My girl giving me the cold shoulder was really fucking with me right now. I wanted to be able to tell Ci anything first no matter what but I should've came clean about this shit a long time ago. Now my ass was in the dog house and didn't know what the fuck to do.
I was following her around the house and it fucked me up when she asked me who did I love. Looking up at her I gently grabbed her by her arm and she looked at me as if I had AIDS. "What do you mean who do I love Ci? You know damn well I love you. I'm in love with you so chill all that shit the fuck out now. Look, I'm sorry and I should've told you sooner!" I informed her but I could tell how she was looking at me that she didn't give not a single fuck. The shit was going to be hard to when my girl back.
"Umm hmm," was all she said before she walked out of our room. The only thing I could do was punch the wall because I had fucked up. One thing I wasn't gone do was lie to my girl. She was my world and didn't even know it.
She was supposed to had been my sons mother but at the time the age difference and my street life kept us apart. If I could go back and change some shit I would definitely do that shit. Instead I was left with a crackhead for a baby mama.
Looking around the room, I had to come up with an idea to get my girl back. True enough she hasn't left me I still fears that she might if I didn't fix this shit. So I had to come up with a plan and quick.
Just as the furniture people finish everything, I yelled for Ci and Brent to come upstairs. "Y'all ready to head out?"
"Yeeessssss," my son squealed.
"Okay, go get your shoes on so we can go man!" I told my son. He ran his ass out of my room so fast I thought the lil nigga was flash.
"Come here Ci!"
When she walked over to me, I could see the pain written all over her face. Pulling out my phone I unlocked it and went into my settings.
"Put your Face ID on here!" I demanded while watching Brent run back into the room. I really didn't have shit to hide from my girl.
"I did," she sadly stated and I could tell she was still hurt.
Once I put my phone back into my pocket, we headed to the garage. I kept a few lights on and set the alarm just as Brent and Ci climbed into the G-Wagon. I was going to have to get her one of those because I couldn't share the one I had but for now I will.
"Y'all ready?" I asked just as my phone started ringing. I looked down and it was Tasha stupid ass calling from an unknown number.
"Baby answer this. I done already cut her off and blocked her ass and I told you I have nothing to hide!"
When she grabbed the phone my dick got hard for some reason. "Hello," she calmly stated when she answered the phone.
She put it on speaker but we heard nothing. Right when she was about to hang up Tasha spoke. "Where is Twan?" She badly asked.
"He's driving! What do you want?"
"I want my man?"
"Let me set some shit straight with you! He don't want you! He done blocked you and you still calling his phone private just to get through. Stop being childish and quit calling his fucking phone!" Ci barked. My goofy ass was cracking up cause Tasha was pissed.
"Bitch you got me fucked up!"
"I got yo bitch! What's ya addy ima pull up and show you what a bitch is!" Ci states to calmly for my liking.
"Juicy Seafood out east hoe!" Tasha screamed then hung up.
"Bae head out east!"
"Are you serious Ci? I'm not worried about that damn girl!"
"I'm not but she disrespected me so ima show her what a dog is!"
"I really don't want you fighting that girl but I rather you beat her ass while I'm there then when I'm not and she try to jump you!" I hope on 24 and headed out east. Tasha just signed a check her ass not gone be able to cash.
Instead of going to the restaurant I went to Tasha's house. I wasn't dumb and I also knew she has just got off work not to long ago.
"Where we at?" Ci asked as I parked the truck.
"Tasha house. She saw me at Juicy Seafood and I gave her the cold shoulder that's why she acting like that. I also know she had to be getting off soon and I'm not going to let her job arrest you so I brought you to her house. It's a playground right there! Call her and tell her to come outside!"
Within seconds Tasha answered and said she was at home and it fucked her up when Ci told her to come outside.
"Brent stay in the car I'll be right back!" I told him but he was into his iPad so he wasn't paying me no attention.
Once we climbed out the truck, I locked the doors and walked side by side with my girl. Once we were in the middle of the empty field Tasha came outside in some small ass shorts and a sports bra. I almost threw up because that shit turned me off. I don't know how in the fuck I let that bitch con me into fucking her.
As soon as she walked up Ci hit her dead in the nose and busted her shit. She was leaking as Ci kept hitting her punch after punch to her face. When Tasha finally blocked her face Ci was throwing punches at her body. My girl was pissed and I was letting her get all that anger out.
When my phone started ringing I answered without seeing who it was. "Yeah," I barked as Ci was still getting the best of Tasha.
"Tasha called her friends and they fina come jump Ci. Me and girl already in route. We 3 minutes away," my sister Taylor yelled into the phone.
"Bet. I got that burner just in case a nigga feeling groggy I told her then hung up. Not even 60 seconds later my sister and her crew pulled up just as Tasha friends pulled up.
Without word it a full brawl at this damn park. I looked back and my son was still in the truck without a care in the world. Everywhere I looked it was a fight. I wasn't worried about my girl or my sister because my sister looked out for my girl and loved her. She even had her in boxing classes with her.
Tasha was the hood shit starter and could never keep her mouth shut. Just as I was about to break up the fight shots rang out and everybody started to scatter like roaches from Tashas crew.
"Fuck! Let's go before they call 12!" I barked as I jogged back to my car with Keisha and Ci behind me. I felt like shit was moving slow and before I knew it I fell to the ground.
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