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Harry and Draco stood quietly at the entrance of the Hufflepuff common room under the invisibility cloak. They had arrived early to make sure the coast was clear for Oliver to sneak out. The red head quietly cast a tempest and saw that it was 9:10, Oliver had 5 minutes left, and Draco assured him the little Hufflepuff would be there. Roughly two minutes later Oliver scurried out of the portrait and quietly thanked it. He looked around a bit lost before Harry removed the cloak off of himself and Draco. Oliver smiled wild before quickly walking over to them.

"I didn't know you had an invisibility cloak Hazza!" He said in an excited whisper as he squeezed between Draco and Harry to fit under the cloak. Harry gave him a small smile before responding.

"Most people don't Oli, you think you can keep that a secret?" The redhead asked as he pulled the cloak over them and they started walking. Oliver nodded fiercely and grabbed onto Draco's robe so he could keep up as they made their way to the Slytherin Common Room. They were mostly quiet on the walk until Draco spoke up.

"Now Oli I know we've asked you to keep a lot of secrets, would you be willing to keep one for us?" Draco asked tentatively as he looked down at Oli.

"Yeah huh! It's like I'm a super secret spy!!" He replied quickly. Another sad smile crossed Harry's face. He was still completely torn about dragging Oliver into this. Merlin's sake the boy was just twelve, on the other hand though. Wouldn't it be safer for him to know everything they were planning if he already thought the old goat was a bad person? Harry shook his head and sighed quietly. They were just going to have to do a helluva job of protecting the little ray of sunshine.

Draco smiled at Oliver before he spoke. "Yeah! You'll be like a super secret spy. Well the secret that I'm gonna ask you to keep is the fact that you meet with us. I don't think it would be the best if people knew you were meeting with us in our Common Room." Draco said slowly, choosing his words carefully so Oliver wouldn't think he was in danger.

"Course I can!! All of my housemates would be super jealous if they knew and we can't have that!" He said with a cheek splitting grin on his face. Harry was almost mystified by the pure amount of wonder in the little Hufflepuffs voice. He didn't think he could recall a time where he was that happy to just be alive and make friends.

"Yes, that's exactly right." He spoke with his own grin. "Everyone would be extremely jealous of you." Oliver beamed at him before nodding to himself. They were descending the stairs to the dungeon at the time, so Harry wordlessly cast a heating charm on Oliver's cloak. He didn't want him getting cold, he wasn't used to the dank coldness of the dungeons. Draco gave him a look that clearly read 'you're getting soft' and Harry just stuck his tongue out at him.

They made their way deeper into the dungeon and Oliver clutched Draco's robe tighter. He had never been past the potions classroom, he didn't know what to expect. If he was really honest with himself he was a little scared. Everything he had heard about the Slytherin Common Room was from other houses, and they said downright awful things about them. He knew better than to believe people who were clearly biased, but couldn't help still being a tad bit afraid. Harry noticed how tight his grip had become on Draco's robe and reached down to ruffle Oliver's hair. He looked up to Harry and smiled, that had definitely helped.

They made it to a very large grand portrait of Salazar Slytherin, and Harry removed the cloak off of the three of them. He walked up to the portrait and hissed at it. Oliver's jaw almost hit the floor when the portrait responded and then opened. Harry could speak Parseltongue! That was probably the coolest thing he had ever seen in his entire life! Draco looked down to see the gob smacked expression on Oliver's face and stifled a chuckle in his fist. That was absolutely the most adorable thing he had ever seen Oliver do if you asked him.

Harry turned around halfway and gestured for Oliver to follow him in. Standing slightly in front of him so that any Slytherin who was awake would see that Oliver was with him. He knew they wouldn't say anything, but he would rather not test his overworked luck. He knew without looking back a second time that Draco was following close behind Oliver to watch their backs, and that made the redhead smile a very small smile. He looked around the Common Room as they entered and noticed that the only people that weren't Cirque were 6th and 7th years studying. That would be just fine, they had much more pressing things to focus on than a 1st year Hufflepuff intruding into their Common Room.

He led Oliver over to the spot he and his group had claimed and stood to the side so they could see Oliver.

"Seems our Olibear made it tonight after all." He said as a greeting watching their faces light up. Oliver looked absolutely thrilled as Harry's twins scooped Oliver into their arms, Pansy and Luna absolutely fawning over him. He smiled for what felt like the hundredth time tonight as he took his seat and put up a privacy ward. He could not risk this being overheard, even by his older housemates. He waited for everyone to greet Oliver before starting the meeting, as everyone was retaking their seats he cleared his throat.

"Alright, safe to say everyone is ready to get down to business?" He asked, waiting as they all nodded their heads.

"Right, good. So first things first, I assume everyone had time to read Oliver's notes to himself." He watched as Oliver tensed a bit.

"Oh don't worry Oli!" Blaise spoke in a bright tone. "You aren't in trouble and no one is mad at you, swear." He said with the softest smile anyone besides Draco had seen on his face. Everyone nodded along and Oliver relaxed significantly.

"I didn't mean to scare you Olibear, we just wanted to ask you some questions is all. Would that be okay?" Harry asked softly, Oliver seemed to ponder a bit before nodding enthusiastically.

"Course!! I'll try to answer 'em as best I can!." He replied with another beaming smile. Harry nodded at him before contemplating what to ask him, and how to say it. He didn't want Oliver to think they didn't trust him.

"Well, first thing then. This morning when I was walking you to charms, and you asked me about Dumbledore. What made you decide that bad people shouldn't be in charge of others?" Oliver's eyebrows scrunched together, and he chewed his lip before responding.

