part 28

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Tay woke up with a heavy headache, he looked around and didn't recognise the place he was sure it was not his room but then why did he feel like it's his as if this room was connected to him, he heard the opening of the door and there came New with a glass of water

"Te your awake! How are you feeling" But Tay didn't reply him,  he just stared at New. New who didn't receive any reply looked at Tay to see him starting at him "Te what's wrong?" New asked him but the latter didn't move or say a word this worried New he was about to call someone when "who are you? Why did you get me here? Where are parents and brother?" Tay started to question him and New was taken back he understood whom Tay was talking about but he acted as if he didn't know who it is.

"what are you talking Te your parents are here they will come home soon" New said he really looked nervous and it didn't go unnoticed by the other boy

Tay took a deep breath and said "you and me we both know what we are talking about New I know your not a normal human being so its better you explain everything about that creature and how do you know me, for sure you know me very well I want just want the answers and you just have to tell me and no excuses please" he said looking straghit into New's eyes. New knew that there is no escape now and he have to explain everything to Tay afterall it was his idea to get him back to their world.

"I'll tell you everything Te you just need to relax " New tried to pacify him but the latter didn't listen to him "where's my p, p Luke where are you p" Tay kept on calling for his brother "He is not here it's just me and you so don't waste your energy Tay" New said frustrated by Tay's behavior hearing this Tay kept quiet he understood that new is frustrated and felt embraced by his behavior

"Ok tay let me get you to your brother" New said and there was a hint of sadness in his voice as if he didn't want to let Tay go, and this time he called him by his name this made Tay a bit sad that New called him Tay and not Te, so he just kept quiet without saying anything. Seeing New's sad face Tay hugged him without any warning he himself was surprised by his behavior.

New was surprised when Tay suddenly hugged him. The last time he hugged the other guy, it led to their last kiss. With the way Tay was staring at him right now, he doubted he could control himself from kissing the other guy again so he looked the other side to avoid his glaze.

New finally let him go when he agreed to what was said by Tay. He was convinced the other guy thought he was crazy after kidnapping him  for the second time Surprisingly, Tay didn't freak out. Instead, he pretended as if nothing had happened between them.

"Let's go," Tay took his hand and led him outside. It wasn't the first time they hold hand but it certainly felt different than the previous times. And as for Tay, he went out as if he knows this place very well which really astonishing him, as much as he know it's the first time he visited this place but strangely he feels so familiar in here.

The two of them didn't talk much as they walked together. They went to New's destination first to meet a friend of a friend.  New talked with the guy outside of a house but Tay stood a bit far from them, not listening to what they were talking about. He was sure if he would be there then he would have smashed that guy's face for smiling like that, Tay really felt annoyed looking at him.

After New finished delivering the message, he brought Tay to a restaurant. The restaurant was really special for them but he doubted Tay would recognise it.

"It's weird..." Tay said as he observed the restaurant. "I think this is my first time here but it looks familiar" New didn't say anything. He simply pulled Tay to his favourite spot.

"Ah, you finally bring a friend here!"The waitress greeted them. As New frequently visited the restaurant, she had recognized him. But, what she said wasn't true. New always brought Tay, but it was past before she joined  the restaurant.

"You always come here?" Asked Tay and New nodded in return.

"Then, can you choose for me?" New ordered two yellow curry rice for them.

"It's delicious!" tay exclaimed. New decided to keep it a secret that this dish was something that Tay always wanted to eat when they came to the restaurant. He was happy that Tay finally had a chance to taste it. "Thank you for bringing me here I will visit this place once again for sure"

Throughout the dinner, the two of them talked about each other. He had experienced this before but he didn't mind to get to know Tay again.

After dinner, they walked together to Tay's fake house. Even though his house was quite far, Tay didn't want to take the train. New didn't complain because he will have more time to spend with Tay. However, Tay wasn't as chatty as he was in the restaurant. He was silent as if something was bothering him. New didn't want to ask, afraid of what Tay would answer.

"Hey" New suddenly stopped walking. "Can I ask you something?"

