I grabbed Ci by the hand and lead her to the front door. Once I knocked it took no time for Mrs. Rogers to open the door. "Hey Twan! Who is this beautiful lady right her?" she asked as we walked inside.
"This is my girl Ci, and Ci this is Brent grandmother."
"It's nice to meet you," Ci nervously said.
"Chile I'm just glad he has a women by his side to help raise my grandson. I just meet you and I can tell you're going to be great for Twan."
See I told her ass she ain't have shit to worry about. I didn't meet Mrs. Rogers until Tasha gave birth an she told me to run and never look back. Truth is Tasha was just a fuck that caught me slipping. We tried the dating thing and it didn't work out at all.
"I sure will," Ci beamed and I couldn't do shit but laugh at her scary ass.
"Where Brent at?" I asked as I looked around.
"He was just right here. Brent your father is here to pick you up!" she yelled down the hall. No sooner then she said that, a cute little boy who looked just like Twan came running full speed screaming Daddy and crying.
"Daddy I missed you!" he cried into his chest.
"I missed you to man. You coming to live with me now. Are you ready to go?" I asked as I put him down and wiped his face.
"Yes," he said as I grabbed his bag off the couch.
"You can leave everything he has here that way whenever you want to see him he has stuff over here," I told his granny. I reached into my pocket and pulled out an envelope full of money. "Make sure she keep them other kids straight, they aren't mine but the way the looked in walmart Tasha need her ass beat," I told her I as sat it on the table in the living room.
"I will do just that, but it's staying here though because her ass will try to sale the shit," she confessed and it shocked me. That must me one thing, she on that shit. I can't believe my baby mama a crack head.
I grabbed Brent hand in one and Ci in the other and we headed out to the truck. "Brent this is my girlfriend Ci, she's going to be living with us okay," I told him as we walked to the car.
"Yay because she looks so nice. Can she be my girlfriend too daddy?" I couldn't do shit but laugh because my son was just like me.
"Aite now boy!" I told him as I picked him up and put him in the back seat.
"But daddy she so pretty," he yelled while licking his lips and staring at Ci.
"Boy find your own women. Keep on ima take you back to yo granny," I told him as I caught him licking his lips and winking at my girl. "Ima have to watch this nigga he doing too much," I whispered to Ci.
"He's so cute bae. But you know you my baby and I can't replace you," she told me as I kissed her on her lips.
"Can I have a kiss too?" Brent yelled.
"Really Brent," I barked and he laughed. He wa definitely my damn twin.
"Yeah but it's okay I got a girlfriend at daycare anyway," he told me.
"Oh yeah what's her name."
"Her name Brianna and we both turn 5 the same day too," he beamed and I laughed.
He was so smart to be four it fucked me up at times. "That's what's up man. Check this, we about to go get you some stuff for your new room okay," I told him as I handed him his iPad and headphones. His bad ass went straight to youtube and started singing that damn baby shark song.
"You good bae?" I asked Ci because she was too quiet for me. Whenever she got like that she was deep in thought
"I'm good baby. I really just want to thank you for everything you've done for me and everything you're doing for me. I think I want to go see a therapist!" she confessed.
"Make the appointment baby girl and I got you. Are you ready for graduation?" I asked her. I was glad she wanted to get help because I was willing to do anything for her.
"Of course. I'm ready to start working too."
"You know you don't have to work right?"
"I know but I want to make my own money!"
"How about this, find a business you want to start and I'll buy everything you need. My girl not hitting the clock for nobody but herself okay?" I coached as we pulled into Rooms-To-Go.
"Okay baby," she smiled as we got out of the car.
When we walked inside, my homeboy Peter walked right up to us.
"What's Twan what you need today?" he asked as I dabbed him up.
"Everything. My baby gone pick this shit out. Aye Brent you want a spider man room or what?" I asked him. When he nodded his head, he walked over to the play area as me and Ci followed Peter to the kids section first.
Ci was looking at everything just as my phone started ringing. It was Tasha stupid as. I quickly hit ignore and blocked her dumb ass. I didn't have time for this shit. She probably went to the condo and saw I was no longer there.
"Hey babe, what about this one?" Ci asked as she pointed to the kids cottage black 5 piece bedroom set.
"That will be perfect for his as bae," I told her as my phone rung again. It was a number I didn't know so I answered it.
"Hello," I barked into the phone just as Ci walked off with Peter to get the bedroom set for our room.
"So this how you doing me. Bet I'm sending yo precious bitch a dm on instagram," Tasha barked into the phone.
"Do what the fuck you want, I already told her ass about you anyway bitch fuck off my phone," I barked.
"Told me about who bae," she asked. I didn't even realize she was behind me. I had to tell her so I might as well. I was gone wait an tell her tonight.
"Now isn't the time bae. I will tell you when we get to the house I promise. It's just some dumb shit going on and I want to put you up on game before you hear it from the streets," I truthfully spoke.
"Okay. Well I found the living room, den, kitchen, and extra bedrooms furniture. All that is left is ours and I wanted to pick that out together," she told me as she grabbed my hand.
"Whatever you want baby."
"I want that one," she pointed to a California King Upholstered Grey bedroom suit.
"Damn that shit fire. Y'all got that in black?" I asked because I wasn't fucking with that grey that much.
"I was thinking black too," Ci stated breaking me from my thoughts.
"Black it is. Did you pick out a desk for the office baby?" I asked. I had my desk already she just needed hers now.
"Yes let me show you," she squealed. My baby was so happy I couldn't help but smile. I just prayed this shit I had to tell her about Tasha didn't fuck her up.
"It's that one but in black." When I look-up she was pointing to the Tambec Black Desk. My baby was truly just like me when it came to certain shit.
"Say less baby. Let's head to Best Buy, I need to get some Tv's and you a computer!"
After I paid for everything Peter told me they were loading the truck now and it would be about 4 hours before they would have to all loaded. Best Buy was just up the street so we would be in and out in no time.
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