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My present?


The only thing she was missing was a little bow wrapped around her neck.

"Oh you're much uglier than I pictured." I laugh as I take a step into the cellar under the training facility where we keep prisoners.

Milo is currently with her grandma and is taking a nap and I have all the time in the world to spend with this bitch.

"You'd think that with the magic you'd turn yourself into a pretty girl, but nope." I give a little laugh and Bash moves to stand protectively in front of me.

"No let the little wolf act like she's tough Bastian."

"No listen here." I push past him and I get close to her. "You can say all that you want about me, but you're in my territory. You don't get to act as if I'm some little child. I'm in charge right now and you're chained up. You're chained up because you need to get it through your head that Bash is not yours. You tried to ruin us and you didn't. You can't ruin us."

"And watching you die will leave me with so much satisfaction." I slowly back up and Bash keeps his hand on my lower back.

"So I'm dying?" She asks. "Fine. I'm okay with that. Just know that a coven of girls will be plotting revenge."

"They won't be. They can't because we've already got your little witch bitches captured. In fact they were happy to turn you over. They're even happy to get my betas wolf back. Isn't that lovely?" Sebastian finally speaks up and I feel a sense of relief; that things are going to work out.

"They would never betray me!" She screams while trying her hardest to break free.

"They would." He raises his voice over the sound of her screams. "And they did. They did just that. In fact they're gonna live after this because, unlike you, they didn't get greedy. They were happy to help me save my beta and they were happy to help protect my child and the future alpha of my pack. You, however? You wanted nothing more than to ruin my life. You even went as far as to try and ruin my child's life and ruin Jenifers. I draw the line at harming those two people."

"You got away by the skin of your teeth." She looks at me and I raise an eyebrow. "Did he not tell you? I was so close to you." She snarls.

"He got you and that baby out of the house just in time."

"You're right. I did get them out in time because they are my family. I protect my family and I knew what you were planning. I protect the people I love. You aren't laying a hand on my baby or my Luna."

"I planned to kill that precious little girl and to have made you watch. I would've done the next thing without hesitation. I would've killed you Bastian." She says with a blank stare.

"I would've killed you because I know that you lived a good life and that you would be fine. I would've done it because I'd love to watch you scream in agony as her only reason for living got taken away." Her evil voice echos. "I would've risked it all to watch that."

"You risked it all and here you are. Moments from death." I shrug while thinking about all the things I want to talk to her about.

"Bash, give me a minute with her." I speak up  and he looks down at me before nodding in agreement.

"I'll be out there." He points and I wait until he leaves the cellar before taking a seat in a chair across from her.

"So now that he's gone, let's talk woman to woman." I clear my throat and she points to my stomach.

"Let's talk about the part where you haven't told him about your miscarriage. The part where you keep so many secrets from him. But you love him?" She questions and I laugh in shock.

"Sebastian is the love of my life. He's the father of my child and I will spend the rest of my days with him Iliana. Things happen and sometimes there are really unfortunate things that occur. I can't change what happened and that I lost my baby, but I can move on and cope. I'm coping and the second things calm down I will tell him. I lost a lot in the recent past and I can't go back and change it." I admit with playing with my hands in my lap.

"I lost a child."

"I was seventeen and I fell in love. I fell in love with your precious mate and I was supposed to be a mother." She clenches her jaw and I feel my stomach flip. "But the universe decided that I just wasn't meant to be one." Her voice comes out in a barely audible whisper and for a split second I feel pity for the woman who has tried to ruin my life on multiple occasions.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You have a child and you have your family. I'll die and my coven will clearly move on with no favorable memories of me. That is just the way the world works."

"Iliana." I speak up and she shakes her head vigorously.

"The world decided to give you a baby girl who will fulfill a prophecy. The world decided to take Logan's wolf away that night." She shrugs.

"The world decided that this was how I would die. I would die at the hands of my own jealousy and anger. I won't put up a fight to what the world has decided." She whispers and I nod before standing up and walking towards the door of the cellar.

"Jenifer." She calls out and I give her one last look.

"The world gave you a beautiful daughter. The world trusts you to be her guide. Be proud of who you are and who you will raise her to be. The world knows what it is doing."

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