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"I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't important and valuable to all of our packs. This meeting and the formation we set today is for the future and that is why I'm taking this so seriously."

"Today I am joined by my Beta Logan, but every word I speak is purely from me. These words have come from the desperation I felt knowing that the former council was a threat to me and so many of your Lunas. I've yet to be able to meet all of you and your Lunas before today but Alpha Reece has assured me that all of you share in the feelings I will now voice."

"The first time I met the council I was a naive twenty year old. I had grown up the daughter of an alpha and later the sister of one, but I had never been truly aware of what occurred behind closed doors. It wasn't until the day of my meeting with the council that I found out exactly who they were and how they operated. I was immediately met with incessant questions about my capabilities and loyalties to my mate. I left that meeting unsure of who I was as a future Luna. However the actions they later presented assured me just exactly who I am. They set me up to be singled out during the yearly gala and they tortured me and asked questions of how Alpha Reece ran his pack and how exactly we maintained income."

"As I'm sure all of you are aware, this informative is confidential and is not something to throw around lightly. I would never betray my pack even after having my head bashed into a wall. I walked away from that day with more injuries than I can recall and a fear of what that council was capable of. What occurred that day may have been an attack on Alpha Reece and I, but it was truly an attack on all of us. It showed that there wasn't any care for us as individual packs and that the safety of those we love and care about was not of importance."

"This past year I gave birth to the future Alpha of our pack and with that came interest from a council that I wanted nothing to do with. There was a decision to be made and Alpha Reece made it once the council pried there way into our pack even further. They threatened the life of the human mate to my sister in law and made the first move. The decision to eliminate the council was not an easy one but one that was necessary."

"We are here today because although the council was wrong, there is a need for allegiance between packs. There is a need for our packs to cooperate in a setting like such and for our packs to have commons goals."

All of those words flowed from my mouth with ease. They came naturally and they were spoken from my heart because that's what I have to do. I need to speak from my heart because these men have to trust me.

"The first goal that I will be voicing is as follows." I take a deep breath and I look up from my paper to meet the waiting eyes. "This council is to never use force and violence against the love ones of an Alpha." I state the prompt I have written and I look for any signs of disagreement. For the most part everyone seems content but I can see a few questioning looks.

"Your Lunas deserve to be treated with respect. You demand respect from your packs for these ladies, and they deserve that respect from the other men here today. What happened to me should never happen to your Lunas or the future Lunas of your packs. This is not only to protect them, but to protect you. Without your Lunas you cease to be as strong as you are."

"Now this next part is of the utmost importance to Alpha Reece and I. We do not want intimidation tactics being used on innocent men, woman, or children. This council is not meant to spy and snoop on its packs, it's meant to bring us together, to advance us, and to serve a greater good."

"If there is an issue with how a member is acting or how a Luna is acting it will be handled carefully. It will be handled without violence or force."

"My next matter of concern is who from each pack will speak as representation. This will be a matter to discuss amounts your respective packs. I will have no say in who you chose but let me remind you that we will meet once every three months for one weekend. We will discuss how to protect ourselves from rogues and from outside threats, and most importantly how to protect ourselves from those packs who did not wish to incorporate themselves into this new found council."

"Also, I don't want to refer to this as a council. This is not a council of elders leading based on traditions based in anger and hatred. It is a meeting for us to discuss. We have not created a new wolf council we have created a wolf forum."

"Now that I have said my peace I open up the floor to you Alphas to voice your concerns and opinions on what we will be starting." I slowly step back from the microphone in front of me and I feel Logan's hand on my back.

"You did perfect." I hear him mindlink me but all I can feel is the weakness in my legs.

For Milo...This is for Milo.

"Alpha Evan from the Utopian Star Pack." A man approaches the microphone. "I am glad to be a part of what is occurring this weekend and I share in the concerns voiced by you moments ago. I unfortunately too have concerns. I'm concerned that what your Alpha did, was done without the advisement of any other Alphas. When he acted in retaliation he didn't take into consideration what it would do to us other packs. What is to stop your pack from continuously putting itself first and leaving the rest of us behind?"

"I'll be honest with you Alpha Evans. When my fiancé followed through in killing the council I was unaware. I was not expecting to return to my home to find our land destroyed and to find my men dead. I wasn't expecting to find the men who I welcomed into my home dead. They died protecting my family and the people I love and I'm sure they'd do it again. The decision made by Alpha Reece was one that had to be made in a split second. Once one council member was dead, the rest had to follow or else my pack would have been left for dead. We would have been wiped off of the map."

"The decision he made that day was one that every single one of you would have made to ensure your packs survival. The way I can assure you that this would never happen again is by the creation of what we have here today. There will not be a need to protect ourselves in that manner because there will not be a threat of pack extinction from those who claim to support you."

"The packs here today all must be in agreement that there won't be any old council tactics used against one another. With that no longer looming over our heads there won't be moves made like the one made to kill the council."

"In respond to that Luna, you mention that you weren't aware of him making this decision. If that's the case and he is making decisions you're unaware of, how are you meant to return information to us? How do you keep us informed when he isn't informing you?"

"Sir, that was a unique circumstance and if you want I can go in detail as to why I was left uninformed but to make a long story short, I would not have left my home if I knew he was in danger from the council." I answer quickly but again I'm left with faces of confusion and faces that scream they want more.

"If I knew that they were arriving with the intention to kill him and my men I wouldn't have went away with our child. I would have wanted to fight beside him because that is the woman I am. He had to keep that key part of information from me in order to keep me and our future Alpha alive. There is no longer any threat to me and our son that is so extraneous that information needed to be withheld. Of course we all have to protect ourselves from rouges and those packs who still support the old council systems, but nothing is as big of a threat as what we faced that day on our land when Alpha Reece made that decision."

"Well said Luna. Thank you." Alpha Evans slowly steps back from the podium and that's when I finally see the one person I didn't expect to see here today.

My brother.

"Alpha Harris." He speaks up. "It's quite wonderful seeing the girl you helped raise run such a forum." He starts off and I feel my heart clench at the words. "For those of you who aren't aware this is my baby sister who is now the Luna of Alpha Reece's pack. However that does not mean that I support everything her and her fiancé do when it comes to pack business. I think that we are incredibly unprepared to deal with the threat of outside packs. I believe we have opened ourselves up to attacks and potential wars. I am sure these things won't occur anytime soon but years from now I would expect a retaliation. That is why I'm calling for a focus to be drawn on protection. I want to open this up for discussion during our next meeting. I want to know how exactly you plan on protecting us as a whole and not just your pack alone."

My whole life my brother has been my hero. He's been the person I called when I felt stuck or when I needed somebody to come save me. Today he's just another Alpha though and I need to see him as such. Today he's just a concerned Alpha.

"Thank you Alpha Harris for voicing that concern. I believe that this is something we all must come to an agreement on. I'm not sure we will be able to come to conclusions on the right way to protect so many packs who are spread across such a wide variety of lands, but this is something I will strive to have addressed by our next meeting. I will work on getting an exact estimate of who we are up against and the man power necessary to take on such numbers. There will be a plan Alphas, I can assure you of that."

I don't have a clue what I'm doing.

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