A/N: I'm so sorry it took so long for an update. I've been super busy and I've been sick, but it's finally here! Enjoy! :)
Maya's POV
I've been crying so much that I don't think I have any tears left to cry over Riley. I thought she would be the most supportive then anyone. I actually thought it would be the opposite and that Lucas would have ran and Riley would have stayed. Like she always promised she would. I lost someone else now that meant the world to me. I snapped back to reality and realized I was in Lucas's car still and we were driving down a really long road that looks like it leads to no where.
"Where are we going?" I looked at Lucas.
"Somewhere." He smirked.
"Really Huckleberry you wanna play with me right now?" I glared at him.
"No, but you'll like this, I promise. I'm doing this to take your mind off reality just for a moment." He wasn't breaking eye contact with the road.
"You don't need to fix me Lucas, I'm fine." I looked down.
"I'm not trying to fix you Maya. I'm trying to help you have the beautiful smile that I love." He was smiling ear to ear.
"This better be good. I don't think I could handle much more disappointment today." I sighed and folded my arms.
"No more disappointments." He said nothing more after that.
After another hour he pulled up to a cluster of trees? Okay. I'll go with this because it's too tempting at this point. He unbuckled his seat belt and turned and smiled at me then held my hand for a moment.
"You ready?" He smiled.
"I wonder what shenanigans we can get into with the trees" I laughed pretty loudly, Lucas didn't seem amused.
"Let's go." He grabbed my hand and we headed in the trees.
To my surprise there was a very familiar camp fire set up. When I closed my eyes I could see it, eighth grade, Texas, when I first showed emotion towards him. I opened my eyes and looked at Lucas who was smiling at me.
"Thank you." I smiled.
"Anytime ma'am." He tipped his imaginary hat and it made me chuckle. "There she is." He smiled.
"What do you mean?" I was suddenly confused.
"That beautiful smile of yours, your laughter, it's all I wanted to hear and see tonight." He pulled me in for a hug.
"Thank you for not leaving me so far and trying to help me as much as you can, it really means a lot to me." I felt my eyes watering into his shirt, but this time happy tears.
"Maya, I'm never leaving you. Which brings me to the next part." He led me over to the log by the fire and we sat down and he was just staring deep into my eyes.
"What's going on Ranger Rick?" I looked at him dead on the eye for the first time ever, at least this way, something I've always been scared to do.
"Maya.. How would you feel about us maybe living together?" He was nervous, I could tell. His hand was getting sweaty, it was actually kind of cute seeing him all nervous.
"I would love that Lucas, but are you sure you're ready for that? Your mom is kicking you out isn't she?" No matter what the answer was I was really happy he was asking.
"Yes I'm ready and not in the sense you're thinking, she knows this is what I want, she thinks it would be best if I'm with you because especially towards the end of the pregnancy, you don't want to be alone during that and I was planning on asking you before she even brought it up, so, Maya Hart, does that finally tell you how I really feel about you?" He was staring at my lips and I felt butterflies, too soon to be the baby to be felt so it was most definitely Lucas.
"I love you more then words can ever describe Lucas, I know I don't know it as much as I should, but I do. I love you. It's always been you." I had tears streaming down my face, these hormones are not making matters any better.
"So.. Is that a yes?" He was studying my face trying to find my answer before I could actually say it.
"It's always yes with you Lucas." I leaned in and he stopped me.
"What?" I was taken back a bit, by him stopping me.
"Stand up." He said while he stood up himself.
"Okay..." I just stared at him while I stood up because he had the biggest smirk I have ever seen.
"Ha hurr, me." He just smiled.
"What? No.. You hate that." I was trying so hard not to laugh because let's face it, I enjoy doing that way too much.
"No I don't, do it." He was persistent.
"Lucas I'm not doing it." I rolled my eyes at him.
"Maya, ha hurr, me." He chuckled.
"Fine, ha hurrr-" I was inches away from his face before he cut me off and grabbed both sides of my face.
I then realized what he was doing. He was bringing Texas here. Then he leaned in closer and kissed me, this was the most intense kiss he's ever given me and so passionate. He slightly pulled away and looked at me.
"That's how this should have happened the first time around and I wanted to see you smile." He smiled at me.
"I appreciate everything you've done for me tonight, this was perfect.
After awhile we decided to head back towards home. Lucas is right, sometimes all you need is to just live in the moment temporarily to forget everything. I was still hurt by Riley, but I'm not sad now. I just want to take care of myself, my baby and Lucas. We're a family now.
Riley's POV
I was just sitting in the bay window just staring at nothing and then I heard a knock at the bay window.
"Maya?" I then looked and saw Farkle sitting there waving. I opened the window and let him in.
"Did you call me Maya?" He chuckled.
"Yeah, for some reason I thought it would be her." I said in a non obvious way, but of course Farkle would see through it, he always does.
"Why isn't Maya here? I thought she had some news to tell you and Lucas told me she was coming here to tell you something." He was looking at me wondering what was going on.
"Did he tell you what it was?" I looked at him finally.
"No, he said that I would probably find out from you anyways." He was prying for answers.
"Maya and I aren't speaking right now." I looked back down.
"Why? What happened?" He seemed genuinely concerned.
"She's pregnant." I said in a shaky voice.
"So your plan is to abandon her when she needs you?" For some reason I figured he would side with her on this.
"Well, yeah, it's ridiculous, she can't have a baby at 17, she can barely take care of herself." Slight anger was rising again.
"Maya is the most mature teenager there is Riley, if anyone can handle this, it's her. It's not like she asked for this to happen, with that you went against your word with her and you don't even realize it." He was drowning at me, I knew he was disappointed.
"What do you mean?" I honestly had no idea what he was talking about.
"What's the one thing you always promised Maya since we were kids, and if you have to think about it, then there's something really wrong Riley." I could tell by how he was acting that it was hard for him to be against how I feel.
"That I would never leave or abandon her and I did." I felt a tear coming down my face.
"Maya has always been there for you, always. With all due respect Riley, but I think you're wrong on this one, Maya needs you and you let her down. I hope Lucas has this under control." He was getting stressed from all this and I could tell. He kept running his hand through his hair.
"Why would Lucas be keeping it under control?" Maya has always kept Maya under control so I don't understand this.
"Lucas texted me and told me he was coming here to pick Maya up, I knew you two fought, I wanted you to tell me. All I can say is Maya is really hurt and I really hope you get over whatever it is that made you turn on her and I really hope she can forgive you." This wasn't a fight, but it sure felt like one.
"This still doesn't answer my question." I wanted to be sure he knew I wanted to be answered.
"Lucas was going to ask her about living together today and I really hope he still did, because at this point Maya needs any hope and support she can get right now." He's never had this serious of a tone before.
"I think I made a mistake." I looked at my hands nervously.
"Yeah, you did and you need to make it right with her." He stood up from the window.
"I'm going to try." I looked at him.
"I love you Riley, I do. I don't want this happening, were her friends and we need to be there for her." He kissed me on the forehead and climbed back out the bay window.
After a few hours of sitting there and realizing what an idiot I was when my best friend needed me and I know this is not something she'll easily forgive me for.
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