The Plan

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"So." Kano spoke up.

It had only been a few minutes since Makishima's confession and the silence had been deafening as Kano took in the news.

"So?" Makishima walked over to the sofa and sat down gracefully, placing his long leg over the other.

Kano watched as Makishima placed his arm over the back of the sofa before speaking.

"So what's the plan?"

Makishima looked at the glass of wine in his hand. "The plan? The plan still is as it always was - destroy Sybil. Nothing changes because the Inspector got away."

Kano nodded before looking out towards the window. "That's another thing."

Makishima glanced at Kano out the corner of his eye. "What?" He said lowly.

"The Inspector got away. Your plan hadn't gone your way for the first time since I've know you, and you don't even seemed that bothered about it."

"Inspector Tsunemori was never part of the plan." He said matter-of-factly.

Kano turned to face Makishima fully. "Huh?"

Makishima smirked, however his eyes didn't follow suit. "She was just something for me to enjoy. A toy to play with."

"...Right." Kano said.

"Not that it matters, Kano. The plan still stands. Destroy Sybil and reveal her to the world for the rotten, soiled nonsense she is."

Kano nodded. "Sounds like a plan."


Makishima place himself in front of the small tablet at the small, round wooden table. He had lied to Kano. Akane was never part of the plan but she wasn't just a toy.

He let his eyes travel to 1984 sitting next to the tablet. He lifted his slender hand and placed it over the hard cover she had given to him. Makishima's eyes glazed over as he remembered.



Makishima turned over in the warm bed to face Amaya. She had a warm smile on her face. He thought she looked like an angel, he brunette hair spread out against the white pillow.

"Yes?" He asked, returning the warm smile.

"Shall we go for a picnic today? I heard the weather's supposed to be beautiful."

Makishima placed his hand on her cheek and rubbed a slender thumb across her smooth cheek. "Sounds like a good idea." His voice was soft.

Her smile deepened and a rosy blush spread across her cheeks. Yes, Makishima thought, definitely an angel.

Suddenly, she gasped and sat up, removing his hand from her face. "Oh!" She said, as if just remembering something. "I almost forgot."

Amaya grinned and reached behind her, opening the nightstand drawer. Makishima smiled and sat up as he watched her. She turned back around, her grin turning sheepish, and she placed something hard in his hands.

He looked down to see 1984 sitting in his hands. He looked back at her, not quite sure what she was grinning about.

"It's 1984." He said.

"That's right!" She responded, excited.

He chuckled at how excited she was. "What am I doing with it?" He asked.

Her grin softened into the angelic face Makishima loved.

"Keeping it."

He looked at her with both shock and awe. "You're giving it to me?"

"Yes. It's a present. I know you wanted that book that first time we met; well, there you go."

Makishima glanced at the book once more before putting it on his nightstand. He then pushed her shoulders back, causing her to fall back on the bed giggling. He pulled himself over her, smirking. He leaned down and kissed her nose.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"You're welcome, Shougo. Happy anniversary."

He sighed, putting his face in the crook of her neck. "Happy anniversary, Amaya."

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