Reluctantly, New nodded his head. Even though New permitted him, Tay still looked unsure to continue. So,seeing tay's hesitation New started to talk,

"Do you want to ask me who I am, how I know you and with whom I spoke a while ago??" New asked him in response, Tay nodded his head. New didn't know weather to smile or be sad his te looked very jealous when he was talking to Off it was as it if he was there in front of them tay would have punched his face, but the reality is Tay and him are complete strangers according to Tay, New is just a barrister and he, is the CEO who have zero connection with each other's he was feeling the pain by just thinking about it "Hey.. New... Hey" Tay's voice brought him back "yes Tay you were saying...... " New asked him "it's not me it's you who should talk so new tell me the truth now or will you just keep lying to me" Tay said his patience was already exhausted "le.... let's talk about this when we are in your home and the one I talked to is my p" New said and he can see the annoyance of Tay slowly coming down

Once they reached Tay's house Tay dragged the boy with him "Now tell me we are in my house NOW TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON" Tay shouted "What's that noise who is shouting oh Tay.. New what are you doing here? " A voice interrupt the couple "Piiiiii" Tay went to the latter and hugged him tightly and before Luke could ask anything about this strange behavior they heard a door bell and New was the one who went to attend it

"Tay my boy why are you here this is not your place you shouldn't be here" Said Luke as soon as the two brothers were left alone, hearing this Tay frowned "you don't want me p? " Asked the boy with a sad face "It's not like that my boy you... you.... Don't belong in here yo.... you...." He couldn't complete when he saw 4 more people coming with New and he knew exactly who they are, but not Tay. They all greeted Luke but Tay gave a sharp look to two people who were clueless as to why Tay was behaving strangely to them "Tay why are you standing over there come here" Luke said seeing Tay staring at two people in front of him. He didn't say anything but did as his brother said, New  could feel the sudden change of mood with Tay without any delay he started to speak.

"Te....let me introduce then, mm... this is p Krist, and p Singto and the other two are p Off and Gun they are mine and your friends" he started to talk slowly looking completely nervous Luke understood that New was going to tell him everything "you are the prince of our land the protector of magic word and m..... my..... ma.. mate" He said slowly seeing how Tay is reacting to the new information but the latter didn't show any reaction on his face it looked neutral and others couldn't read his mind too, tho Tay don't remember anything his powers are unconsciously protecting him. "You were crused by your grandma she kept a eye on you when we took you to human world we didn't know she was your grandma until we found out, she tried to kill you so many times........" Gun continued when New kept quite after mentioning him, that he is Tay's mate.

After hearing the entire story Tay didn't know what to say he couldn't think anything straight " mean to say i was living a lie life until now, my whole existence is nothing but a lie damn it, what am I, huh a doll where ever you want you can take me and go no this is wrong how can you all do this to me I hate you all so damn much" said Tay and left the room he don't know what to do, listening to them he felt so useless that he couldn't protect himself and he have to protect some other world how can he when he is so weak and useless. On the other hand New decided to follow him, he knew very well that Tay would be over thinking about it.

Tay was standing alone near the pool looking blankly and was startled when New touched his shoulder,he was nearly going to punch the latter but stopped when he knew it was New "Ah, I’m sorry" he apologized immediately, hoping New wouldn’t think so much of it.

“No no. It’s my fault, everything is” said New, and Tay looked at him confused “I.....I...  Panicked when I saw that dream and it was me who forced p's to bring me here to you, they told me  to take it slow but I... I... " New was full in tears that he couldn't complete sentences.
"It's ok" Tay said he hatted seeing New in tears 'We have the chance to know each other, right?" He said having a small smile on his face. The two of them had chit chat they talked about everything but the past.

At night New decided to stay at Tay's house. This happened because he wasted his time staring at Tay's dark black eyes after Tay pulled him. They spent the evening watching a horror movie together. Tay had been dying to watch it but he was too scared to do it alone. He couldn't ask Tul or his brother to watch with him because they would make fun of him. As they were watching the movie, Tay hugged him the whole time and asked if the ghosts are in real life were as shown in the movie. New didn’t answer him for fear that his answer might scare Tay. When New fell asleep on his shoulder, he switched off the television. He wanted to carry New to his room but the guy suddenly woke up and told him he wanted to sleep on the couch. New asked him if there is a futon that he could use but Tay pulled him to sleep next to him on the small couch.

In the morning...

"I'm still sleepy, if only my brother didn't disturb me"  mumbled Tay.  His sleep was disturbed by his brother "You may stay but if you want to leave, please lock the door," He said.

New took that as the cue to leave. He was still sleepy and thankful that it was Saturday so he can continue sleeping once he was home. He was about to but Tay suddenly gestured for him to go to his bedroom.

"Sleeping on the bed is more comfortable, right?" Said Tay. "Ah, it would be wonderful if breakfast is ready for us when we woke up," New couldn’t bring himself to decline the offer.

