
"Ah Y/N, it is you! I wasn't too sure earlier so I just had to come up and check." Sunhee grins, an evil little grin.
"You must be her brother yes?" She asks, looking at my brother with sparkling eyes.
Jin pays for the food before turning to look at her.
"Cool... oh yes, this is my fiancé." Sunhee smiles turning to Yoongi as if she just remembered him.
She links arms with him but he shakes her off.
Jin eyes me with a confused expression.
"Yoongi, stop being so shy." Sunhee laughs awkwardly. Yoongi looks away again, unbothered.
"Yoongi?" Jin whispers to me, wide-eyed.
"Isn't he-" I elbow him and shake my head slightly, motioning him to shut up.
"This is the girl I told you about, the one who called me an annoying cow." Sunhee says with a glare.
"Actually it was an attention seeking cow... but hey, annoying works too. Your words not mine." I shrug.
Jin tries to hold in his laughter by whacking his hand across his mouth.
"Why you little-" Sunhee starts but is cut off by Jin.
"She isn't your friend right?" He asks me.
I look up at him, trying not to scoff at even the idea of being friends with her.
"No, she's not."
"Well then, we're done here. let's go." He smiles and we walk out of the restaurant.
After driving back home, he sits me down on the couch with a stern look on his face.
"You better tell me what's going on."
"It's a long story." I groan but Jin shakes his finger.
"We've got plenty of time now spill."
"Fine, fine. So... his name is Min Yoongi and I think he might be the Min Yoongi from my childhood except this Yoongi he's so different, and he doesn't remember me." I sigh.
"Woah..." he breathes.
"That wasn't even long but anyway, from what I remember he was such a happy kid... he's so distant now. And what's up the fiancé thing?!"
I rake a hand through my hair and nod.
"I know Jin... he's different but similar in so many ways. He plays the piano, really well at that. He was playing while his friends practised for the schools music competition at lunch."
"Wait you hung out with him?" He asks.
"Mmhm. I sit next to one of Yoongis friends, and he invited me to eat with them." I shrug.
"That really must mean he's forgotten about you. Either that or he isn't your childhood friend... hey here's an idea- why don't you just ask him?"
I laugh and slap him on the shoulder.
"Are you crazy?!"
Jin rubs his shoulder with a glare.
"Why not? It makes perfect sense to just cut the crap and ask him."
With a groan I ruffle my hair at Jin's lack of common sense.
"If I do that, and he doesn't know who I am that would be embarrassing, and if he did remember, there's no reason to not tell me...unless he's purposely avoiding me so asking him would be embarrassing. It's embarrassing either way!"
"Ah you and your pride..." Jin frowns. When he sees my sad expression, he playfully nudges me with an elbow.
"Don't be so glum. He's just a friend from the past." He smiles trying to cheer me up.
"You don't get it Jon, he was my greatest friend... Yoongi protected me from bullies, he made my days so much brighter..."
I longingly glance at my piano sitting near the archway. He really was the brightest star, leading me through my dark days...
Jin follows my gaze to the piano before suddenly gasping.
"I have an idea!"
Intrigued, I turn my attention to him.
"What if there was a way to get him to remember you and tell him you're his childhood best friend without even having to speak to him about it..." he smirks mischievously.
"Join your schools music competition and play the song he taught you!"
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