Chapter 3

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Harry awoke with a desperate gasp and the distant calling of his name. Hot breaths fanned his face. After recalling what happened on the train and with the foul creature, Harry's green eye's snapped open as he started to shuffle into a sitting position. He was confused to say the least but also a little scared. The floor was slowly rattling underneath him and he turned to the window to see it covered in elegant raindrops, that had recently melted from ice. He turned again to see four pairs of eye's on him, all looking concerned or worried. He noticed a small, dainty arm outstretched in his direction, holding his circular shaped glasses, that were much like his father's.

"Thanks." Harry nodded at Robyn, offering her a small smile as he put them on, to which Robyn smiled back but soon looked down, not being able to hold his stare, a light red flush appearing on her cheek's. Harry continued to stare at Robyn, a small nearly unnoticeable smile on his face as he looked at the shy, but pretty young lady.

Harry could feel the cold sweat glazing his brow and forehead as his eyebrows furrowed together, remembering the scream. The horrifying scream that was filled with terror and hurt. One that sounded like excruciating pain. A light but satisfying snap made Harry jump slightly and Robyn could see the distant look in his eye's. He was a million miles away. Robyn knew he wasn't on the train with them anymore. He was so consumed in his own thoughts, it was like they became a reality. Robyn could only feel for him as she had been in his position many times before and it was very hard to snap out if it.

But Robyn was quite impressed when he snapped out of it within seconds as Professor Lupin handed him a triangular shaped piece of chocolate. Harry took it cautiously but so did Robyn, Ron and Hermione when they were first handed it before Harry woke up. It did make them feel better.

"Chocolate. Eat. It'll help." Lupin's voice came out raggedy, almost exhausted. But he held a cheery yet rough expression.

Robyn had a recurring feeling that she should trust him, but she didn't have enough willpower to trust herself. She was already getting extremely comfortable around Harry, Ron and Hermione. Too comfortable. She knew that after this train ride was over and they were back at Hogwarts, they would never encounter her existence again. And she knew she shouldn't get close to them as it will only hurt her more when she goes back to being a loner. A nobody. But yet she didn't have enough willpower to put a distance between her and the trio, that is why she didn't trust herself.

"What was that -- that thing?" Ron asked, his face extremely pale and his voice shook ever so slightly.

"Y-yeah, Robyn had mentioned it. It started with a 'D' I think." Harry spoke, his voice also slightly shaken.

"A Dementor." Robyn had let the word slip her tongue, just as the Professor had.

"One of the guards of Azkaban. It's gone now." The Professor reassured. But Harry and Robyn both frowned in confusion.

"Though, I don't quite know why a Dementor would be here. I had gathered someone broke out of Azkaban but that's impossible. It just doesn't make sense." Robyn began to mumble to herself, the other's watched in amusement but also shock at the fact she didn't know the news yet. The trio had decided to let it slide at the fact that she didn't stutter and left it to Hermione's conclusion earlier, that she just overthinks things.

"Robyn, do you not know?" Hermione had a look of shock and sympathy on her face. This only deepened Robyn's confusion and curiosity. Robyn shook her head, mutely, her eye's not leaving Hermione.

"It was searching the train for Sirius Black." Hermione said, looking at Robyn also, though Robyn knew it was directed towards Harry aswell. Robyn sat in silence after that. Her head clouded with thoughts. She knew of Sirius Black. He had killed Muggles in broad daylight. Robyn thought it was very stupid but she also knew him for another reason but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"I need to have a word with the driver. Excuse me." The Professor turned to leave when suddenly he continued:

"Eat. It'll help." Then he left. And Harry was left nibbling the chocolate while he questioned his friends.

"What happened to me?"

"Well, you sort of went... rigid. We thought maybe you were having a fit or something." Ron admitted, nervously, glancing at Harry warily.

Robyn watched as Harry's face morphed from embarrassment to confusion, then fear-stricken in seconds. Hermione and Ron watched wearily as they awaited Harry's reply. Robyn just sat quietly, feeling for him as he spoke his next sentence.

"And did either of you? You know... pass out?" Harry asked, carefully.

"No. I felt... weird. Like I'd never be cheerful again. But... no." Ron once again admitted, turning pale. Harry turned to Hermione, who shook her head.

"I was trembling. Cold. But then... Robyn made it go away..." Hermione shuddered, although managing to send Robyn a kind smile.

Harry looked ashamed, and Robyn didn't like that. Harry was the bravest person she knew, he had been through so much.

"H-Harry," Robyn began, looking at her lap, not being able to look him in the eye. Though, she wishes she could but her stupid shyness got in the way.

"I w-want you to know something." Robyn smiled slightly at him. "You shouldn't be a-ashamed,"

Harry looked at Robyn questionably, wondering how she knew what he felt. He thought he masked his feelings away.

"Dementor's bring back your worst memories. Some effect people more than others, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You just have suffered more than any of us can imagine."

As Robyn spoke, Harry absorbed all of her words. It did make him feel better but in a way worse. He still gets affected by them too much. Even Robyn had admitted he has suffered alot. But Harry didn't want this. He never asked for this. He wanted a normal, peaceful life. A life without suffering.

But as Robyn stopped talking, another nagging thought entered Harry's mind. But Harry made sure to send Robyn a thankful smile first.

"But someone was screaming. A woman." Harry spoke. But as Ron and Hermione shared a nervous glance, Robyn knew it was normal. And so did Harry but how come that never settled his nervousness? How come he still felt scared?

"No one was screaming, Harry."

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