Wake Up

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"And when the dust settles, it will all be clear. Maybe then you'll realize how much I truly care for you. The moments I've spent with you have been, and will forever be, the greatest of my life. We never had it easy, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I would live a thousand lifetimes of pain, just to have a chance to see you again. I'll always protect you. I'll miss you. I love you."

A week since she died. Time flies when you're... well, you understand.

"Mia, wake up!" Charlotte's voice was quiet. I couldn't see anything in the dark. Everything felt like I was in an endless void again. I could smell her perfume, very faint, and almost completely worn off. I could feel the bedsheets around me, and she was shaking me awake.

When I refused to get up, she turned on the bedside lamp and shook me harder.

"Amelia! Get up!" She shouted. Clearly, she didn't care about waking up the rest of the house. The rest of the house being me since the girls were back with their dad.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up, "Whaaaaaat!" I whined. "I don't even know what time it is, but I know it's too early or too late to be awake right now, Sweetheart."

She hit me in the arm. "Open your eyes and look at your phone. Now." She said, throwing my phone at me as she got out of the bed to get dressed.

"Ow! Why are you in a rush?" I checked the lock screen. The time read 2:37 a.m., "See. Like I said. Too early to be -" Underneath were about 30 messages from Roger.

Message after message. He was furious about something again.

"So, my phones been blowing up from him, and you thought it was a good idea to wake me up so I could see? Charlotte, I don't care he's - "

"Damn it, Amelia, look at the pictures he sent." She frantically called out from the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes and went back into the messages.

2:38 a.m.

"Oh no..." The images on my screen were mortifying. Autumn, Reecey, and my father all tied to different chairs in what looked to be an old warehouse. Reecey and my father were covered in cuts and bruises. Autumn was seemingly untouched minus a mark on her cheek.

He had to have taken all three of them without warning. How else could he have landed a hit on Autumn? Reecey either put up a fight, or Roger took his time to hurt him after the fact. I'm sure my father was already with him. He must've crossed him somehow to end up in the same position as the siblings.

My stomach dropped. I couldn't move. I was starting to slip until Char came back into the room. "Here. Put this on. We need to go."

2:40 a.m.

I snapped out of it, "We? What?" I climbed out of bed and threw on the clothes she'd picked out. "There is no we. You are not coming with me. There's no way in hell."

She stopped and turned to me. "Marjorie and Winter are already on their way here to get us. They called freaking out, and that's when I heard your phone going off. We're all going."

2:42 a.m.

"No. You're all staying here. Roger is crazy right now, and I'm not sure what he'll do. You're not going. I will lock you in that bathroom if I have to," I said, pointing to the door.

She knew I wasn't going to let her leave. She wanted to argue with me about it, but there was a knock at the door. I told her to go let them in while I threw on some shoes and grabbed my phone.

2:43 a.m.

"Fine, but this isn't over." She stormed out and down the stairs. I heard them enter and start to talk in the entry.

Stay calm. Stay focused. Mind, be still.

I picked up my phone as a new message came in... Roger again... Who would've guessed that?

It was just one message. No picture, just threats.

2:45 a.m.

"You have 30 minutes to get her, or one of them dies. Get here before your time is up, and I'll let them go... if you take their place. Come alone, or else."

This time, I responded, "

"Times ticking, Amelia. The choice is up to you, but someone will die tonight. That's a promise."

Someone had to die tonight? If I didn't go, then he would most likely kill them all. If I did go, then who's to say he wouldn't just off all three of us?

Even if I did everything I could to try and stop him before anyone got hurt, would it be enough?

I couldn't be the reason they died, but I could be the reason they lived. I had to be hopeful that I could get us all out of there alive.

Injured, but breathing. They would heal from the wounds he'd given them, and they would go on to live their best, happiest life.

We could all get out. We could all get our fairytale ending. I just had to be strong and smart enough to do it. They needed my help, and I promised to protect them. I'd do anything for them. I'd give them everything I had.

I'd give my life if I had to.

I prayed it wouldn't come to that. They wouldn't let me die, right? Even after everything we've been through, they still loved me. They had to. Why would they have shown up after my mum died if they didn't?

"I'm coming. Watch your back, Rat."

Squeak squeak, Roger. Squeak squeak.

*A/N- DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUN! Man. I wonder what's gonna happen. We know there's a happy ending, but things are getting craaazy. I wonder who dies... I definitely do not know. I might just roll some dice.

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