"Cuz they just shouldn't, right? It doesn't make any sense for someone who's bad to be in charge of people who aren't bad. They shouldn't get to make rules and laws for other people cuz they probably do it to benefit them. I read a book like that in my mum's library. It's just no good for bad people to get to decide what's good and bad and right and wrong when they are the ones who are bad and wrong I guess." He finished with a proud smile on his face. Cirque as a collective was absolutely stunned, Whatever they were expecting him to say, it was not that. Theo was the first one to speak up.

"Well by Merlin, you're absolutely right about that one Oli. Very well spoken too.' He said with a kind smile.

"Yeah! Good job Oli." Neville replied with a small laugh. Oliver looked absolutely ecstatic, he was excited beyond belief. Fred was the one who spoke next.

"About the note you wrote yourself, what sparked all of that kiddo?" He asked. Oliver paused to think again. Trying his best to get all of his thoughts in order before speaking.

"Well Hazza said that Mr. Dumbledore was a bad person, and from what I can tell he's in charge of a whole bunch of important things. Hazza has never lied to me ever, and if he says that Mr. Dumbledore needs to go, he does. It's not right for him to parade around like some- uh- some monarch! It's not right for him to parade around like a monarch and make all these decisions and laws and rules for everyone when his views are uhm- skewed! I think that's the right word! How come he gets to decide what's light and dark when he's the one who has a real nasty bias against things. Just cuz some things are classified as dark doesn't really mean they can't be good. So, if you guys say he needs to be gone he does, and if I can help I wanna!" He finished, chewing on his lip again.

Everyone was stunned, it was quiet enough in their corner that you could hear a pin drop. Draco's mouth was hung open in absolute shock, Harry couldn't help the grin that spread across his face, albeit very slowly.

"You might be the smartest twelve year old I've ever met Olibear." He said, the smile evident in his voice, Oliver looked at him in absolute wonder. That was the nicest thing anyone had ever said about him!

"Well then, it's safe to assume you're stuck in our little group from here on out aren't you?" Draco asked after he got over his shock. Oliver nodded so quickly everyone thought he was going to get whiplash. Harry's twins were beaming, as was everyone else in the room.

"I can't promise we'll let you help us just yet, however, I can promise that if we ever need your help we'll tell you as soon as we can. That alright with you?" Pansy asked.

"Yeah!! That's perfect!!" He replied, a smile still firmly planted on his face. Harry nodded to himself, they would need to keep a very close eye on him from now on. They would not hesitate to hurt anyone who even breathed in his direction wrong.

"Right then! Since we've got that matter settled, consider this your first official meeting Oli." Harry said, watching as Oli nodded with a serious look on his face.

"Alright, the only things we have left to discuss are Rita's next headline and Siri's letter. Rita has all the information she needs to publish within the week. This issue will be all about Grindelwald and the Old Goat's relationship growing up. I believe she even managed to dig up some pictures with the help of the Goblins. Luna, will your dad be ready to publish something sometime this week?" He asked his adopted sister.

"Yes, he absolutely will, he just got his new shipment of ink and parchment yesterday! He says he's absolutely thrilled to be helping us." She said with a dreamy smile. Harry smiled back and nodded.

"Let him know he has our thanks and that if he owls me the invoice for the supplies I will cover them for him." Luna nodded and quickly penned that down in her journal.

"Last thing for tonight. Siri says that Marvolo is planning a bit of a get together next weekend. He says that if we aren't busy with homework or getting necessities from Hogsmeade we are all invited to attend. No dress code, just a casual meeting. Oli I'm sorry but this isn't something I'm comfortable with you attending just yet. It would be far too easy for someone to notice you're gone." Harry said with a sad smile. Oliver deflated a bit before nodding to himself.

"That's okay Hazza! If you say I'm not ready then that's okay! I'll probably have a bunch of homework from Professor Snape anyways!" He said confidently. The group smiled at him, he really was dedicated to this already. Harry nodded at him.

"Thanks for being so understanding. That's all that I've got, has anyone got anything else?" No one said anything so Harry nodded.

"Alright kiddo, you want Draco and I to walk you back or would you like My Twins to walk you back if they're up for it." Fred and George looked absolutely appalled that Harry would even suggest that they wouldn't want to do it, and Harry laughed.

"Can Gred and Forge do it!! Please Please Please!!" He asked with a bounce.

"Of course we can!" George said, swinging Oli to his feet.

"We'd be delighted to!" Fred said, gesturing to Harry for the Cloak. He handed it over to them immediately with a smile. Anything for his twins.

"Don't get caught, and I'll see you both tomorrow at breakfast." Harry said as they wrapped the cloak around the three of themselves and headed towards the exit. Harry dispelled the privacy ward as Neville and Luna were saying their goodbyes and settled heavily in his chair. The meeting went well but it only made his worry for Oliver worse. He had no idea what was in store for him, let alone his group. Theo walked up beside him and set a hand on his shoulder.

"It's too late at night for you to be worrying this much, come on. We all need to go to bed if we want any shot of getting up on time in the morning." Harry nodded at him before standing up and gathering his things to head to their bedroom.

He couldn't wait to watch everything Dumbledore held dear crash and burn to the fucking ground. 

A/N: WHAT IS UP MY DUDES!!! I'm finally back with an update I'd tried to cover as much plot in one chapter as I could!! I really hope you enjoy the update!! As always....




See you next time my dudes!!! 

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