A/N: Big chapter here. Get ready for different POV's and POV's from characters that we have met, but haven't seen things from their perspective. Some of the ending POV's will be in the start of the next POV to mesh with what's happening, you'll understand as you read. The chapters have been drastically short lately and I apologize. I hate reading short chapters too, but I can promise you this, this chapter will be a long one for sure. Lots of things are going to be happening. There will be a plot twist. Bad or good? I'm not sure, you'll have to read to find out. I also hope you guy's like the new cover I made!
Cory's POV
Lunchtime. The only time I actually get peace and quiet.
*Cory's Phone rings. Screen flashes Topanga's name*
"Well, so much for peace and quiet." I sighed and then answered the phone.
"Yes darling?" I said sweetly to her.
"Things have been so crazy lately that I forgot to ask you how Maya's appointment went the other day." I thought to myself for a moment and didn't even realize that it had slipped my mind.
"yeah, sorry, I'm here. Her appointment went really well. Healthy mom and a healthy baby. Maya did say that the doctor told her that she's actually two months along." I smiled.
"With how small she is, that doesn't even surprise me, probably didn't get any symptoms until last month." She's probably right, she is Topanga after all and she's always right.
"I think she's handling everything quite well, well, more well then the average 17 year old would handle it, I mean she was already set on having this baby and didn't even want to consider the options because this is not honestly how I pictured things would go." I honestly was so proud of Maya for being so mature over the situation.
"I agree, although, Maya is the last person I expected to get pregnant so young." She's still in shock over it, everyone is.
"I know, but everything happens for a reason. I think Maya is getting real close to forgiving Riley too because the talk they had the other day thanks to Shawn, he told me that he waited for Riley outside to drive her home and she was really happy the whole way home so I think progress is being made as far as Riley and Maya go." I was truly happy about this because they need each other more now then they could ever begin to realize.
"That's amazing news, Cory. It's about time we had good news rather then bad, and I'm talking towards the Josh situation and Riley." She made sure to clarify that she wasn't speaking of Maya being pregnant.
"Alright, well, lunch is going to be over in about 15 minutes and I have all 4 of them in the next class and it might look bad if I'm sitting in my classroom talking on the phone about a students pregnancy." As much as I would love to continue the conversation.
"That's alright, I love you, Cory." I always love the sound of her voice when she say's that.
"I love you, too, Topanga, I'll see you later."
-End Of Phone Call-
I looked outside my class room to make sure no one was outside of it that could have possibly heard my phone conversation with Topanga. Nope, the coast is clear.
No One's POV
Or so he thought.
Missy's POV
I needed help on an assignment in History and Mr Matthews free period was during lunch, so I figured now would be the best time to go see him about it. I know how close Maya is to the Matthews family and I hope that doesn't affect anything. As I was walking up to his classroom, I could hear him talking, I didn't hear anyone responding so he must be on the phone, I'll wait a minute and see if it's the end of the conversation so I can go in and ask him for help on this. I know I shouldn't listen, but I heard Maya's name get brought up and the more dirt I can have on her, the better.
"yeah, sorry, I'm here. Her appointment went really well. Healthy mom and a healthy baby. Maya did say that the doctor told her that she's actually two months along."
Maya's pregnant. Oh this is rich. I got away from the classroom as fast as possible, suddenly I didn't care about getting a good grade anymore.
Maya's POV
-After History-
Lucas and I stayed behind a little bit to talk to Matthews a little bit, since we don't see him as much as we would like to, but that's also my fault. Hadn't I gotten so upset with Riley, I wouldn't be so distant from the Matthews household. At the same time, it also really sucks because Shawn is living there too and I can't go see him whenever I would like to.
"How's Shawn? I expressed to Matthews that I missed him, at least that was my way of showing it and he understood that.
"He's doing great, you should come see him sometime." he smiled at me.
"I don't know.. I don't want to cause an issue with me being there." I looked down at my feet.
"Maya, Riley isn't mad at you, no one in that house is. We're all team Maya here. From what I heard you and Riley had a good conversation the other day." he smiled at me.
"Some pretty good, some bad, but overall better then expected."
Riley left her notebook in Matthews class so he had to get his things together and take Riley's notebook to her at her locker, so Lucas and I decided to head out.
"Lucas, I have to go to the bathroom, meet me at my locker?" I looked up at him and smiled.
"Of course, I'll see you there." he kissed the top of my head.
"AH! Friar! No kissing!" Matthews bellowed from his classroom door causing Lucas to run away.
"Really Matthews?" I narrowed my eyes at him folding my arms.
"YES." then he took off running.
In Shawn's absence, Matthews stepped in as my father figure and he always looked out for me, but the last thing he needs to worry about is Huckleberry.
Missy's POV
I waited by Lucas and Maya's lockers to see if I can hear them say anything towards Maya's pregnancy. Mr Matthews and Riley were talking at her locker and then I see Lucas running around the corner, basically dashing to his locker. Seems to be in a hurry. Maya is coming down the hall, it's now or never.
"Hey Lucas." I said as I walked over to him at his locker.
"Hi. he replied coldly.
"So is it true? Is Maya pregnant? he stopped everything he was doing and slammed his locker shut.
"uh, yes, she is pregnant." Now for my plan to unravel.
"Lucas! Seriously? Of all people why are you telling her?!" Maya was pissed, her face was beat red.
"Maya-" he started to explain to her what was going before she cut him off.
"You know what Lucas, save it. I thought I could trust you and I find you telling her." she took off with no turning back.
"Well.. That was awkward." I chuckled.
"What's wrong with you?! Why would you even do that? Most importantly how did you find out?" I've never seen Lucas look so angry.
"She had it coming." I laughed.
"You have got to be kidding me right now, Maya has never done anything to you, to make you hate her so much, anything she's ever done to you was purely out of self defense!" at this point he didn't care who heard him yelling.
"yeah she did, she has you." I said bluntly.
"Oh give it a rest. Let me put it in terms you'll understand, I want to be with Maya for the rest of my life. It's not just some high school romance, I actually do really love her, I have since the day I met her. Her and I share this special bond that no one else could even come close to comparing to, so might I suggest you just leave Maya and I alone. I'll be lucky if you didn't just completely mess everything up." he didn't even give me a chance to respond he stormed off...
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