Without thinking, he followed Tay to the bedroom, And slept with Tay close to him, Tay kept staring at New who was sleeping soundly next to him. He had lied to his brothers earlier. He wasn’t sleepy. He was fully awake since they disturbed him but, he felt sorry to see New's sleepy face. Most probably, he couldn’t sleep well because of the couch. That’s why he suggested to sleep on the bed. New immediately drifted to dreamland once he lied down on the bed.

As Tay wasn’t sleepy, he decided to stare at New's peaceful face. He looked like an angel when he was sleeping and Tay love to see it. He could feel that this wasn’t the first time he watched the other sleeping. It must be something that he had done for hundredth times.

Since he woke up from his coma, yesterday was the first time he could sleep without dreaming about strange place. In the beginning, he dreamt of chasing after a guy in a very dark place but after he met New, the dream changed to spending time with him.

Surprisingly, everything he remembered about the dream was connected to New. The restaurant he went yesterday with New, They were all in his dream.

With all of the clues from his dream, he was fully convinced that New and others were telling the truth.

A few days later after the incident of telling the truth "This is your world" said luke. He took Tay to the magic world Earlier, Tay asked Luke to send him to his world. His hunch was telling him that New must feel lonely without him That’s why he decided to visit him. As soon as he requested Luke to drop him, his brother didn't agree on the idea but after so much of pleading and promising to take care of himself his brother agreed "When do you want me to pick you up? I can only travel some parts in this world since I left this land of mine long time ago so when you have to come back use this star I'll come to pick you up" Luke said giving Tay a star like structure.

Tay glanced at his watch. It was only 8 pm. Truthfully, he didn’t want to go home today but…
Well… Let’s see how New will reacted first.

"I'll use it later" Tay said smiling at his brother"Don’t be naughty, okay, be good" said luke smirking at Tay before he left.

"Eh… how will I find him in this unknown place" Tay thought to himself once his brother left, scolding himself for forgetting to ask luke about that. But… this place..., he had seen this  in his dream. Perhaps he can figure out anything on his own. He kept on wandering and then there it was the place which felt very familier, he went to the place it was as if he it was calling him there.

"Te....Tay....." Before he could decide what was happening New suddenly appeared in front ofthim "What are you doing here? How did you get here? "

"Ah…. Just visiting you," 'And finding answer to my dreams' he didn't go to say the last sentence "Are you here alone?" Asked New.

New nodded his head but added " P Luke sent me here," New smiled at him as he came close to him. He invited Tay to his house  which was near to the place they met, Tay was reviled to meet New if not he don't know where he would have gone in this foreign land, when they There were  too many things in the house what attracted him was a portrait it was a portrait of New, it looked very familiar to him "Sorry for taking too long" New said suddenly taking his attention from the portrait.

But Tay ignored him as he continued to look around the house. He saw a book on the bed and sat on the bed to look at it. As he flipped the pages through the book he saw New's writing about his and Tay's first meeting.He smiled as he was reading it as he was about to read more 'Where did you find that?" New asked him as he took the book from him. His face turned red in embarrassment,at the same time, he seems to be furious. "I’m sorry. I shouldn’t look," Tay felt a slight guilt for reading someone else journal without their permission.

"You were always like this. You always look at my journal without my permission," New complained "I’m sorry…" He didn’t know what else to say "Making fun of my writing or making fun of my feeling?" Said New in response.

"Hin… I’m really sorry. I thought it was a just a journal I didn't know It’s per…,”

" This isn't just journal. It's my good memories which I don't want to loose" his voice. It was full of pain and it was all because of Tay. Tay never thought that New had an unrequited feeling for him. “Please leave Te I will break our contract so that you won't see me anymore "

Tay didn’t want to leave. He didn’t want to lose New, not because of a misunderstanding. It’s true, it must be unrequited feeling for New when they first met. But, after spending a months with New, he didn’t realize that he had finally fallen in love with the other guy. Maybe because he wanted to be with New as a true couple, he believed.

"I don’t want to leave. You are wrong. I… I didn't mean to hurt you" said Tay as he stood in front of New, holding his hands and refused to let him go.

"I love you, hin"

New was surprised to hear the confession and Tay used the chance to kiss New.


I hope you all are doing good

Missed me 😎 I wanted to update earlier but as usual I was stuck with my college work and the plot I was confused what to write. To be honest I wanted to end this story in this chapter but looks like I won't be able to, so I decided to write one more, one last chapter it will be a short one ig and I don't know when I'll be able to update too.

My exams are near I don't know if I'll get time to write this story but I'll surely complete this, I'll try to update this week if not then after 2 weeks😝

I've not proof read this I apologize for the mistakes I hope you all liked this chapter do vote and comment 😊

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