Chapter 3

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Killian's POV

It was now July and Emma and I have gotten close. We say it like casual dating and that we can see other people, but I only see her. No other girl compares to this lovely woman I met in a flower shop.

"So Killian we are playing tourist today?" Emma asks me.

"Yeah. I just thought something new for us to do here." I say to her.

"Well I cant wait." She says.

Hand in hand we walked all around taking pictures and it was wonderful.

"So Emma I want to ask you something." I say to her.

"Okay shoot." She says.

"I was hoping that we can move our relationship up to actually dating. I really like you Emma." I say to her.

"Wow Killian, umm I dont know what to say. Except yeah. I would like that." She says.

"So we're a couple?" I question.

"Yeah we are." She says and kisses my cheek.

That night we spent in my hotel room. We sat on the bed talking and drinking some Champagne.

"Okay if you had to choose either your family or your best friend to save from a burning building who would you choose?" I ask her.

"My best friend. No offense to my family, but I like my best friend more. What about you?" She asks.

"Well my brother is my best friend so I guess thats both." I say.

"Thats cheating." She says.

"Okay fine I would choose my other best friend, because he is real and doesnt push me around." I say to her.

"So tell me about this friend. Whats his name? How'd you meet?" She asks.

"Well his name is Robin and we met at school. What about your best friend?" I ask.

"Her name is Regina. We have been close since we were little. We meet in kindergarten and became best friends after she dumped her drink on my head." She says.

"Wow thats some friend." I say laughing.

"Hey I told you how we became friends. Your turn you and Robin." She says"

"Okay it was first grade and these boys were picking on me and he stood up for me and we have been buds ever since." I tell her.

"Im guessing you didnt look like this when you were little?" She says joking.

"Nope." I say.

"So were did you grow up. You know since you have an accent?" She asks.

"Well my family is originally from Ireland and Robin is originally from England and well our families both moved to the US the year of first grade. Which was also what we bonded over. What about you?" I ask her.

"Born and raised in the US but Regina and I bonded over our love of coloring." She says laughing.

"Well who was the best Colorer?" I ask.

"Me for sure, but Regina would say otherwise." She says.

I just looked at her. She has the cutest smile and the most wonderful laugh. I lean in a kiss her. Her lips are soft. I put my hand on the back of her head pulling her closer to me and her hair is also soft. I have never fall for a girl this quick. Im glad its Emma that has stole my heart this time. I dont think she would ever break it and I would never break hers. I think Im in love with her.


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