Mission 14- Does He Care?

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        Vergil and Annabelle had finally reached the basement as Vergil stopped. He looked around and then looked towards the center and began to approach it when a demonic growling could be heard, making him look behind him and Annabelle jumped back as it said, "I found you, seed of Sparda" 'What has Dante gotten himself into now?', Vergil thought as the demon continued, "I told you I'd remember your rancid scent. No matter where you run to, you can never hide from me" Annabelle took a few steps back, noticing the demon's eye was hit with a sword, but who's sword, she may never know. The demon suddenly lunged, making Annabelle yelp in fright as she fell backwards while hearing the sound of Yamato being flown around. She opened her eyes to see it's claws inches from her face as it said, "You…you're not the one I faced before! But this smell, there are two of them! That traitorous Sparda had two sons-!" Vergil had sliced the demon's head before it could reach Annabelle in time and he jumped off of the demon's body then he reached for the light that shined from its body, making it go towards him and it shined, revealing clawed gauntlets and clawed boots, covering his own.

        He then made a charge at the demon's body, knocking it to the ceiling, then slicing it in two in mid-air as he landed gracefully in front of Annabelle. The gauntlets and boots disappeared as Vergil held out a hand and Annabelle took it while pulling herself up as he said, "Are you alright, Annabelle?" "Yeah", she said, "That demon just startled me is all" He let out a "humph" and headed to the center of the room, and once he stopped in front of it, he held onto the amulets, watching them come together and vanishing into what looked like water to Annabelle's eyes. She watched him from behind as he drew Yamato, using it make a cut on his hand as Annabelle winced at him doing it and hearing the drips of blood falling into the water until his wound had healed, which made him sheath the katana while he waited for the spell to break.


        Annabelle stood as if she was frozen by fear. “Why isn't this working?!” Vergil went off with anger, which is causing Annabelle and Sedna to dread in fear. ‘I know where this is going…’, she thought to herself with fear. Vergil turns around to look at her ghostly face. “Why do you look terrified?”, He asked. Annabelle snaps to attention and answered with a quiet tone, “I’m not terrified. I-I’m just lost in trance of thought.” Vergil scans her body expressions, “You’re afraid of me?” Annabelle quickly responds with a loud “no!”, however, in the distance there were footsteps running closer towards them. “Dante”, he said with a hostile tone. Dante was standing a head of his brother while Akira quickly notices her friend and runs towards her. “Annabelle!”, she called out. Annabelle quickly turns around and was shock to see her friend, not being angry at her anymore. “Akira! I’m so sorry!”, Annabelle cried out. Akira smiles and hugs her dearest friend, “You don’t know how hard it was to kill off that succubus! I mean I was ticked and hostile!”

        Annabelle begins to laugh but Dante interrupts them, "So, my mother's amulet is the key that unlocks the door to the Demon World" Dante looked up and said, "Good plan, Pop" Vergil stood while he kept his hand on Yamato and said, "Just the opposite actually, originally it was the key to the Demon World, but was given to humans as a gift"

Dante just brushed it off as he said, "It doesn't matter to me one way or another. More importantly, I've come all this way. I'm sure you have time for one more game, right? " Vergil drew Yamato but stopped and let it slide into its sheath and said, “Why not? After all we share the same blood. I'll just use more of yours to undo daddy's little spell” Dante looks at his Rebellion, that was out and ready to fight. “You want a piece of me literally, huh? Ok, bro. Come and get it, if you can”, he said with a smirk and serious tone. Before Annabelle and Akira could say anything, the two sons of Sparda begin to fight. “Again, seriously?”, Akira said as she was showing a blank expression. Annabelle smiled, “This is what I have to go through.” However, hearing the sounds of a rocket being fired, they noticed Lady charging at the fight.

        “And who is this?” Annabelle asked. “That’s Lady.” Annabelle nods her head and the two friends begin to watch the fight, but until what Akira called the king of annoyance has arrived. “Jester. I always hated him!” Akira shouted. Annabelle look and there he was. Just making them annoyed one word at a time. “This will defiantly won’t turn out so good"

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