chapter 1

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Mitch's POV

My day went from bad to worse the second I saw my fiance's bracelet and my mom's ring that I proposed with on her bedside table. She died two years ago and it broke me. I had nothing to live for anymore and no one. I took off my jacket when I saw the envelope I have carried with me since my mom passed away. My mom said to open it when I was ready and I think it is finally time. I opened it to see two pages and slid it out of the envelope. One with a letter written on it and the other a list of names with ages next to them.

' Dear Mitch

I hope you are ready for big news and are sitting down. First I wanted to say sorry for not talking about your father. He was a kind man who didn't deserve to die. He died protecting us when you were 6. Other than that you have brothers and I am so sorry we had to split you guys up. Your oldest brother is in New York, he is apparently arrogant and smokes. I do not approve beleive me so if you could get him to stop I would appreciate that. I think and your youngest is in Beacon Hills, he is very intelligent but can not sit still enough to do a lot because he has ADHD. We separated you for a better chance of survival because we knew something was coming and it worked till the apocalypse happened. I don't know who is still alive and who is dead but find them. The day I took you to Texas I didn't regret it. I heard that your younger brother was named Mieczyslaw Stilinski but they call him Mischief or Stiles. Stuart is in mountain view California, he is smart so I would watch it. He works for Google and is very sarcastic. Thomas is in Portland Oregon, the apocalypse has happened there but he is with a group of scientists. He is also very intelligent but I lost track of him around about when the apocalypse happened. Your older brother Joel is in fair field, he is safe but in a bunker, he is a very good artist and likes to document his findings. The apocalypse happened there too. Colin is okay and safe, Colin is an influencer so he won't be hard to find. You must also look passed the idiotic behavior he is very intelligent. I hope by the time you're reading this you can still save them. They all look very similar to you and you all got your intelligence from your Dad too.

Love mom'

'Colin- 29
Joel- 24

Mitch- 23
Thomas - 19
Stuart - 18
Stiles- 17'

Tears ran down my cheeks, I grew up alone because they wanted to protect us. I looked at the list of names and looked through the letter again. Stuart seems to be the smartest person to go get first. Joel and Thomas can be found last because I need back up. Stiles is going to be a challenge I suspect, something tells me he won't come willingly. I put the letter on the bed and went to get a bag. I started packing my clothes when I thought to myself, 'I have a purpose now and people to live for finally'. Once I was done packing my bags I took a deep breath. My dad died protecting us and now that responsibility falls on my shoulders. No one will lay a finger on them now, I am interested how ever to see how similar and different we are. I left my apartment and told the landlord that I wouldn't be around for a while. I got in to my car and drove to the airport, once I got there I booked a flight to Mountain view with a few connecting flights. Once I got on the flight it hit me 'I am going to meet my younger brother today'

A few hours later I landed in California and set to work looking my brother up. Apparently he worked Google so I searched there. I saw in a couple of pictures that he was just a younger version of me except he had glasses, he wore a beanie and was a nerd. I was a baseball player at school so I was fit because I kept up with my training. My mom got me into sport but Stuart looks like he has not played a sport ever. I decided to go there after I settle here incase he needs to be convinced. I got to my hotel and took out my computer and a notepad. I first went on Instagram and looked him up. His face popped up and I saw that he had friends sort of.

I wrote down their names and looked deeper to see he liked being alone. I don't blame him at all the world can be cruel. Once I got his full name I looked into his history to find that his adoptive parents looked fimilair but I could not place them. I decided to call it a day when it was 10pm. I fell asleep hoping he would not freak out like I suspect he would. I would probably try shoot anyone that just showed up looking like me. When I woke up there was a sense of peace that followed. I don't know why my mom waited till she died to give me the letter but I hope it was worth it. I stood up and dressed in my most casual clothes which were jeans and a black shirt. I also put my gun in my waist band. I had to be sure my siblings were safe and this is the only way I was taught to protect them. My mom always said that violent actions can make or break a situation. Pray your on the right side. I still keep saying that before every mission.

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