Chapter 4

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A/N: Are you guys enjoying the story so far? Let me know what you think!

Maya's POV

I decided to see a doctor to confirm everything before I tell Riley, the only opening was at 7:45am. Naturally of course it would make me late the first day back. I texted Matthews to let him know why I'm going to be late. Since he knows.

When I get to the doctors office I sign in and quietly sit down. There was a few other people in here and I could feel them all staring at me. After about 10 minutes of trying to ignore the stares a nurse came through the door.

"Maya Hart?" She looked around the room and spotted me standing up.

I explained everything regarding thinking I'm pregnant to her while she checked my blood pressure. She was really kind about the whole situation. She left the room to go get a pee cup so the doctor could do the test.

When I got back in the room the doctor and nurse were both in their waiting for me and I handed him the cup and got the test started and he came back and sat down and started asking the generic symptom questions. I had to explain to him my dads abandonment and my moms death last year and my situation and he seemed in shock a 17 year old can be well put together after going through something like that. Then he got on the topic of the father and asking if he would be involved. I wouldn't be able to do this without him.

The doctors buzzard started going off.

"I'll be right back with your results, Maya." He said smiling at me.
"Okay." This was it.

We walked back in with his clipboard and sat in front of me.

"Ready?" He said in a stern voice.
"Tell me." I just wanted to know.
"Positive." He had a smile.

"You seem happy about this doc." I chuckled.
"You're one of the most mature 17 year olds I've met, you're very well put together and I think you'll be an amazing mom so there's no need to discuss options because based on this visit I could tell this is what you actually wanted." He looked at me.
"Thank you." I smiled.

By the time I got to school homeroom with Matthews was half over, I walked in quietly and walked over to his desk and handed him the hall pass.

"Miss Hart can I speak to you outside for a moment?" Matthews stopped me before I could sit down, I nodded my head at him and went and sat my stuff at my desk and looked up for a second to see Lucas staring at me like there's no one else here. It made me laugh a little. I followed Matthews outside the classroom and once he shut the door and turned around and smiled.

"So how did it go?" He smiled and put a hand on my shoulder.
"Actually can you have Lucas out here too, the appointment was a last minute decision because I needed it confirmed so I could tell Riley today." I asked nervously.
"Of course Maya." He smiled and opened the door and looked at the class.

"Mr Friar can you please step out here with us?" He walked back out with Lucas trailing not too far behind him. Lucas and I sat on the bench outside the classroom and Matthews stood before us.

"What's going on?" Lucas seemed really confused.
"Um, I went to the doctor today. I needed to know if this was actually happening and it was a last minute decision which is why I didn't tell you." I intertwined my fingers with his.
"What are the results?" He looked at me.
"Positive, you're going to be a dad officially." I tried to hide my smile, but it showed how happy I was about this now.
"I stand where I stood on this when we talked at the party Maya." Matthews smiled at me.
"Thanks Matthews." I smiled back at him.
"Mr Friar, take care of her. I'll give you two a moment." He smiled and walked back in the clsssroom.

"So what do you think?" I smiled at Lucas.
"We'll be a family, that's what I think." He smiled and then kissed my forehead while not letting go of my hand.
"We can do this Lucas. We're just getting our life started faster then we can control." I squeezed his hand.
"Maya, you'll be an amazing mom and I can't wait to see who you become after this, I love you and were in this together." He smiled at me squeezing my hand tighter.
"I have to tell Riley after school so I'll text you and let you know when to come over?" I looked at him.
"Or why don't you give me your apartment key and I'll cook for you so you can come home to a hot meal?" He knows I trust him.
"I was going to wait until later to do this, but I might at well do it now.

I grabbed the spare key out of my pocket and handed it to him.

"Isn't this the spare?" He looked at the key and looked back at me.
"It is and no I'm not asking you to move in, this is me simply telling you that I trust you enough to share my home with you so you don't need me to open the door all the time especially when I get more pregnant." We both laughed and then went back to class.

At first the whole idea of this even happening terrified me. Bad choices lead to major consequences, but I wouldn't ever take it back. Yeah, I know it's way too young for this to be even happening right now and not to mention what Lucas's mom will say. Each class that passed by got closer and closer to me telling Riley. I was surprised she didn't ask why we all were in the hall. I stopped back in to Matthews class on the way too lunch.

"Hi Maya." He smiled at me when he saw me come through the door.
"Can you do me a favor Matthews?" I looked at him.
"Of course, what's up?" He stared at me with that dorky smile of his.
"Could you make sure Riley doesn't bring Farkle home after school because that's when I'm telling her." I felt like I was asking too much.
"Yeah I can do that, I'll make up something so she doesn't assume anything." Matthews has always been that father figure to me and I felt like I could always talk to him.
"Thanks, I appreciate it." I smiled and left for lunch.

It's officially game on. I have to tell her after school and for once there won't be any distractions for once. I was more nervous about telling Riley then I was about being pregnant myself. The last time this topic was hinted nothing had happened yet with him. Last class is history then time to tell Riley. Maybe Lucas should tell his mom today too. It was just us in the classroom so far so I turned around quickly.

"I think you should tell your mom while I'm telling Riley." I said in a whisper.
"I was actually thinking the same thing." He smiled at me.
"This is it, everyone important will know today." I smiled and grabbed his hand and he smiled back at me.

We heard chatter getting closer to the door so he leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead.

"Good luck after school." He said as he leaned back in his chair.
"You too, I'll see you later tonight." I smiled at him and as I turned around Riley and Farkle were walking through the door.

I was in ear shot so I could hear what they were talking about. Riley was telling him that her dad needs her home after school because her parents needed to talk to her. I looked at the clock and it's about 20 minutes til she finally knows.

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