(Back to your P.O.V):
"You'll be fine." Jin smiles patting my back.
"Your song is beautiful, I'm sure he'll remember you once he hears it."
I bite my lip as we walk through the corridor and into the giant hall, elaborately decorated for the competition.
"God I haven't even rehearsed in front of a crowd." I groan. Jin chuckles and pulls me in for a hug.
I nuzzle into his chest, shying away from the crowds of people taking their seats.
"You'll do amazing Y/N-ah. I know you will, youre my sister after all. The Kims do not fall short of extraordinary."
I push away and pull a face.
"Confidence is key little sissy."
I roll my eyes just before I hear someone call my name. Running towards me and Jin from is a worried Hoseok.
"Hey Hobi! Are Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook getting ready for their performance?"
"Yeah..." he pants as he stops in front of me.
"But somethings wrong. Namjoon and Yoongi aren't here. I tried calling them but it's going straight to voicemail."
Jin places a hand on Hoseoks shoulder.
"They might just be running late and their phones are off. Don't stress too much and get backstage."
Hoseoks eyes glisten and I practically see a lightbulb switch on in his eyes.
"Just in case, can you learn Namjoons part? If he doesn't show up, I need a stand in."
Jin scoffs and shakes his head frantically.
"You think I can rap?!"
"Just try, please, it's about to start." He pouts.
Jin lets out a shaky breath.
"Fine, let's head to the participants room."
Hoseok relaxes a bit as the three of you head to the room but he still tries to ring Namjoon.
"What if something bad happened?" Hoseok mumbles.
"Do you want to look around for them?" I ask when we enter the room.
Hoseok sighs and shakes his head, dodging other students and making our way to our friends.
"There's no use in looking for people when you don't even know where to start looking."
He has a point but I'm starting to grow more and more worried.
"Hey guys, no sign of the flakers?" Taehyung pouts.
"Tae, they wouldn't flake. They're not like that." Jimin narrows his eyes towards the now apologetic boy.
"Leech, four O'clock." Jungkook mumbles. With furrowed eyebrows, I follow his gaze to see Ara strut towards us.
"Have you seen Yoongi?" Ara asks, clearly exasperated.
"You haven't seen him either?" Hoseok gasps.
Ara shrugs and shakes her head.
"Clearly not, I'm asking you all aren't I?"
The speakers creak with static before the announcer booms through them.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Seoul Highs Annual Music Competition! Please take your seats and get ready for the first act."
"It's starting." Hoseok gasps, blood draining from his face. He snaps his head at Jin and grabs his arm.
"We're running out of time! Come with me!" He shrieks before leading my brother away to try rapping together.
"Jin's stepping in for Namjoon?" Jungkook asks and I nod.
"Without further ado, please welcome our first participant, Lee Minji singing a cover of 'Extraterrestrial'!" The announcer cheers through the speakers.
"Well I've got to go prepare I guess... good luck." Ara sighs before turning to me and smirking.
"May the best musician win."
Jimin scoffs as she sashays away.
"She rubs me the wrong way."
I cock and eyebrow at Jimin who blinks before blushing.
"Ew not like that Y/N, I didn't know you were so dirty minded." He grimaces with a chuckle.
"Everyone took it that way Jiminie." I giggle, casting a glance at the boys either side of him, trying to hold in their laughter.
We then practise in hushed voices. I know last minute cramming isn't going to boost my confidence in any way but it's better then twiddling my fingers on the bench and mentally counting down the seconds until my turn.
I should be focused, Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook have already gone for their goes...but I just can't seem to concentrate.
For of a couple of reasons. One being that Hoseok is violently shaking the music sheets infront of Jins face trying to get him to remember the words- how is anyone able to concentrate over their constant bickering?
The other reason is the uneasiness growing in the pit of my stomach.
What's the point of any of this if Yoongi isn't here to hear it?
I'm doing this for him, being the coward I am, I can't just play him the song. I have to jump through a billion hurdles just to send him a message that... it's me.
"Hoseok and Nam- oh, sorry ladies and gentlemen, there seems to be a last minute change. Please welcome to the stage the next contestants, Hoseok and Jin with 'Cypher'!"
The host announces.
I catch sight of Hoseok walking with Jin towards the exit like a zombie.
My heart breaks for him, he practised so hard for today and Namjoon didn't even show up.
What if something really bad happened?
What if-
"You're on soon aren't you?" Ara smiles, sitting on the bench beside me.
My lip quivers as I nod.
"I've still got a long time until I have to go on..." she chuckles.
"But I have a feeling I'll be going on a lot sooner." She smirks.
Ara's been doing that a lot recently. Smirking. Like she's some master puppeteer with a plan up her sleeve.
Maybe I'm reading too deep into this?
After awhile of small talk, she wanders off when my friends approach.
"Don't sweat it, Jin wasn't that bad." Taehyung nudges Hoseok with a forced smile.
"Y-yeah! I thought he was pretty good actually." Jimin laughs awkwardly.
Jin huffs and sits down next to me.
"They're bullying me Y/N-ah." Jin frowns.
"Guys at least Jin stepped in. Where the hell are Namjoon and Yoongi anyway?" Jungkook groans.
Just then the room is hushed into silence when the speakers crack again.
"Next up is Min Yoongi with 'Butterfly'!" The announcer cheers.
It's silent before an awkward cough rattles through the speakers.
"Sorry folks, it's a case of cold feet. Moving onto our next contestant..."
"He's actually missed his slot." Taehyung mumbles in shock.
I can't help but stress over where Yoongi could be. I look at the clock on the wall behind me and mentally contemplate wether or not I should even go on.
"Hey, you look stressed." Jin whispers so the others won't hear.
"Is there any point in me going up anymore? Yoongi isn't even here..."
Jin sighs and pats your back.
"You still put a lot of effort into this Y/N. Go up there and knock 'em dead."
I muster up a strained smile and nod.
Before I know it, I'm already climbing up the steps of the stage and walking to the centre.
"Next up, Kim Y/N with 'spring day'!" The host motions me from the side before ushering to sit on the stool in front of the grand black piano.
The audiences muttering dies down and I feel their eyes on me as I place my sheet music in on the piano.
Letting out a shaky breath I place my fingers on the keys and shut my eyes, mentally preparing myself for the music to guide me.
Just as I'm about to play the first note, someone stomps onto the stage, loud angry steps grow louder and they stop just beside me.
Startled, I gaze up at Ara who's sporting an evil grin.
"I have an announcement to make!" She booms, turning to face the audience. Perplexed, I get out of my seat and frantically look between her and the crowd.
What's happening? What is she doing?
"What do you think you're doing?!" The host exclaims, striding towards the two of us.
When he gets close, Ara grabs the microphone from him and pushes him aside.
"I'm here to reveal the truth!" She bellows into the mic before casting her accusing finger at me.
"This wench stole my song." She announces dramatically. My eyebrows droop in confusion as she rummages in her pocket.
Ara pulls out an all too familiar leather journal and holds it up to the crowd.
"And I have proof!"
Suddenly, the front doors of the hall swing open, smashing loudly against the walls due to the sheer force of the push.
A boy with tousled hair and red-rimmed eyes strides in.
"Min Yoongi?"
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