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^^Harry's Hair only red^^




Harry [POV]

I was skimming through a parselmagic book, when Hedwig flew through my window. She landed in front of me and held out her leg, I grabbed the parchment and took a deep breath.

   Harry Potter/ the boy who forgot to die, 
You were quite right on your assumption that this seems rather strange. It's not everyday that you hear from the boy who is supposed to be your greatest enemy. If your letter holds any grain of truth it seems that you have finally figured out the truth of the world. You have learned that good and bad depend on who is telling the story. I would very much like to know what you have actually learned. If it suits you we could meet at Riddle Manor at 2 O'clock on the dot today. If not simply let me know. Also it is laughable that you think you could hurt me, if I hurt your owl.
    ~Tom Riddle

I laughed as I read the last line, if only he knew what I was capable of when I got angry. I grabbed a scrap of paper off the desk and wrote see you at 2 on it. I walked over to Hedwig, and tied the note to her leg. 

"You don't have to wait for a response, just drop it off, and come back, thank you girl," I said quietly, she nodded with a hoot, and then flew back out the window. I sighed, and then cast tempus and saw it was 12:45, I had enough time to  shower and eat a quick lunch.

I put Loki into his terrarium on his heated rock, and spelled some live mice in as well. I then grabbed clothes, and went to shower.

After the shower, I got dressed into a black shirt that ironically said I speak parseltongue, emerald jeans, and black vans. I grabbed Sirius' jacket, and put half my hair into a bun. I walked to the kitchen and decided grilled cheese would be one of the fastest things to make. I quickly cooked, and ate my lunch, as I finished Hedwig flew back though the window. I checked the time again, and noticed it was 1:45, she must have gone hunting after she dropped off the note. 

I patted her on the head, and strapped my wand holster to my arm, and stowed my wand in it. I then walked back to my room, grabbed Loki, and let him rest on my shoulders, and then put on Siri's jacket. 

I'm going to warn you now Loki, you are going to hate flooing.

Is it worse than apparating?

For some people/animals yes.

Lovely, he said sarcastically. 

The clock on the wall read 1:57, so I walked to the fire place, and grabbed some floo powder.

You're gonna want to hold on tight Loki, I said before throwing the floo powder.

"RIDDLE MANOR," I yelled as green took over my vision.

I walked into the foyer of Riddle Manor at exactly 2:00, when suddenly 15 wands were pointed in my direction. I growled lowly and quickly drew my wand, as Loki let out a menacing hiss, and rose from my shoulders, eyes glowing. The blasting hex was on the tip of my tongue when all of the sudden I heard clapping. I let my eyes drift to the noise and saw Voldemort... no Tom Riddle sitting at the head of a table clapping.

"All of you can put your wands away, I invited the boy here, I snapped my eyes back to the 15 Death Eaters, and their wands pointed in my direction. I glared as they hesitantly put away their wands and made their way back to their seats. I slowly stood up from my fighting stance, and holstered my wand, however, I was still tense, ready just in case this was a trap. Loki quit hissing, and lowered himself back to my shoulders, however, his eyes never quit glowing.

"Very interesting Mr. Potter, the last I heard you weren't very good at dueling, however it seems that information was incorrect," he said with a smirk.

"You'd be surprised on how much of your information was wrong, was that some kind of test, if so, was it for me, or your followers," I asked with a small smirk on my face.

"I suppose a bit of both, I wanted to know if you were lying, and I wanted to see how fast my friends would react." I nodded, that was fair.

"I mean no disrespect my lord, but why in Merlin's beard is the Potter brat here," Lucius asks with an incredulous look on his face.

"Well Lucius, he is here because he finally learned the truth, and crawled out from under Dumbledore's thumb, and wants to explain what he has learned," Tom said calmly. They all looked in my direction, and I just nodded, this seemed to ease the tension in the room, and all the Death Eaters relaxed, however, I stayed tense, old habits die hard.

"Have a seat Harry, I'm interested to know what caused the sudden change," Tom said gesturing to one of three empty seats. I walked casually to the seat furthest from a flabbergasted Snape, and sat down. I relaxed just enough so I didn't seem suspicious.

"Alright, so where do you want me to start, because there are like 4 beginnings," I said nonchalantly.

"Just start at the very beginning," Tom said quickly.

"Alright, but you asked for it. For starters, I was raised in my Aunt and Uncle's house, two of the most awful magic hating muggles to ever walk this earth in my opinion. Living with them wasn't terrible when I was young, and couldn't really do anything, the occasional smack, or time out. However that all changed when I turned 7, and could reach all the things in the kitchen. from that day on, I was responsible for all the chores in the house, and all the cooking and cleaning. Oh and god forbid I messed anything up. Burnt food? Beating. Not doing a chore? Beating. Or I would get a beating, and not allowed to have food or water, and would be locked in my cupboard. Then when I turned 10, I could push the lawnmower, and then I was responsible for everything in the house, and the yard work, and garden work. Anything that didn't meet their standards, I was punished for. I have experienced every kind of abuse you could think of. So when people told everyone I was treated like royalty, they really had no idea what kind of environment I was living in. What's funny is that Dumbledore new, and was paying them to abuse me. His note said he wanted them to "beat the magic out of me".

