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Both Twins

Harry {POV}

It had been about a month since we had been back to Hogwarts and things were going pretty smoothly, which was slightly nerve wracking. The twins and I had gotten closer if that was possible, which the guys noticed and give me shit for all the time which I find hilarious, as do the twins. We had made a little headway on our plan to get Dumbles out of the castle. We dug up a lot about the old goat that would definitely show him in a new light.

I was on my way to the room of requirements to meet up with my little group when I bumped into someone literally. I quickly thrust my hand out to grab the front of said persons robes when I saw that it was Neville, and it looked like he had been crying.

I stood him up right before levitating his books into his hands.

"Sorry Longbottom I didn't mean to run in to you, are you ok," I questioned sincerely. He winced at the use of his last name, but I figured we weren't close enough anymore for me to use his first name.

"Please just call me Neville, Harry we're still friends," he said with a small smile.

"Alrighty then Neville, but you didn't answer my question, are you ok," I asked again.

"Don't worry Harry it's nothing," he said with a sigh. I gave him my that's bullshit look and he sighed again.

"Fine, Ron and Hermione have just giving me trouble recently, they have this new interest in me that is unnerving," he said in confusion. I cursed under my breath before answering.

"Neville what ever you do, do not get close to them, it will lead to your destruction," I said seriously. He looked confused, and I sighed.

"Alright, can I trust that what I'm about to show and explain to you, you'll keep it secret," I asked quietly. He pondered before he made a decision.

"I swear on my magic Harry," he said confidently I gasped as I felt my magic flare and then settle accepting his vow. I gave him a smile before gesturing for him to follow me as I made my way up the stairs to the 7th floor. When we got to the wall across from Barnabas the Barmy I paced in front of it three times and laughed when Neville's jaw dropped as the door appeared.

"Come on then," I said as I opened the door, Neville closed his mouth before following me through the door. Everyone looked up and smiled, before their stares turned icy as they saw Neville.  I growled at them lowly and their faces relaxed immediately, and Neville looked around meekly.

"The annoying trio are trying to recruit him for the goat," I said quickly, and they they all nodded with anger on their faces.

"I am so confused," Neville said quietly. I laughed as I guided to one of the three open chairs left in the room currently. He sat down quickly and looked at me expectantly.

"You aren't really gonna tell that cowar-," I leveled Blaise with and icy glare that had him choking on the remaining words in his sentence. I felt two hands on my shoulders and looked up to see Fred and George with calm looks on their faces, and I sighed. I gave Blaise one more glare before clearing my face, and looking over to Neville who was visibly shaken.

"Firstly Blaise you will not talk to my god brother like that, secondly in case you didn't hear me the first time the idiots and the goat are trying to recruit him, so yes I am going to tell him everything, understand? Thirdly are you ok," I asked in the end. He looked awe-struck before simply nodding. 

"Good, sorry you had to see that Nev, what exactly do you want to know," I asked in a reassuring tone. He gulped before contemplating his answer, and coming to a decision.

"Uh everything if that's ok," he said timidly, I glanced to everyone, and they all nodded, I sighed.

"Alright Nev buckle up, this is a roller coaster ride from hell," I said with a small smile.

~~Time Skip because we all know this part and it doesn't need to be repeated aGaIn~~

I sighed as I finished the story for the umpteenth time, and looked over to Nev who was frozen for a bit, when suddenly it was like a dam broke. His magic exploded from his body in a rage. It ripped through the air wreaking havoc throughout the room. Everyone excluding me was blown out of their seats, I was expecting it. I stood and approached him slowly, his magic washed over me before deciding I wasn't I threat, I pulled Nev into a strong hug.

"It's alright brother that is in the past, I am ok, and they can't get ahold of me anymore," I said to him quietly. He stiffened before wrapping his arms around tightly as his magic receded. I rubbed his back gently as he came back to himself with a shudder and a sigh. He pulled back, and I saw angry tears on his cheeks.

"Why in Merlin's name is it always you, and I Har," he asked with a bitter laugh, and I chuckled.

"If I knew the answer I would tell you Nev, I really would," I said with a sigh, and he simply nodded. I waived my hand and the room pieced itself back together, I looked over and the others were frozen in shock.

"What in the fuck just happened," Theo asked in a hysterical tone, Nev and I laughed as the others nodded furiously in agreement.

"Nev may seem weak but he is everything but, he's just real good at hiding it," I replied simply, and he nodded.

"Holy shit," Blaise said softly, "Sorry for assuming you were weak Longbottom," he said finally.

Theo and Draco nodded in agreement, and Nev chuckled.

"Don't worry about it, and please we're friends just call me Neville, or Nev," he said with a smile. They nodded and the twins got up and gave him oats on the shoulders.

"Glad to see you're back little brother," he smiled up at them, and we all retook our seats.

"Alright now that, that is over first things first,getting Nev to Gringotts is the new priority, and then we can discuss the plans for the goat," the others nodded, but how were we going to accomplish that?

A/N: WHAT IS UP MY DUDES, I'm back with another update, as you can see this was mostly about Neville joining the group, that is because a few of you wanted him to be added, and I though that was a lovely idea!! So here you go as always




See you later my dudes......

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