With every loud step towards the stage, my anger rises.
Ara- No, Bongsoo has the guts to go up in front of everyone to humiliate Y/N over a lie she concocted.
I'm late. I know. But I'm here now.
I'm here to protect my best friend.
Y/N stares at me confused but I soon see her expression change into one of heartbreak as I near them on the stage.
Her eyebrows furrow and her lip quivers, just like when she was little.
How did I not recognise her? She hasn't changed from the adorable little girl I once knew.
"Y/N..." I whisper, unsure of how to approach her in this situation. I want to run up and hug her, hold her in my arms and apologise over and over again for being such an ass.
But I also want to talk to Bongsoo. No, talk isn't the right word. I want to yell at her. Scream at her for being so pathetic. How can someone be as petty as her?
As I take a step towards Y/N, she quickly turns around and dashes off the stage.
Am I too late? Did Bongsoo spread her lies already?
I try to run after Y/N but Bongsoo grabs my wrists with a worried look on her sickeningly evil face.
"Yoongi, you're just in time. Tell everyone how much of a thief Y/N is!"
She turns to the crowd with a smug smile, one that I want to rip off her face.
The host on the side isn't doing anything to stop this fiasco, he seems to be invested in the drama just as much as everyone in the crowd is too.
Bongsoo leaves me no choice.
There's no way to settle this matter privately.
I snatch Y/N's journal out of her hand, startling her.
"Listen up." I bellow, silencing the murmurs just as Namjoon finally runs into the hall, out of breath. Better late than never Joon.
With my fists balled at my sides, I throw an accusing glare at Bongsoo.
"This bitch has been tormenting Y/N ever since we were little."
A few gasps erupt from the crowd and from Bongsoo too but I keep going.
"As most of you know, I suffer from Amnesia. After I was in a car crash, I forgot about my childhood best friend. Y/N."
Bongsoo eyes widen in realisation that I remember everything.
Hastily, she tries to run down the steps and off the stage but Namjoon beats her too it, blocking her from leaving the crowds view.
With a glare, Namjoon stands in her way, arms crossed as if he too is restraining himself. When he sees Ara's worried expression, a smug smile settles on his lips.
"This girl, Choi 'Ara' Bongsoo is the girl who bullied Y/N when she was young. I didn't recognise either of them until recently."
I say.
"That's partially because Bongsoo has been lying to me. She stole Y/N's journal containing the song she and I made together when we were young, and tried to impersonate Y/N."
The crowd gasps again, resulting in a wave of mummers.
Bongsoo chest rises and falls with heavy breaths, panicked and scared.
"I want to know why. Why did you construct such an elaborate lie? Was it to make Y/N suffer? Was it to make fun of me? Why?"
Bongsoo looks between me and the audience with a frown, eyes brimming with tears.
"B-because I liked you! I've always liked you! But you were too busy following Y/N around. It isn't fair!"
She walks over to me and tries to grab my arm again but I back away.
"I hated that you were always with Y/N like two peas in a pod. And seeing you both still close after all these years really pissed me off."
I scoff, what a pathetic excuse to torment people.
"You disgust me. I hate bullies, I hate liars but most of all, I hate envious, leeching, attention seeking girls like you."
Maybe I'm too harsh on her. Maybe I've already embarrassed her enough. But I need to make sure she doesn't think impersonating or defaming someone is okay. That she never steals or lies for her own benefit again.
I walk up to her and whisper in her ear.
"After all these years, you haven't changed. Transfer out of this school and restart yourself."
I back away and meet Namjoon at the steps, leaving Bongsoo exposed on stage in the hateful eyes of the crowd.
"Where's Y/N?" He asks me as we leave the hall.
"S-she ran off. Was she embarrassed? Did she think I had some part in Bongsoos lies?" I ask with a pained expression.
Namjoon holds the exit door for me and we both walk out, hit with the cold night wind.
"I don't know Yoongi... you should probably tell her that you remember."
"Holy shit!" Someone yells, jogging up to us.
Jin places a hand on my shoulder with a grin.
"Yoongi I'm so proud of you." He smiles.
"Bongsoo had it coming." Namjoon nods.
I look up at Jin and frown.
"Do you know... where Y/N is?"
Jin shakes his head, biting his lip.
"The stupid girl won't pick up. I bet she ran home."
"Let's go, you should speak to her there."
Jin nods and pushes me along but I stop.
"I- I have to get something first. Can you text me when you find her?"
Jin cocks an eyebrow but nods anyway.
"Sure. I'll check at home, Namjoon can you look around the park?"
Namjoon nods and soon, the two of them sprint off.
With a deep breath, I start walking.
There's not a lot of stores open but I keep walking. Hoping I'll find one.
After around fifteen minutes of searching. I find a little convenience store. With a smile, I push the glass door open, shaking the bell above it.
"Good evening young man, what is it you're looking for?" The store clerk smiles.
Just then, I feel a ding in my pocket.
Jin: The stupid girl is at home, I told her everything, thank me later ;)
I sigh and text back a reply.
Thanks Hyung, I'm on my way.
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