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Draco Malfoy was sitting in the library of his Mannor when a very familiar owl flew through the door, and perched on the arm of the chair he was sitting in. Hedwig stretched her foot out in his direction before hooting softly. He sighed and took the piece of parchment of her leg and she flew to perch on a chair further from him. It seemed she was told to wait for a response.

He marked his page, and closed the book he was reading, and unrolled the parchment.

Draco Malfoy,

I'm going to start this off with an apology. I am sorry for how I treated you during school. I was an ignorant brainwashed child. I only knew what Dumbledore wanted me to know. I had only been exposed to the people he wanted me to know and befriend. I was naive and trusted easily, and for that I am sorry. 

I learned the truth recently, and learned that everything that I had learned had been complete and utter bullshit. I now know that Dumble's is the true evil of this world, and I am determined to right the wrongs he has committed. In short I should have taken your offer of friendship in first year. I simply wanted to request a meeting to explain what I have figured out, and what I plan to do. 

If you don't believe me that's fine, I understand completely. Just shoo Hedwig away. However, if you believe even a sliver of what's in this letter let me know when the best time, and place to meet is.



Draco sat stunned for a few moments before a small laugh escaped him. So his father was telling the truth, Potter really had come to his senses. He got up and walked to a desk close to his chair to write out a response to Potter. He checked the time, and decided it would be best to meet him tomorrow considering it was getting later. He finished the letter, and then walked over to Hedwig, she stuck out her leg and he tied the parchment to her. She gave him another hoot before flying off.

He watched her leave before walking back to his chair, sitting down and continuing where he left on in his book. Took him long enough, was what he thought as he continued reading.

{Harry POV}

It was about 6:30 when Hedwig flew back through my window I had managed to get caught up to about 5th year in studies in that time. She landed on the perch on my desk and held out her leg. I grabbed the parchment and unrolled it as she tucked her head in her wing, she must be tired poor girl.

Harry Potter,

I suppose I should follow suit and apologize for all of the things that I have done to you, and I am truly sorry. I had no idea about what really happened until recently when my father decided to tell me the truth. So yes I do believe you, and I would very much like to meet and discuss what you have learned in it's entirety. If it suits you, you can floo to the Mannor tomorrow around 12 so we can talk.  



I was surprised he actually agreed to meet me, but the fact that Lucius told him the truth probably helps. I burned the parchment before making dinner, and then going to bed, tomorrow would surely be interesting.

~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~


Soft hooting was all Harry heard as he woke up the next day. He sat up and saw Hedwig on his bedpost, and pet her as he got up to let her out to hunt. He checked his watch to see that it was only 9:00, he had plenty of time to get everything that he needed arranged. He got out of bed and went to the kitchen to start on breakfast. He made a few pancakes and just as he was sitting down, Hedwig flew in with the Daily Prophet. He grabbed it out of the air as she swooped through the window and dropped it. 

On the front page was his glamoured face with a headline that read.


The Boy Who Lived Harry Potter.....MISSING?

This is not a drill my lovely readers. It has come to this journalists attention that the Light's Savior has gone missing. It has been revealed that Potter had been missing for at least a week before the Great Albus Dumbledore caught wind of the boys disappearance. In  an interview Albus stated.

"This is no reason for anyone to panic. I am sure Harry has a very good reason for his sudden disappearance. It is my top priority to find out where he has gone, and why he felt the need to leave without informing anyone. I can assure you this situation will be resolved very quickly, and I state again that there is absolutely no reason to worry, Thank you"

While interviewing Albus I noticed that he seemed the littlest bit on edge, and that to me screams that he isn't telling the whole truth. So my dear readers I do in fact think that we need to worry. How on earth does one such as the Great Albus Dumbledore lose track of someone so important. If he is in fact lying about this, what else could he be lying about?

Many questions have been raised and I can promise you dear readers that this journalist will get to the bottom of them.

Rita Skeeter

Harry sat dumbfounded for a moment, it seemed he had an avenue to spread some of the information he had about Dumbledore. This would definitely prove to be useful. He sighed and got up to wash the dishes. As soon as he finished that he went to shower. It was almost 11, and he would not be late for his meeting with Draco.

{Harry POV}

After I got out of the shower I immediately went to my wardrobe to decide what to wear. I knew for a fact jeans and a t-shirt wouldn't work. So I grabbed a forest green dress shirt and black dress pants, got dressed and put on a black pair of dress shoes as well. I rolled my sleeves to just below my elbows, and put my hair into a slightly messy bun before grabbing Siri's leather jacket and putting it on as well. I slid my wand into the pocket on the inside, and waked to Loki's tank. 

Would you like to come with me to meet Draco?

Yes master, are we flooing again?

Yes we are

Great, he replied sarcastically. I laughed and checked my watch, 11:55. I extended my arm into Loki's tank and waited for him to get settled across my shoulders before walking to the fire place.

I grabbed a handful of floo powder, and threw it into the fireplace. I spoke Malfoy Mannor before once again my vision was overtaken by green flames.




See you later my Dudes

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