Then we move onto school starting. Hagrid came to get me, and wouldn't stop talking about the 'Great Albus Dumbledore' how he was the best wizard. He was leading the light against the dark. He talked about how much Dumbledore cared for me, and the fate of the world. He told me about Hogwarts, about which house was best blah blah blah. I met Draco at Madam Malkins, and thought he would have been a cool friend. Then I got on the train after I met the Weasley's, and they filled me with more light propaganda, and then Draco was a prat. No offence Mr. Malfoy, so when he was sorted into Slytherin I decided that I did not want to be in that house. So when the sorting hat told me I was perfect for Slytherin I pleaded for him to put me in any house but Slytherin so I was put into Gryffindor."

"I hate to interrupt, BUT WHAT?!" Bellatrix burst out. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE IN SLYTHERIN?" "Uh yeah," I said quickly. Rhodolphus grabbed her shoulder, and shushed her.

"Ignore her Potter, continue your story," he said quickly.

"Yeah sure, so after that you know what happened. Then at the end of last year I overheard Hermione, and Ron talking to Dumbledore about being payed to be me friends,and how they wished I would hurry up and die. So this summer, I got a partial inheritance, and learned all this stuff, and now here I am," I finished with a shrug. The room had noticeably dropped in temperature, and my scar was throbbing when the story was over. I immediately tensed back up, ready to fight my way out if I had to.

Your mean to tell, Dumbledore KNOWINGLY put you in a house of abusive muggles, and was PLOTTING TO KILL YOU?!, Tom hissed with barely contained rage.

Uh, yes, I said quietly. Suddenly all the glasses on the table exploded, and my forehead felt like it was being cleaved open by a hot knife. I hissed in pain as I felt a bead of blood drip from my scar, and slammed my hand on the table.

"MERLIN DAMMIT TOM CALM THE HELL DOWN," I yelled. "In case you've forgotten, when you get angry my scar hurts, and being this close to you makes it feel like someone is cleaving my head open with a scalding knife," I said with a hiss as I wiped the blood off my face. The pain lessened substantially as Tom came to his senses. The glasses fixed themselves, and the Death Eaters looked astonished. 

"My apologies Harry I forgot that when I get angry you feel pain," Tom said in a calmer tone.

"It's fine, I just wasn't prepared for that reaction," I said with a sigh.

"So any questions," I asked quickly.

"You said you only came into a partial inheritance, what does that mean?" Lucius asked.

"Oh uhm it means that this was supposed to happen when I turn 17 along with my creature inheritance, but it didn't. So basically all that happened was I got emancipated, learned my heritage, and got the properties, tittles, and money that are rightfully mine. So when I turn 17 I have a creature inheritance that will happen." I said quickly. Everyone nodded.

"Did it say which creature you will be," Barty asked.

"Nope," I said with a smile. It looked like Tom was gonna ask a question when suddenly the door slammed open. Everyone jumped to their feet, and drew their wands, I simply cast a notice me not charm on myself so I wouldn't be noticed.

"Sorry we're late, Dumbles had us held up in a meeting, that's besides the point. Harry is  missing, and no one knows where he is," I heard as Sirius and Remus barged into the room, Tom simply smirked.

"Actually he isn't missing, he's right here," as soon as he finished his sentence, I dropped the charm, and smiled.

"Merlin's beard look at you, finally got rid of that awful glamour I see," Sirius said with a laugh as I got up to give him a hug.

"Yes, wait Padfoot are you saying I was ugly before," I asked with a smirk.

"Yes I am Harry," He said with a laugh. I playfully pushed him away, and hugged Remus.

"So how much of the meeting did we miss," Remus asked as we sat back down at the table.

"Just the bit where Harry explained his childhood," Tom said. Siri and Remy's faces darkened.

"That's probably for the better, Harry you can fill us in later about that," Remy said, and I nodded.

"Ok, so what did the order of the flaming chickens have to say?" Tom asked suddenly.

"Just the usual blabber about defeating you for the greater good. Albus also seemed very worried that you have been decently quiet. Your lack of activity is bothering him. He was also very upset about the fact that Harry went missing, and that his relatives have no idea of when he left. He is bound and determined to find Harry, he is worried that some how you got a hold of him. He is making finding Harry his top priority. In fact that is what every member of the order is to focus on, finding Harry," Sirius explained.

"So that means Albus thinks Tom has me, but has no proof right, which means he will never think to look for me at one of the properties that I have inherited because he doesn't know that I cam into a partial inheritance, right?" I asked.

"Technically yes, but I would still be careful pup," Remus said quickly, and I nodded.

"Alright, if the "dark side" being quiet is bothering Albus, that is exactly what we are going to keep doing for now. Let the fact that the 'Great Albus Dumbledore' has lost the worlds "savior" hit the public. That will surely cause chaos, and will paint Albus in a bad light. Then when school starts back up, we decide what to do from there," Tom said with a smirk on his face. Everyone in the room nodded. 

"Alright, that does it for the meeting, you all are dismissed, Harry, Sirius, Remus, Snape stay back we have more to discuss." Tom said with a smirk. Everyone nodded, and started disapparating, or flooing home.

"So Moony, Padfoot, anything new to tell me about," I asked nonchalantly, they looked at each other, and then Padfoot smirked.

"Well pup, Remy and I are dating," Padfoot said proudly.

"That's not new, I already new that," I said with laugh.

"How," Moony asked shocked.

"It's painfully obvious guys, come one a bloody blind man could have figured it out," I explained.

"Oh, I had no idea," Moony said quietly. I just laughed.

"Potter, could I speak to you for a minute," I snapped my head to the left, and their stood Snape looking uncomfortable. I tensed up, this was gonna suck.




See you later my dudes.

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